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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Testing the Large-Scale Limit of Quantum Mechanics

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - TEQ (Testing the Large-Scale Limit of Quantum Mechanics)

Période du rapport: 2019-01-01 au 2020-06-30

Quantum mechanics provides, to date, the most accurate understanding of the microscopic world of atoms, molecules and photons. Many experiments have so far confirmed the accuracy of quantum mechanics in describing the properties of microscopic systems but in everyday life we do not observe any of the counterintuitive phenomena that are predicted to take place in the quantum world, superpositions above all. This is the core issue being addressed by the TEQ project: is the lack of observation of quantum coherence at the macroscopic level a manifestation of a breakdown of quantum linearity, or simply the consequence of the fact that no one so far was able to create a macroscopic quantum superposition?

TEQ holds the promises for realizing substantial impact at both the scientific and societal level. Exploring the potential limits of quantum mechanics is crucial for our understanding of nature and for exploiting quantum properties for large-scale devices. The realization of TEQ triggers and ecosystem of innovation and impact comprising industrial development, Research & Innovation, and society. The knowledge that the TEQ project will generate, will raise the interest of the general public and impact on the perception that society has of nature. A substantial impact will be achieved by the construction of quantum-limited sensing devices, which are core targets of enormous relevance in quantum technologies.

The overall objective of TEQ is the identification of the fundamental limitations to the applicability of quantum mechanics towards the establishment of a novel paradigm for quantum-enhanced technology that makes use of large-scale devices. Specifically, the TEQ project will:
- deliver low-noise traps for NanoCrystals (NCs) compatible with a cryogenic environment (Trapping);
- design and realize specific detection and cooling strategies for trapped charged NCs (Cooling);
- demonstrate experimentally the effectiveness of non-interferometric tests of non-standard decoherence acting upon quantum superposition states of massive NCs (Testing);
- deliver a theoretical platform of clear experimental applicability for the study of refined collapse models, macroscopic quantum effects, and the investigation of time-dilation decoherence (Enabling);
- allow for the assessment, and the potential ruling out, of models for quantum gravity (Ruling out).
The above-mentioned specific objectives will be achieved through the following scientific breakthrough:
- Achievement of ultra-low noise conditions in the dynamics of a complex system;
- Identification of the core sources of environmental decoherence affecting the system, and characterize them experimentally;
- Implementation of suitable diagnostic strategies able to infer possible effects arising from non-standard decoherence mechanisms.
The scientific goal of TEQ is to test the quantum superposition principle – which is at the heart of future quantum technologies – against models that predict its violation through the spontaneous collapse of the wave function (collapse models). TEQ aims to reach a parameter range, which is at least two orders of magnitude beyond what achieved so far. Specifically, the CSL collapse model will be tested, improving on the bound of the localisation rate λ.
The strategy to achieve this overarching goal consists of five Objectives as described in the DoA: Trapping, Cooling, Testing, Enabling, Ruling-out. During TEQ’s second Reporting Period (January 2019 – June 2020), further steps have been taken towards the achievements of those objectives, as described here below. These actions have been carried out in respect of the Work Plan and in optimal cooperation among the partners.
Trapping - The NCs required for the TEQ project are now routinely synthetized and good progress has been made in tailoring their size, shape and optical properties. In parallel, silica nanoparticles have been successfully trapped.
Cooling - New electronics have been implemented. Feedback-based cooling methods have been developed and evaluated: feedback cooling using a velocity damping approach is recommended for use on the final TEQ experiment.
Testing - Final installation of the cryostat has been implemented. A detailed study defining the detection method for the ultimate experiment has been achieved. Magnetic levitation experiments have been performed.
Enabling - Macroscopicity has been explicitly studied together with application of metrological tools for the inference of the occurrence of collapse mechanisms and relativistic spontaneous collapse models.
Ruling out - The theoretical predictions of spontaneous collapse models for some current and possible future experiments have been computed.
The Coronavirus outbreak that hit Europe in the first months of 2020 affected TEQ as well. The project partners took immediate action in March 2020 and prepared a Contingency Plan to monitor the situation and be ready, if needed, to react project-wise. The COVID-19 outbreak caused a temporary closure of 3-4 months of labs and caused delays in the project development during spring/summer of 2020. These delays didn’t impact the second reporting period but will surely have an effect on the project implementation of the third reporting period.

The management structure has continued to work efficiently, the Work Plan has been constantly monitored and appropriate dissemination actions have been implemented.
TEQ will build the capability to perform experiments at low noise conditions to improve the bounds on models of spontaneous wave function collapse, by two orders of magnitude in the CSL lambda parameter. This will be achieved by a unique consortium, which is optimized in order to:
• Fabricate particles with tailored properties
• Create an optimal trap for the particles
• Prepare a cryogenic environment for minimizing noise
• Perform a most accurate test of the particle’s motion
• Compare experimental result against theoretical predictions
This achievement will allow advising further experiments to improve such bounds even further and will inform our decision to pursue further experiments on Earth or in Space.
Developing a better understanding of testing the large-scale Limit of quantum mechanics will allow us to find better solutions for outstanding challenges in quantum technologies by developing techniques that can be used to reduce the noise in specific quantum information tasks or to enhance weak signals opening up conceptually new metrology applications.
Our research is likely to generate results relevant for the diverse theatrical and experiential communities of classical and quantum thermodynamics, gravity physics and quantum mechanics. It will impact the general public, whose attention of the foundations of quantum mechanics and its possible limits of validity is very high.