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Social innovation Modelling Approaches to Realizing Transition to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability


Documentation report of the results of the Follower Cities workshops

This deliverable summarizes the conclusions of the two follower cities workshops conducted in the course of SMARTEES The report will focus specifically on questions of transferability

Data Management Plan (DMP) (update 2)

This is an update of the DMP delivered in M14. The update will include all changes and additions to data management procedures in SMARTEES since M14.

Report on the conceptual model of the SMARTEES simulation and data formats to be included

This report is based on Task 7.1 and 7.2 and provides an integrated description of FEARLUS, the Consumat and Machine learning-based methods applied to social innovations. It also provides a description of the data types that can be incorporated (following KIDS principle)

Business plan for the SMARTEES policy Sandbox IT tool and workshop concept

This deliverable is a business plan for a commercial version of the policy sandbox workshops It includes a market analysis and pricing structure for offering a scalable service package based on conducting a sandbox workshop and supplementary data collection

Communication and Dissemination strategy

The communication and dissemination strategy (C&D strategy) sets out how the results, stories and lessons learned in SMARTEES are communicated to relevant audiences and stakeholders most efficiently and effectively. To facilitate the evaluations, the C&D strategy specifies its own key performance indicators such as number of visitors on the website, number of downloads of key publications, number of newsletter sub-scribers, number of connections on LinkedIn, or number of retweets on Twitter.

Report on “Five models of social innovation”

For each cluster of social innovation a model of social innovation will be sketched, providing a general description of the different phases characterizing the adoption of each social innovation, the role of the different actors in each phase and the role of different types of incentives characterising it.

Theoretical framework for definition of locally-embedded future policy scenarios

This deliverable integrates the different outputs of the SMARTEES empirical research (e.g. psychological factors, which influence energy collective behaviour) with contextual conditions, which operate as drivers and barriers for a combination of low carbon policies for the case study clusters. The aim is to contribute to scenario building work by providing plausible and robust knowledge – grounded on empirical data – that help communities tackle energy transitions.

Catalogue of elements to be considered in modelling for comprehensive and exhaustive reflection of relation-ships between the relevant agents in the ABM

This deliverable will describe the variables and types of relations between the agents to be modelled in the different cases. This will be based on the analyses conducted in Task 2.1 and Task 2.2.

Report on workshops

Task 2.4 will organize three research workshops aimed at advancing methods and theory in the light of SMARTEES research agenda, procedures and findings. The first workshop will scrutinize the outcome of T2.1 (D2.1 - Integrated Research White Paper), the second workshop will deal with the case study analyses and the third research workshop will deal with adaption of theories in light of SMARTEES results. The deliverable will summarize the results of the workshops.

Simulation model implementing different relevant layers of social innovation, human choice behaviour and habitual structures.

This deliverable is a report describing the theoretical principles of the model and justification and clarification of assumptions used. This is a rather technical report necessary to make the assumptions behind the models transparent.

Reports on scenario development and experiments for selected cases

This report will describe the results of different scenarios developed in WP5 run on the ABM simulations developed in WP7 The analyses during these simulation runs will gather Insights into the expected and unexpected outcome of competing policy scenarios

Elaboration of a Handbook with guidelines for the co-production of future policy scenarios and interventions

This deliverable is a handbook for the development of future policyscenarios which support transitions towards sustainable communities The handbook will outline the methodology for supporting the process of facilitating future scenarios and illustrate scenarios processes and outcomes with examples from the SMARTEES project ex examples of good practices tipping points in energy transitions etc

Communication and Dissemination strategy (update 1)

This is an update of the communication and dissemination strategy delivered in M6. It includes all changes in the strategies and documentation of dissemination activities conduced since M6.

Policy brief on “social innovation in energy transition” in action

This deliverable is a policy-brief based on the initial analyses in WP3: Profiles of social innovation identified in task 3.2 will be considered jointly in a comparative way for trying to understand how social innovation in energy transition works “in action”.

Report on social innovation drivers, barriers, actors and network structures

This deliverable is based on Tasks 6.1-6.3. It provides a thorough synthesis of the policy implications of the identified stakeholders (Task 6.1), barriers and drivers (Task 6.2) and decision-making mechanisms (Task 6.3).

Report on the updated theoretical framework for social innovation diffusion

Based on Task 65 summarizes the empirical feedback of the analysis and simulations run in SMARTEES for the theoretical framework developed in WP2 provides a substantial step forward in the social innovation theory and its implications for policymaking

Protocol for integrating data in SMARTEES case studies

This technical report will describe how data from different sources will be Integrated in SMARTEES. This will enable the empirical modelling WP7 to define the simulation models compatible with the available data.

Integrated overview of choice behaviour and energy transitions in SMARTEES case studies

This report summarizes the findings of the primary and secondary data analyses in the five cases. It describes the conclusions for which choice processes with respect to the agents identified in each case are found to be relevant.

Project Handbook (update 1)

This is an updated version of the Project Handbook delivered in M4. It includes all changes to procedures in SMARTEES implemented since M4.

