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Materials Modelling Marketplace for Increased Industrial Innovation


Translation Design

D 1.9 Translation Design: Design and technical specifications of an online translation process (R, PU, UCL, M12, Task 1.9)

Feedback on Networking Services

D 53 Feedback on networking resources and demonstration OTHER PU HES M48 Task 53

OSP & Wrapper Design

D 1.6 OSP & Wrapper Design: Release of reference wrapper design and sample implementations on the public repository (OTHER, PU, FRAUNHOFER, M12, Task 1.6)

MarketPlace Design

D 1.3 MarketPlace Design: Architectural design concepts of the MarketPlace Platform integrating existing OSPs and modern technologies (M8). (R, PU, FRAUNHOFER, M8, Task 1.3)

Report on Validation Services

D 55 Report on Validation and Benchmarking Services internal and public parts R PU HES M48 Task 54

Feedback on Education and Training

D 52 Feedback on education and training resources and demonstration OTHER PU HES M48 Task 52

Knowledge Services Design

D 1.8 Knowledge Services design (R, PU, ACCESS, M18, Task 1.8)

User Stories & Requirements

D 1.1 User Stories & requirements: Set of MarketPlace Personas, their User Stories and Requirements (R, PU, GCL, M8, Task 1.1)

Data Protection

D 1.2 Data protection and user management requirements (R, PU, DCS, M12, Task 1.2)

Software Solutions Service

D 31 Software solutions service Information service on models software solutions and workflows available on the repository M12 with continuous updates towards final release at M36 OTHER PU ACCESS M36 Task 31

Dissemination Tools

D 6.1 Dissemination tools (public website, flyer, press release, social media, Wikipedia article, communication pack) (OTHER, PU, FRAUNHOFER, M4)

Materials Relations and Model Development Services

D 23 Materials relations and model development services Searchable catalogue of materials relations repositories including new repositories for continuum and mesoscopic models with initial population first release M18 DCS continuous updates Integrated services for Materials Relations validation development fitting and databases open to the wider public early adaptors second release M24 Fraunhofer continuous updates towards final release OTHER PUDCS M42 Task 24

Collaboration Infrastructure

D 44 Collaboration infrastructure User analytical feedback and statistics First release M22 and continuous updates OTHER PU SINTEF M46 Task 44

HPC Services

D 4.9 HPC services: Platform for integration with local and external HPC services. First release M24 and continuous updates (OTHER, PU, EPFL, M52, Task 4.9).

Education Services

D 3.4 Education services: first release on the repository at M18 and continuous updates (OTHER, PU, EPFL, M30, Task 3.4)

Validation System with Benchmark Services

D 2.4 Validation system with benchmarking facilities, initial release M24. (OTHER, PU, GRANTA, M36, Task 2.4)

Workflow Builders

D 4.7 Workflow builders: First release M12 and continuous updates (OTHER, PU, EPFL, M52, Task 4.7).

Distributed Access to Databases Services

D 2.2 Distributed access to databases services: Gateway/registry for concerted access to distributed federated databases with RESTful and (direct) API. First release M12, continuous updates (OTHER, PU, EPFL, M28, Task 2.2)

CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA)

D 6.4 A CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) possibly with other projects of NMBP-25 (OTHER, PU, NTNU, M30)

SME/SWO Blog for Numerical Simulation Tasks

D 33 SMESWO Blog for numerical simulation tasks BlogBulletin Board with recommendation system initial version on the repository at M18 continuous updates OTEHR PU SINTEF M30 Task 33

App Store

D 4.8 App store: First release M40, continuous updates (OTHER, PU, HES, M52, Task 4.8).

