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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Mechanics with Molecules

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - MEMO (Mechanics with Molecules)

Période du rapport: 2020-04-01 au 2022-03-31

The main objectives of the MEMO project were to design and test single molecule-machines on a surface and one at a time, controlling the rotation and the work delivered by a single molecule-motor directly at the atomic scale.

MEMO designed molecular motors and gears able to perform collective and synchronous motion, studied the rotation of molecule-gears step-by-step, investigated the transmission of motion from the atomic scale to the mesoscale, and finally created the first miniaturization roadmap for mechanical machinery down to the atomic scale.

MEMO disseminated the single molecule-mechanics results to industry and society, organizing regular Academy-Industry days with high-tech SMEs.

MEMO organized the second international Nanocar Race, which was not only a very successful dissemination event, but also a fantastic way for MEMO to involve important research groups from all over the world: Japan, USA and Europe to contribute enhancing the knowledge of single molecule mechanics on a surface.
The MEMO project has achieved the following main results:

• Synthesis of molecular motors and gears able to perform collective and synchronous motion. After exploring different molecular designs, during the third reporting period the synthetic efforts were dedicated to the preparation of molecule-gears with small core and long teeth incorporating a ruthenium-based metallo-organic axle.

• Rotation of molecule-gears step-by-step according to their chemical composition, the structure of their teeth, their rotational axle, and the supporting surface. MEMO has investigated rotation and transmission of motion up to three molecule-gears for different anchoring strategies and axles.

• Molecule-motors adapted to transmit single molecule motion from the atomic scale to the mesoscale. MEMO investigated single-molecule motors both by STM and single-molecule force spectroscopy experiments, and the further transmission of motion from the nanoscale to larger objects from a theoretical point of view.

• Explore how a molecule-gear with ~1 nm diameter can mechanically match a nanofabricated solid-state nano-gear with ~30 nm diameter. To transfer solid-state nano-gears fabricated with nanolithography techniques to an ultra-clean metallic surface, MEMO fabricated a special double sample holder allowing the transfer of a solid-state nano-gear to a clean surface in UHV.

• Create the first miniaturization roadmap for mechanical machinery down to the atomic scale. MEMO proposed a planar version of the mechanical Pascaline adapted from Auch. A planar nano-Pascaline with 3 digits with 2 carries was fabricated. The problem of nanofabricating free standing nano-gears down to 200 nm in diameter with 10 teeth was solved nanofabricating also the rotation axle in the centre of each solid-state nano-gear before their release. The intermediate node with a further miniaturization is difficult to access since there is no instrument able to fabricate a free-standing solid state nano-gears with a diameter between 50 nm and 10 nm. The atomic-scale node was addressed using molecular dynamic simulations.
MEMO's objective has been reached, with a consistent output in term of scientific publications, invited presentations at conferences and research institutions, and participation to international conferences and workshops. The MEMO consortium published 53 articles in peer-reviewed journals (all available open access), 39 of them in the third project period. The work proceeded from the beginning with a high level of collaboration and synergy between the partners, also demonstrated from the high number (20%) of publications with more than a MEMO partner as author.

MEMO identified a few directions for possible exploitation with the important support of the Academy-Industry meetings.

Dissemination activities proceeded initially in limited form and started again after the pandemic break allowing us to perform the second MEMO workshop in person at M39, with the related second MEMO Springer book now in preparation. The third Academy-Industry meeting took place at M54 online. Most important, and thanks to a consistent effort of the MEMO partner CNRS Toulouse, the second Nanocar Race successfully took place at M54 in Toulouse (see deliverable report D5.10) and was followed live in YouTube by more than 40 000 people. . The MEMO Consortium also decided to seek a trademark protection for the name “Nanocar Race” in the European Union, the U.S. and Japan, opening the way towards further Nanocar Race events, with a large benefit in terms of European scientific dissemination.

12 young scientists have been supported by MEMO during the third reporting period, either as postdocs (7) or as PhD students (5), among them 4 female scientists. All MEMO young investigators show a high scientific profile and, thanks to MEMO, improved their experience, working in an interdisciplinary and international team, and could publish in high-impact scientific journals. They are now well skilled to continue their career in science or in the industry.
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