Report on barriers towards and drivers of energy equality in the energy union

Based on Tasks 63 and 66 provides a thorough analysis of the policy implications of social innovation for fighting energy poverty and equality for relevant subgroups such as gender or cultural or socioeconomic background

Project Handbook (update 2)

This is an updated version of the Project Handbook delivered in M14. It includes all changes to procedures in SMARTEES implemented since M14.

Communication and Dissemination strategy (update 2)

This is an update of the communication and dissemination strategy delivered in M18. It includes all changes in the strategies and documentation of dissemination activities conduced since M18.

SMARTEES work plan

Comprehensive plan of meeting dates, venues and participants for meetings, and a detailed overview of the workflow in and between the WPs and tasks (Update M14).

Report on inputs for the questionnaire and for the scenarios

This deliverable will summarize the initial findings of WP3 for use in development of the questionnaires to be used in WP4 and the scenarios used in WP5. This structured overview will build the ground for a theory based development of the empirical work.

Elaboration of Policy Recommendations for each cluster of case-studies and an online tool for the co-production of energy policy and simulations

This deliverable consists of a set of policy recommendations for adaptation for each local case which will be available for future analyses Such recommendations will support decisionmaking by predicting the best strategies to engage citizens in sustainable transitions or the effects of combining different policies or involving different actors

Integrated Research White Paper - final Version

This deliverable is an update of deliverable 21 Based on the second workshop a New version of the whitepaper will be written As the first version it will includeAn assessment of crossdisciplinary terminology Definition of specific research questions to be challenged by the Integrated Consensus PaperDisciplinewise theoretical framework for the specific research questionsDisciplinewise best practice methodology for addressing the research questionIdentifying contradictions and consensus between disciplines along the theoreticalmethodological dimension

Data Management Plan (DMP) (update 1)

This is an update of the DMP delivered in M3. The update will include all changes and additions to data management procedures in SMARTEES since M3.

Integrated Research White Paper – Version 1

This paper will encompass: • An assessment of cross-disciplinary terminology • Definition of specific research questions to be challenged by the Integrated Consensus Paper • Discipline-wise theoretical framework for the specific research questions • Discipline-wise best practice methodology for addressing the research question • Identifying contradictions and consensus between disciplines along the theoretical/methodological dimen-sion

Project Handbook

Comprehensive guidebook with all project procedures and templates regarding internal and external communi-cation, workflows, project management procedures, and data management. The project handbook will be im-plemented as a dynamic wiki-document on the SharePoint and the first version of the document will be deliv-ered to the EC in M4, updated M14 and M26.

Report about profiles of social innovation “in action” for each cluster

This deliverable will contain an institutional, thematic, and methodological introduction; five parts devoted the specific clusters with their case-studies; a final part devoted to comparisons and conclusions

SMARTEES policy Sandbox IT tool and workshop concept

This deliverable is a software tool to run policy analyses. Two versions of the tool will be programmed: 1) a light version as a demonstration of the SMARTEES concept open to anyone visiting the SMARTEES website, 2) a pro version of the SMARTEES tool re-stricted to use in a workshop context. The light version will allow users to manipulate central parameters in policy scenarios within a predefined framework informed by WP5. This version gives a taste of the possibilities that lie in the SMARTEES methodology, the full potential and flexibility, however, cannot be unlocked without supplementing the web-tool with substantial input and guidance. Therefore, the pro version of the SMARTEES tool will be restricted to use in a workshop context.

SMARTEES simulation implementations for selected cases

This deliverable is a working ABM simulation environment for the five social innovation cases. The deliverable will be the program code for the models implemented in a software enviroment.

Data Management Plan (DMP)

Comprehensive documentation of the data collection procedures, data security procedures, curation and docu-mentation procedures, data storage and accessibility of the data. Updates in M14 and M26.


The potential for community financed electric vehicle charging infrastructure

Author(s): Valeriya Azarova Jed J. Cohen Andrea Kollmann Johannes Reichl
Published in: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Issue 88, 2020, ISSN 1361-9209
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2020.102541

Delivering a timely and Just Energy Transition: Which policy research priorities?

Author(s): Giuseppe Pellegrini-Masini Alberto Pirni Stefano Maran Christian A. Klöckner
Published in: Environmental Policy and Governance, 2020, ISSN 1756-9338
Publisher: Wiley
DOI: 10.1002/eet.1892

The drivers of individual climate actions in Europe

Author(s): Johannes Reichl Jed J. Cohen Christian A. Klöckner Andrea Kollmann Valeriya Azarovac
Published in: Global Environmental Change, Issue 71, 2021, ISSN 0959-3780
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2021.102390

Sustainable Energy Policies and Equality: Is There a Nexus? Inferences From the Analysis of EU Statistical and Survey Data

Author(s): Giuseppe Pellegrini-Masini Lars Even Egner Christian Andreas Klöckner Erica Löfström
Published in: Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 2021, ISSN 2624-9634
Publisher: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/frsc.2021.663000