IntOP Tools

D 1.5 Interoperability tools with EMMO based containers and serialisation with tutorials posted on the MarketPlace platform, initial release on the repository at M 6, continuous updates towards final release at M36 (OTHER, PU, OCEAN, M36, Task 1.5)

Workshop Proceedings - Interoperability and Marketplaces

D 6.3 Workshop proceedings: Workshop on interoperability and integrated materials modelling, Translation, and networking on marketplaces (OTHER, PU, EPFL, M24)

MarketPlace Initial Services

D 4.2 MarketPlace services: At least database of software solutions and expertise and SSO (FRAUNHOFER, M12). Augmenting with SaaS (SimPhoNy-Remote) (ENT, M16). Release-ready platform with additional services to early adapters (OCEAN, M24). Release-ready for production system with all services (FRAUNHOFER, M36), continuous updates. (OTHER, PU, OCEAN, M63, Task 4.2).

Translation Online Services

D 35 Translation online services First version M20 continuous updates OTHER PU UCL M42 Task 35

Core Materials Modelling Services

D 2.1 Core materials modelling services: Core wrappers for modelling tools and MarketPlace OSP. First release M18, continuous updates (OTHER, PU, EPFL, M48, Task 2.1)

Agile Development Tools

D 4.1 Software Repository and Agile Development Tools: Software repository and collaboration environment on GitHub (M2), including support for agile processes (M3), continuous support. (OTHER, PU, FRAUNHOFER, M3, Task 4.1)

Distributed Databases

D 1.7 Distributed database Architecture design (R, PU, GRANTA, M12, Task 1.7)

Global Search

D 45 Global Search First release M24 continuous updates OTHER PU OCEAN M48 Task 45

Ontology & Tools

D 1.4 Agglomeration of all standards of the whole marketplace components developed at M6, ontology and tools: internal tools release at M8, public tools release at M24, MarketPlace ontology core release 1, M12, continuous updates. (OTHER, PU, NTNU, M24, Task 1.4)

Workshop Proceedings: Training

D 65 Workshop proceedings Workshop on Training OTHER PU FRAUNHOFER M40

Material Modelling Workflows and Apps

D 5.4 A set of (at least) six integrated Materials Modelling Workflows (fully fledged applications) and Apps and for each UC as well as a set of use cases (show cases) and tutorials on the MarketPlace with intermediate results at M42. (OTHER, PU, SINTEF, M48, Task 5.4)

Information on Communities

D 3.2 Information on communities: Searchable extendable database of experts and expertise including SMEs, Modellers, Translators, SWOs and characterisation experts, first version on the repository M18 with continuous updates. (OTHER, PU, FRAUNHOFER, M30, Task 3.2)

SSO Service

D 4.6 SSO service: Initial version M18 and continuous updates (OTHER, PU, OCEAN, M42, Task 4.6).

Public Releases

D 4.3 Development and Public releases: Development MarketPlace platform(s) online and local (FRAUNHOER, M8) and several updates as needed. Production (Public) Platform release (FRAUNHOFER, M36 with Milestone). Continuous updates and maintenance. (OTHER, PU, FRAUNHOFER, M66, Task 4.3).

MarketPlace Tutorials

D 6.9 Collection of MarketPlace tutorials and educational materials with regular up-dates (OTHER, PU, UCL, M24, 36, 48, 58)

Data Management Plan (ORDP) and IPR Exploitation Strategy

D 6.2 Data management plan (ORDP) and IPR exploitation strategy (M6, first draft, M48 final); table with key exploitable results KER (first M12) with continuous updates to M60, table of contacts to end user communities and SWO (first M12) with continuous updates to M60 (ORDP, PU, ACCESS, M6, M12, M18, 26, 36, 48, 54, 60)


A Reference Language and Ontology for Materials Modelling and Interoperability

Auteurs: G. Goldbeck, E. Ghedini, A. Hashibon, G.J. Schmitz, J. Friis
Publié dans: Proceedings NAFEMS World Congress 2019 Quebec, Kanada, 2019, Page(s) Articel NWC_19_86, 13 PP, ISBN 9781910643525
Éditeur: NAFEMS

Application of an ontology based process model construction tool for active protective coatings: Corrosion inhibitor release

