Periodic Reporting for period 4 - CHAOS-PIQUANT (Universality and chaos in PT-symmetric quantum systems)
Reporting period: 2022-08-01 to 2023-01-31
2) PT-symmetric random matrix models: In a collaboration with Prof Joshua Feinberg and Dr Roman Riser of the University of Haifa, we have investigated the spectral statistics of a real Ginibre ensemble conditioned on having few real eigenvalues. We have implemented an effective Metropolis Monte Carlo sampling scheme to numerically sample these ensembles. Further we have used saddle-point techniques to make progress on analytical results, the problem turns out to be a very hard one, and no final results have been obtained yet. The collaboration is ongoing.
3) Semiclassical methods for open quantum systems: Semiclassical methods are indispensable for the interpretation and simulation of quantum phenomena for closed quantum systems. a) Lindblad systems: In collaboration with Roman Schubert from the University of Bristol we have derived a general structure for the semiclassical limit of open quantum systems described by the Lindblad equation, published in Journal of Physics A. This structure provides a starting point for the development of semiclassical propagators for simulating the full quantum dynamics of Markovian open systems or exploring the relationship between non-Hermitian and Lindblad dynamics. We have further investigated Gaussian wave packet propagation and related Hagedorn propagation in stochastic unravellings of the Lindblad equation, also in collaboration with Dr Roman Schubert, published in Journal of Physical A. b) Non-Hermitian systems: work initially focussed on the classical and semiclassical limit on non-flat phase spaces, such as the Bloch sphere for SU(2) systems, which are of importance for example in models for cold atoms in optical lattices. In a collaboration with Sven Gnutzmann from the University of Nottingham we have made great progress on the classical limit arising from non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, and are in the process of preparing the results for publication. As a spin-off of these ideas, we have re-visited the dynamics for systems on flat spaces, analysing the evolution of the Husimi distribution in the semiclassical limit. This has revealed a rich underlying classical structure of complexified classical trajectories following coherent state dynamics, and an additional norm landscape. The results have been published Physical Review Letters.