Low free-riding at the cost of subsidizing the rich. Replicating Swiss energy retrofit subsidy findings in Norway

Author(s): Lars Even Egner Christian A. Klöckner Giuseppe Pellegrini-Masini
Published in: Energy and Buildings, 2021, ISSN 0378-7788
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111542

Using Agent-Based Models for Prediction in Complex and Wicked Systems

Author(s): J. Gareth Polhill Matthew Hare Tom Bauermann David Anzola Erika Palmer Doug Salt Patrycja Antosz
Published in: Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2021, ISSN 1460-7425
Publisher: University of Surrey
DOI: 10.18564/jasss.4597

Preferences for community renewable energy investments in Europe

Author(s): Jed J. Cohen Valeriya Azarova Andrea Kollmann Johannes Reichl
Published in: Energy Economics, 2021, ISSN 0140-9883
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105386

Comparing Internet and phone survey mode effects across countries and research contexts

Author(s): Jed J. Cohen Johannes Reichl
Published in: Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2021, ISSN 1467-8489
Publisher: Wiley
DOI: 10.1111/1467-8489.12451

Compensation for Energy Infrastructures: Can a Capability Approach be More Equitable?

Author(s): Fausto Corvino Giuseppe Pellegrini-Masini Alberto Pirni Stefano Maran
Published in: Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 2021, ISSN 1945-2829
Publisher: Routledge
DOI: 10.1080/19452829.2021.1887106

Tackling the challenge of interdisciplinary energy research: A research toolkit

Author(s): Jed J. Cohen Valeriya Azarova Christian A. Klöckner Andrea Kollmann Erica Löfström Giuseppe Pellegrini-Masini J. Gareth Polhill Johannes Reichl Douglas Salt
Published in: Energy Research & Social Science, Issue 74, 2021, ISSN 2214-6296
Publisher: Elsevier Limited
DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2021.101966

Sensitivity Analysis of an Empirical Agent-Based Model of District Heating Network Adoption

Author(s): Gary Polhill Doug Salt Tony Craig Ruth Wilson Kathryn Colley
Published in: 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-85098-2
Publisher: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-85099-9_10

An Intelligent and Collaborative Multiagent System in a 3D Environment

Author(s): Alejandro Rodríguez-Arias Bertha Guijarro-Berdiñas Noelia Sánchez-Maroño
Published in: Proceedings, 2020, ISSN 2504-3900
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/proceedings2020054036

A NetLogo Extension to Secure Data Using GNUs Pretty Good Privacy Software Suite

Author(s): Doug Salt Gary Polhill
Published in: Advances in Social Simulation. ESSA 2019. Springer Proceedings in Complexity., 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-61502-4
Publisher: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-61503-1_30

Informing Agent-Based Models of Social Innovation Uptake

Author(s): Patrycja Antosz Wander Jager Gary Polhill Douglas Salt
Published in: 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-85098-2
Publisher: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-85099-9_9

Modelling fuel poverty and market failures

Author(s): Gary Polhill, Jiaqi Ge, Tony Craig, Doug Salt, Kathryn Colley
Published in: Waterloo Institute for Complexity & Innovation Conference on Modelling Complex Urban Environments, Issue 21-22 June 2018, 2018, Page(s) 34
Publisher: Waterloo Institute for Complexity & Innovation

Understanding the social dynamics of consumer energy choices – some lessons learned from two H2020 projects (ECHOES, SMARTEES)

Author(s): Klöckner, C. A.
Published in: Proceedings of the ECEEE Summer Studies, 2019
Publisher: Conference: ECEEE Summer Study

Energy equality and energy sufficiency: new policy principles to accelerate the energy transition.

Author(s): Pellegrini-Masini, G
Published in: ECEEE Summer Study 2019, 2019
Publisher: ECEEE Summer Study 2019

Using ABMs for prediction: Two thought experiments and a workshop?

Author(s): Polhill, G., Hare, H., Anzola, D., Bauermann, T., French, T., Post, H., & Salt, D
Published in: 5th annual conference of the European Social Simulation Association ESSA, 2019
Publisher: Social Simulation Conference 2019

Modelling social dynamics in communities using HUMAT?

Author(s): Jager, W., & Antosz, P
Published in: 5th annual conference of the European Social Simulation Association ESSA, Issue 5th annual conference of the European Social Simulation Association ESSA, 2019
Publisher: European Social Simulation Association ESSA

Generating a Synthetic Population of Agents Through Decision Trees and Socio Demographic Data

Author(s): Alonso-Betanzos, A. Guijarro-Berdiñas, B. Rodríguez-Arias, A. Sánchez-Maroño, N.
Published in: Advances in Computational Intelligence, 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-85098-2
Publisher: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-85099-9_11

Wind Power and Public Engagement

Author(s): Giuseppe Pellegrini-Masini
Published in: 2020, ISBN 9780429491894
Publisher: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9780429491894

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