Auteurs: Peter Klein; Heinz A. Preisig; Martin Thomas Horsch; Natalia Konchakova
Publié dans: FOMI 2021: 11th International Workshop on Formal Ontologies meet Industry, Numéro 2, 2021, ISSN 1613-0073
Éditeur: 11th International Workshop on Formal Ontologies meet Industry, held at JOWO 2021: Episode VII The Bolzano Summer of Knowledge, September 11-18, 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5559061

Bringing together materials and business ontologiesfor protective coatings

Auteurs: Konchakova, N. A., Preisig, H. A., Kavka, C., Horsch, M. T., Klein, P., Belouettar, S.
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop “Formal Ontologies Meet Industry” (FOMI ’22), Tarbes, France, 2022., 2022 , 2022, ISSN 1613-0073
Éditeur: CEUR Workshop Proceedings

Materials in an ICME framework: From composition and processing of materials to properties and applications of components

Auteurs: Georg J. Schmitz
Publié dans: Proceedings NAFEMS World Congress 2019, 2019, ISBN 9781910643525
Éditeur: NAFEMS

Mechanical testing ontology for digital-twins: A roadmap based on EMMO

Auteurs: Morgado, J.F.; Ghedini, E.; Goldbeck, G.; Hashibon, A.; Schmitz, G.J.; Friis, J.; Baas, A.F. de
Publié dans: Fraunhofer IWM, Numéro 2615, 2020, Page(s) Art. 3, 10 pp, ISSN 1613-0073
Éditeur: Semantic

Ontologies In Computational Engineering

Auteurs: Preisig, A and Hagelien, T and Rusche, H and Abtahi, N and Belouettar, S and Klein, P and Konchakova, N
Publié dans: WCCM-ECCOMAS2020., Numéro Volume 2100, 2021, ISSN 2696-6999
Éditeur: CIMNE
DOI: 10.23967/wccm-eccomas.2020.262

MAEO: An Ontology for Modeling Agents, Experts and Expertise within an Open Online Materials Modeling MarketPlace

Auteurs: Gerhard Goldbeck, Daniele Toti
Publié dans: Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2021 (JOWO 2021), Bolzano, Italy, September 11-18, 2021, Numéro Volume 2969, 2021, Page(s) Paper 36, ISSN 1613-0073
Éditeur: CEUR WS

Systematic Modelling of a Butanol Fermentation equipped with in-situ Gas Stripping

Auteurs: Robert Pujan, Heinz A Preisig

Towards an ICME Methodology in Europe – Nomenclature, Taxonomies, Ontologies, and Marketplaces

Auteurs: G.J. Schmitz, G. Goldbeck, E. Ghedini, A. Hashibon, J. Friis
Publié dans: Proceedings NAFEMS World Congress 2019 Quebec, Kanada, Numéro 276, 2019
Éditeur: NAFEMS

Maturity of Material Modelling in Industry

Auteurs: G.Goldbeck, A Simperler
Publié dans: Proceedings NAFEMS World Congress 2019, 2019, Page(s) NWC 19_315, ISBN 9781910643525
Éditeur: NAFEMS

Towards an ICME Methodology in Europe – Nomenclature, Taxonomies, Ontologies, and Marketplaces

Auteurs: G.J. Schmitz, G. Goldbeck, E. Ghedini, A. Hashibon, J. Friis
Publié dans: Proceedings NAFEMS World Congress 2019, 2019, Page(s) NWC_19_351, ISBN 9781910643525
Éditeur: NAFEMS

Simulation of the Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process with a Holistic Workflow

Auteurs: Bastien Dietemann, Tim Najuch, Shoya Mohseni-Mofidi, Alexander Wessel, Alexander Butz, Claas Bierwisch
Publié dans: Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference DDMC 2023, 2023, ISBN 978-3-8396-1895-0
Éditeur: Fraunhofer Verlag

Topology-Based Construction of Business-Integrated Material Modelling Workflows

Auteurs: Preisig, Heinz A.; Klein, Peter; Konchakova, Natalia; Hagelien, Thomas F.; Friis, Jesper; Horsch, Martin Thomas
Publié dans: Computer Aided Chemical Engineering - 32nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Numéro 38, 2022, Page(s) 1237-1242, ISSN 1570-7946
Éditeur: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-323-95879-0.50207-1

A Practical Approach to Ontology-Based Data Modelling for Semantic Interoperability

Auteurs: Hagelien, T and Preisig, H and Abtahi, N and Friis, J and Rønningen, P and Rusche, H and Belouettar, S and Konchakova, N and Klein, P
Publié dans: WCCM-ECCOMAS2020, Numéro Volume 2100, 2021, ISSN 2696-6999
Éditeur: CIMNE
DOI: 10.23967/wccm-eccomas.2020.035

Simulating the friction between atomic layers by using a two-q model: Analysis of the relative motion and coherence

Auteurs: Haoyu Yin, Wei Wu, Kwang-Leong Choy
Publié dans: Tribology International, 175, 107816 (2022), Numéro 175, 2022, Page(s) 107816, ISSN 0301-679X
Éditeur: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2022.107816

Materials Cloud, a platform for open computational science

Auteurs: Leopold Talirz, Snehal Kumbhar, Elsa Passaro, Aliaksandr V. Yakutovich, Valeria Granata, Fernando Gargiulo, Marco Borelli, Martin Uhrin, Sebastiaan P. Huber, Spyros Zoupanos, Carl S. Adorf, Casper Welzel Andersen, Ole Schütt, Carlo A. Pignedoli, Daniele Passerone, Joost VandeVondele, Thomas C. Schulthess, Berend Smit, Giovanni Pizzi, Nicola Marzari
Publié dans: Scientific Data, Numéro 7/1, 2020, Page(s) Art. 299, 12 pp, ISSN 2052-4463
Éditeur: Springer Nature
DOI: 10.1038/s41597-020-00637-5

AiiDAlab – an ecosystem for developing, executing, and sharing scientific workflows

Auteurs: Aliaksandr V. Yakutovich, Kristjan Eimre, Ole Schütt, Leopold Talirz, Carl S. Adorf, Casper W. Andersen, Edward Ditler, Dou Du, Daniele Passerone, Berend Smit, Nicola Marzari, Giovanni Pizzi, Carlo A. Pignedoli
Publié dans: Computational Materials Science, Numéro 188, 2021, Page(s) 110165, ISSN 0927-0256
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2020.110165

The optical spectra of DMAC based molecules for organic light-emitting diodes: Hybrid- exchange density functional theory study

Auteurs: Yuting Wang, Wei Wu, Kwang-Leong Choy
Publié dans: Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry,Volume 35, Numéro 8, August 2022, Pages 21-30, Numéro 35, 2022, Page(s) 21-30, ISSN 0894-3230
Éditeur: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/poc.4386

Ontology-Based Process Modelling-with Examples of Physical Topologies

Auteurs: Heinz A. Preisig
Publié dans: Processes, Numéro Volume 9, Numéro 4, 2021, Page(s) 592, ISSN 2227-9717
Éditeur: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/pr9040592

Into the Valley of Death Rode the Green Transition

Auteurs: Pujan, R,. Preisig, H. A.
Publié dans: Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 2023, Numéro 52, 2023, Page(s) 2557-2562, ISSN 1570-7946
Éditeur: Elsevier BV

A Cloud-based Collaborative Interactive Platform for Education and Research in Dynamic Process Modelling

Auteurs: Gautam, V.; Rodriguez-Fenrandez, A., Preisig, H. A
Publié dans: Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 2023, Numéro 52, 2023, Page(s) 3519-3524, ISSN 1570-7946
Éditeur: Elsevier BV

PBF-LB/M multiphysics process simulation from powder to mechanical properties

Auteurs: Bierwisch, C., Butz, A., Dietemann, B., Wessel, A., Najuch, T., Mohseni-Mofidi, S.
Publié dans: Procedia CIRP 111 (2022) 37-40, Numéro 111, 2022, Page(s) 37-40, ISSN 2212-8271
Éditeur: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2022.08.111

