Periodic Reporting for period 2 - X5gon (X5gon: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network)
Reporting period: 2018-09-01 to 2020-12-31
various OER sites, independent of languages, modalities, scientific domains, and socio-cultural contexts. It develops services OER media convergence including full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, videos, tests, software, related events, tools, materials, techniques used to support access to knowledge. Fivefold solutions are offered to OER sites:
• Cross-modal: technologies for multimodal content understanding;
• Cross-site: technologies to transparently accompany and analyse users across sites;
• Cross-domain: technologies for cross domain content analytics;
• Cross-language: technologies for cross lingual content recommendation;
• Cross-cultural: technologies for cross cultural learning personalisation.
X5gon collects and index OER resources, track data of users’ progress and feed an analytics engine driven by state-of-the-art machine learning, improve recommendations via user understanding and match with knowledge resources of all types.
The project has created a number of services and has run a series of pilot case studies that enable the measurement of the broader goals of delivering a useful and enjoyable educational experience to learners in different domains, at different levels and from different cultures.
The project has been actively supporting the use and promotion of OERs though a network of contacts and events. It has promoted the adoption of the UNESCO recommendation on the use of OER in November 2019 and has supported the coalition that is pushing for greater standardisation and roll-out of OERs world-wide.
• the provision of a learning portal that can be promoted internationally through UNESCO and AI4EU among other channels, realising the potential for on-line learning globally;
• the development of bespoke solutions for businesses wanting to improve access to educational and informational materials within their organisations;
• adaptations of educational portals to enable easier access for individuals with different accessibility requirements.