Periodic Reporting for period 1 - innocult (Centre of Excellence for Cultural and Creative Innovations in Lithuania)
Reporting period: 2017-09-01 to 2018-08-31
The project actively involves not only the researchers from Lithuania, Vytautas Magnus University and Kaunas Technological University, but the foreign researchers as well: the representatives of Politecnico di Milano share own experience accumulated in the fields of design and architecture, helping to customize the spaces of Kaunas city for the needs of the Centre of Excellence. Many activities of the Centre of Excellence are going to involve researchers from all over the world – the new institution will operate focusing on the global market.
The main goal of this project is to contribute to the development of a new and sustainable research infrastructure to foster and support inclusive and open innovation between creators, researchers and technologists that can help to shift Lithuanian economy towards higher value added creating sectors. This will result in promoting competitive business models, unconventional products and solutions and contributing to an enhanced understanding of societal needs made possible by a wide participation of stakeholders in the innovation process.
The main objectives of the project are:
1) Map the research potential of CCI in Lithuania;
2) To identify an operational and governance model for our CoE, based on a benchmark of the best initiatives in Europe in this field, and including HR management strategies and mechanisms;
3) To define a knowledge transfer strategy and scale-up services for creators & technologists, using co-creation processes;
4) To develop a marketing and business plan for our CoE and communicate our initiative at wide level and towards other sectors, countries and regions.
In WP2 researchers promoted networking and collaboration within the project partners and with other organizations identified in advance, in order to use the best practices which focus on the active and productive operation of CoE in order to drive customer-valued results. In WP2 researchers defined the guidelines so that CoE would be established to provide support, guidance (offering standards, methodologies, tools and knowledge repositories), shared learning, measurements , governance.
In WP3 researchers worked on activities for implementing a technology & knowledge transfer strategy. In a light of value added by CCI, there is demand and thirst for external sources to provoke innovation, acquire new ideas, develop new capabilities and access the latest academic research. Therefore the main objective of this workpackage was to investigate the culture and creative audiences in order to identify, integrate and engage different social groups and their equal participation in cultural consumption focusing on audience cultural development. Considering the very competitive environments from which CCI belong and are surrounded, a specific Knowledge transfer strategy has set clear directions and means (in terms of tools and processes) to be followed for structured and consistent knowledge transfer for culture audiences.
In WP4 researchers worked on activities for development of a marketing and business plan for our CoE and communication services. In this workpackage the partners had used all the studies, intelligence and data gathered in previous work packages, and turned it into an ambitious while sustainable business plan for the CoE. The main result of this work package was the elaboration of the business plan with the support of the Advisory Board identified in WP1. Final forum was organised in WP4, which attracted researchers, investors, stakeholders, representatives from CCI industry, municipality and ministry of Culture. The new Centre of Excellence of Creative and Cultural Innovations ALICE was presented in forum.