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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-05-29

Early Stage Training in Molecular Imaging Techniques

Final Activity Report Summary - EST MOLEC-IMAGING (Early Stage Training in Molecular Imaging Techniques)

Within this early-stage training site we offered early stage researchers the opportunity to gain experience in all different disciplines that are present in molecular imaging through interacting with experts from fields such as biology, physics, mathematics and computer science, all located in the same campus.

All training was devoted and oriented to the different aspects that surrounded molecular imaging techniques. The main users of this training site were not only biologists with the need to improve their skills on data and image analysis, modelling of biological processes and laser physics, but also students from disciplines that were traditionally unrelated to biology, who wanted to bridge the existing gap and learn about innovative applications in cutting-edge biology. The users of this site were offered the opportunity to be involved in state of the art research and gain multidisciplinary knowledge coherently oriented towards molecular imaging.

Specific training activities included several advanced workshops for tools in research and training in new imaging techniques, such as Optical projection tomography (OPT) and Fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT).