Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PASSAGE (Centre of Plant Synthetic Biology for Bio-engineering and Sustainable Agriculture)
Reporting period: 2017-09-01 to 2018-08-31
VIB succeeded in establishing mechanisms to catalyze the biotech cluster in Flanders, and is committed to channel this long-term experience and know-how on technology transfer to CEITEC MU, which will use it to power up the development of biotech industry in South Moravia and create links with companies. In a joint venture CEITEC MU will, among others, gain experience how to foster collaboration with companies and overcome the existing weakness of the biotech sector in South Moravia. Based on the close strategic partnership between CEITEC MU and the leading scientific institution VIB, the resulting joint venture will advance quality of research at CEITEC MU through intensive collaboration on basic and applied research projects, and transfer of advanced know-how in science management and technology transfer. The centre will capitalize on the joint academic expertise and infrastructure to exploit newly emerging field of plant synthetic biology for tackling global challenges of securing sustainable agriculture and plant-based primary production.
The Business Plan for submitted to Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports as part of an application for complementary funding from OP VVV (ESIF operational programme dedicated for Research, Development, and Education). The evaluation result was positive and acknowledge the level of preparedness for the upgrading and the potential of the Centre for bringing in significant benefits for the global society as well as for the regional economy.