Modelling – Mechanistic reductionism extended with holistic empirical components

Auteurs: Heinz A Preisig
Publié dans: Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Numéro Volume 50, 2021, Page(s) 689-694, ISSN 1570-7946
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-323-88506-5.50109-1

Documenting Models Comprehensively Using a Minimal Graphical Language

Auteurs: Heinz A. Preisig
Publié dans: Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 49, 2022, Page(s) 1021-1026, ISSN 1570-7946
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-323-85159-6.50170-6

Extension and validation of a revised Cassie-Baxter model for tailor-made surface topography design and controlled wettability

Auteurs: Nikolaos Lempesis, Rudolf J Koopmans, Ruth Díez-Ahedo and Per Magnus Kristiansen
Publié dans: Surface Topography Metrology and Properties, Numéro Volume 9, Number 2, 2021, Page(s) 25021, ISSN 2051-672X
Éditeur: IOP Science
DOI: 10.1088/2051-672x/abfa28

Entropy and Geometric Objects

Auteurs: Georg J. Schmitz
Publié dans: Proceedings, Numéro 2/4, 2018, Page(s) 153, ISSN 2504-3900
Éditeur: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/ecea-4-05007

Quantitative Mereology: An Essay to Derive Physics Laws from a Philosophical Concept

Auteurs: Georg J. Schmitz
Publié dans: PHYSICS ESSAYS, Numéro 33/4, 2020, Page(s) 479-488, ISSN 0836-1398
Éditeur: Physics Essays Publication
DOI: 10.20944/preprints201907.0314.v1

Systematic Modelling of Flow and Pressure Distribution in a Complex Tank

Auteurs: Robert Pujan and Heinz A Preisig
Publié dans: Computers & Chemical Engineering, Numéro Volume 157, 2021, Page(s) 107608, ISSN 0098-1354
Éditeur: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2021.107608

An ICME Process Chain for Diffusion Brazing of Alloy 247

Auteurs: B. Böttger, R. Altenfeld, G. Laschet, G. J. Schmitz, B. Stöhr, B. Burbaum
Publié dans: Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, Numéro 7/2, 2018, Page(s) 70-85, ISSN 2193-9764
Éditeur: Springer Nature
DOI: 10.1007/s40192-018-0111-1

Entropy and Geometric Objects

Auteurs: Georg Schmitz
Publié dans: Entropy, Numéro 20/6, 2018, Page(s) 453, ISSN 1099-4300
Éditeur: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/e20060453

AiiDA 1.0, a scalable computational infrastructure for automated reproducible workflows and data provenance

Auteurs: Sebastiaan P. Huber, Spyros Zoupanos, Martin Uhrin, Leopold Talirz, Leonid Kahle, Rico Häuselmann, Dominik Gresch, Tiziano Müller, Aliaksandr V. Yakutovich, Casper W. Andersen, Francisco F. Ramirez, Carl S. Adorf, Fernando Gargiulo, Snehal Kumbhar, Elsa Passaro, Conrad Johnston, Andrius Merkys, Andrea Cepellotti, Nicolas Mounet, Nicola Marzari, Boris Kozinsky, Giovanni Pizzi
Publié dans: Scientific Data, Numéro 7/1, 2020, Page(s) Art. 300; 18 pp, ISSN 2052-4463
Éditeur: Springer Nature
DOI: 10.1038/s41597-020-00638-4

Translation Ontology of optimal Decision Making along a Distributed Production Chain by Example

Auteurs: Klein, P., Preisig, H. A., Konchakova, N.
Publié dans: Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 2023, Numéro 52, 2023, Page(s) 2095-2100, ISSN 1570-7946
Éditeur: Elsevier BV

ProMo variable/equation Ontology-based system modelling

Auteurs: Niloufar Abtahi, Heinz A Preisig
Publié dans: Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 50:733-738, Numéro 50, 2021, Page(s) 733-738, ISSN 1570-7946
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-323-88506-5.50115-7

