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Global vision, standardisation stakeholder engagement in 5G

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - (Global vision, standardisation stakeholder engagement in 5G)

Reporting period: 2018-07-01 to 2019-12-31

5G is expected to be a critical building block of the European economy and society over the next decade and beyond. 5G networks are bringing a new disrupting ecosystem, where vertical industries are becoming increasingly involved alongside telecom operators, manufacturers, SMEs and research institutes. With a growing number of verticals investing in 5G, spanning automotive, broadcasting and media, health, Industry 4.0 maritime, mining to public safety, smart farming, social care, transportation (drones, rail), utilities and rural connectivity, it is imperative that we optimally capture end-user requirements and help verticals contribute to the 3GPP standardisation process as effectively as possible.
With this in mind, has set out to pursue the following:
Objective 1 – Design, implement, and maintain a “Standards Tracker tool” to monitor on-going standardisation work and its relevance to vertical industry requirements.
Objective 2 – Create a “Verticals Cartography” covering diverse types of experiments across the EU on verticals. It is designed to help to monitor progress towards 5G capabilities and identifying gaps for future R&I projects.
Objective 3 – Provide insights on market forecasts covering readiness levels for 5G-enabled transformation of vertical industries in Europe. Ensure awareness of 5G potential to industry stakeholders through timely webinars and online reports.
Objective 4 – Play a supporting role in policy, regulatory and legal frameworks and contribute to shaping up the global 5G PPP discussions through the Advisory Board (AB).
Objective 5 – Support and contribute to the EU’s 5G PPP collaboration model through regular liaison, inputs to targeted WGs, and international co-operation.
Objective 6 -Implement a multi stakeholder engagement plan involving key players within the 5G ecosystem by increasing understanding of new requirements from vertical industry.
5G standardisation and industry verticals: has designed and rolled out an online Standards Tracker as a collaborative tool for verticals and standards specialists to lower entry barriers by explaining processes and timelines, support mechanisms for newcomers, tracking technical requirements and mapping common requirements. The tool is entirely based on the specific needs of industry verticals based on the 5G Vertical User Workshop series. These events are dynamic and highly interactive bringing together both sides to define a concrete Action Plan. Focus is mostly on 3GPP and a sub-set of market representation partners (5GAA, 5G-ACIA, PSCE and 5G-IA). Both the online tool and workshops are sustainable through FULL5G (September 2019-August 2021). On top of this, has led activities within the Pre-Standardization Working Group of the 5G Infrastructure Association, tracking impacts of inputs to 5G standardisation (3GPP, ETSI, IETF etc.) within the 5G PPP phase 2 projects, supporting gap analysis and opportunities to increase EU participation.
5G trials and pilots in 5G PPP: has designed and rolled out an online Verticals Cartography tracking progress towards 5G in terms of the functionalities defined by ITU and results from tests performed across Europe. This highly successful, sustainable tool has received over 55,000 views (December 2019) since its launch in September 2018 supported by the 5G-IA Trials WG, ensuring high impacts for 5G PPP.
Online Mapping Tool: visualising multiple 5G indicators to assess European/global 5G deployments and market readiness. This tool is highly complementary to the EU 5G Observatory, drawing on available data and external sources. Close collaboration with the Observatory leaders has been ensured and will continue in FULL5G.
Market Overview and Business Models: Tracking the characteristics of 5G initiatives in key vertical sectors, with strategic advice to decision makers in the public and private sector about future roll-out of 5G, including macroeconomic dynamics and the transformation of business and automation processes. Producing a Management brief for decision makers who need a concise overview of the 5G market evolution in key vertical markets, emerging monetisation and business models, with complementary webinars on automotive, energy, health and manufacturing.
Small Cell deployments: authoring a white paper on small cells and how Europe can accelerate network densification in the 5G era, looking at drivers, barriers, new partnership opportunities and fresh market forecasts. A webinar with the Small Cells Forum zoomed in on the main findings, key stakeholder actions to accelerate deployment, including actions for regulators and policy makers.
Collaborations: Co-authorship of a white paper with the 5G PPP Automotive WG: Business Feasibility Study for V2X with a webinar on the main findings. Co-authorship of the 5G-IA Trials Roadmap V3.0 covering the online cartography and national programmes on 5G.
International benchmarks: Authorship of 5G government-industry collaborations in China, Japan and the U.S.
Energy Efficiency Report: an analysis of the role of 5G in enabling energy efficiency, drawing on recommendations of ITU and 3GPP in the context of 5G PPP performance KPI analysis.
5G for verticals: Production of a high-quality video on 5G and its benefits for verticals filmed at the 5G Innovation Centre (UK).
Network building as a golden, sustainable asset for 5G PPP and its stakeholders, spanning vertical industries and associations, standards specialists, policy makers and journalists.
Driving 5G standardisation across a spectrum of industry verticals through close collaborative work with 3GPP and associations as thought leaders in their respective fields. This includes societal stakeholders like First Responders who need advanced networks to respond swiftly and efficiently to disasters and emergency situations.
Bringing to 5G PPP niche products tracking policy priorities for ensuring the social-economic benefits of 5G across EU member states.
Sustainability of the online tools developed by through participation in FULL5G:
- the Mapping Tool with updates and enhancements in close collaboration with the EU 5G Observatory.
- the online Verticals Cartography with full integration of large-scale trials across diverse verticals, cross-border trials and EU test facilities, ensuring a content-rich approach.
- the Standards Tracker through continued work with 3GPP and its support services for verticals, including the sustainable 5G Vertical User Workshops. Continuous updates on 5G standardisation and gap analysis, feeding progress and 5G PPP impacts into the online tool.
- the KPI Performance Tracker, moving from phase 2 targets to phase 3 through collaborative efforts with the Test, Measurement and KPIs Validation WG.
Continued work in the 5G PPP Automotive WG and the Vertical Stakeholder Task Force to ensure strong synergies can be established across verticals, including any regulatory barriers to rollout.