Cloud-Based ICME Software Training

Auteurs: Lukas Koschmieder; Ralph Altenfeld; Janin Eiken; Bernd Böttger; Georg J. Schmitz
Publié dans: Education Sciences, Numéro Volume 11, Numéro 1, 2021, Page(s) Art. 5, 17 pp, ISSN 2227-7102
Éditeur: MDPI
DOI: 10.20944/preprints202012.0070.v1

Modeling experts, knowledge providers and expertise in Materials Modeling: MAEO as an application ontology of EMMO’s ecosystem

Auteurs: Del Nostro, Pierluigi, Goldbeck, Gerhard, Pozzi, Andrea, Toti, Daniele
Publié dans: Applied Ontology, Numéro vol. 18, no. 2, 2023, Page(s) 99-118, ISSN 1570-5838
Éditeur: IOS Press
DOI: 10.3233/ao-230024

AixViPMaP®—an Operational Platform for Microstructure Modeling Workflows

Auteurs: L. Koschmieder, S. Hojda, M. Apel, R. Altenfeld, Y. Bami, C. Haase, M. Lin, A. Vuppala, G. Hirt, G.J. Schmitz
Publié dans: Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, Numéro 8/2, 2019, Page(s) 122-143, ISSN 2193-9764
Éditeur: Springer Nature
DOI: 10.1007/s40192-019-00138-3

Density-functional-theory simulations of the water and ice adhesion on silicene quantum dots

Auteurs: Duan, T., Wu, W., Choy, KL.
Publié dans: Sci Rep 12, 2022, Page(s) 8537, ISSN 2045-2322
Éditeur: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-11943-w

Materials Modelling: past, present, future (in German),

Auteurs: G.J.Schmitz:
Publié dans: RWTH Themen, Numéro 1, 2019, Page(s) 8-15, ISSN 0179-079X
Éditeur: RWTH Aachen University

Materials Modelling Software Market

Auteurs: Goldbeck, Gerhard; Simperler, Alexandra
Publié dans: 2020, Page(s) 1-20
Éditeur: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4016090

Report on Workshop on Interoperability in Materials Modelling

Auteurs: G.Goldbeck, A. Simperler
Publié dans: Zenodo, 2018
Éditeur: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1240229

emmo-repo/EMMO: 1.0.0-beta3

Auteurs: Ghedini, Emanuele, Friis, Jesper, Bleken, Francesca Lønstad, Prinz, Manuel, Goldbeck, Gerhard
Publié dans: Zenodo 2022, 2022
Éditeur: Zenodo

Materials Modelling and Informatics Software Market

Auteurs: Gerhard Goldbeck, Alexandra Simperler, Otello Roscioni
Publié dans: Zenodo, 2023
Éditeur: Goldbeck Consulting

MarketPlace - a Digital Materials Modelling Marketplace

Auteurs: Gerhard Goldbeck, Alexandra Simperler, Pablo de Andres, Claas Bierwisch, Henri Cloete, Davide Di Stefano, Nicola Element, Kaia Ernits, Enrico Forlin, Carmen Garijo, Thomas Haglien, Hugh Hamilton, Adham Hashibon, Dirk Helm, Tobias Huschle, Alexander Konstandin, Lukas Koschmieder, Dieter Meissner, Vlasios Mitsoulas, Augusto Moura, Yoav Nahshon, Canberk Ozan, Cristina Salazar, Georg J. Schmitz, Paal
Publié dans: 2023
Éditeur: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8330333

Digitalisierung beinhaltet learning by doing

Auteurs: Rudy Koopmans
Publié dans: Kunststoff Extra, 2022
Éditeur: Kunststoff Extra

Promo - a Multi-disciplinary Process Modelling Suite

Auteurs: Heinz A. Preisig
Publié dans: 30th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Numéro 48, 2020, Page(s) 571-576, ISBN 9780128233771
Éditeur: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-823377-1.50096-3

Essays zur verhaltenswissenschaftlich fundierten Technologieakzeptanz-und Kundenzufriedenheitsforschung: empirische Analysen am Beispiel einer Plattform für offene Wissenschaft

Auteurs: Rebecca Reichenbach
Publié dans: Diss. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 2022, 2022
Éditeur: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

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