Periodic Reporting for period 3 - ICO2CHEM (From industrial CO2 streams to added value Fischer-Tropsch chemicals)
Reporting period: 2020-10-01 to 2022-03-31
In the ICO2CHEM demonstration plant, CO2 is transformed into hydrocarbon precursors for a wide variety of consumer products. This demonstration was important action towards circular use of CO2. In ICO2CHEM, a containerized demonstration plant was installed and operated at the Infraserv Höchst Industrial Park in Frankfurt, Germany. The demonstration plant captured CO2 from a biogas upgrading plant and with onsite by-product H2, converted these gaseous constituents into renewable white oils and high molecular weight Fischer-Tropsch (FT) waxes.
The technological core of the project consisted of a Reverse Water Gas Shift (RWGS) reactor followed by an innovative modular Fischer-Tropsch reactor. In the RWGS step, CO2 and H2 was converted into a synthesis gas (CO and H2) mixture. The synthesis gas was converted into chemical hydrocarbon products in the following FT reaction step. The FT reactor utilized a novel cobalt-based catalyst with enhanced selectivity and lifetime. The catalyst was developed by VTT. Altana analyzed the utilization of the products in existing and new consumer products. For instance, the white oils and wax emulsions can be utilized as raw material for chemical products, such as coatings and sealant materials, and the properties of the raw material were benchmarked against the fossil-based materials currently in use.
After permissions were granted, the whole demonstration production chain from industrial raw materials (CO2 and H2) via syngas to FT products was demonstrated in the mobile synthesis unit (MOBSU).
For Fischer-Tropsch reaction to take place, CO2 needs to be converted to CO. This research work was conducted by INERATEC. The work consisted of designing and building of two separate generations of RWGS reactors. In addition to the RWGS development, a successful process concept required novel solutions from catalyst and reactor development. During the project, FT catalysts were developed to achieve desired products and utilize enhanced heat transfer properties of the INERATEC microstructure FT reactor. The development work at VTT was based on a conventional cobalt catalyst recipe modified with several different methods. The target in catalyst development was to produce catalyst with high intrinsic activity and selectivity towards heavy hydrocarbons (i.e. α-value). Those qualities were pursued by adding promoters by traditional incipient wetness method and atomic layer deposition. The suitability of the catalyst to the microstructure reactor was verified by lab-scale in a microstructure reactor. According to WP3 findings, a 1 kg catalyst batch was manufactured at VTT and packed to MOBSU FT reactor by INERATEC for the demonstration run at Höchst.
Linked to the catalyst development activities, kinetic experiments and modelling were performed by Polito. The kinetic model was integrated into a process model to study different process concepts and their efficiencies and yields of desired product fractions. As the RWGS step requires heat, whereas the FT reaction is strongly exothermic, heat integration is essential to achieve high efficiencies. The evaluation of the heat integration possibilities and cost effectiveness were studied based on the capacity in Höchst, CO2 input 1000 kg/h.
Techno-economic studies and life cycle assessments were conducted for industrial scale Fisher Tropsch plants that produced both waxes and chemicals. Assessments were prepared for three alternative configurations that were assumed to be located in Industrial Park Höchst and next to a biogas network in the Netherlands. The main findings from the studies highlight that inexpensive and renewable hydrogen is required for the concepts to be both sustainable and economically feasible. Optimisation of the process requires a location in which the main raw materials would be available, access to renewable electricity is secured and facilities for waste water treatment exist. Utilisation of all by-products from the process is important, and improvement in electricity efficiency remains as an important topic for future research. In addition, the prices of the end-products (waxes and chemicals) should be above the current prices of fossil reference products to improve profitability.
There are several alternatives for CCU concepts. However, ICO2CHEM process is one of the most promising concepts to achieve industrial maturity in the near future. The ICO2CHEM project provided an information package regarding CO2 utilization through RWGS and FT concept. This information was released through project dissemination actions, held workshops, and peer-reviewed publications. The knowledge acquired throughout the project gives all consortium parties a foundation to continue CCU concept development in the following jointly funded and commercial projects.
To use the point sources of CO2 and H2, intensified FT synthesis technology by INERATEC plays an essential role in achieving the required capital costs of the synthesis for distributed plant concepts matching with industrial CO2 sources. The excellent heat transfer properties of the reactor allow the use of highly active catalyst developed during the project. In addition, the process unit development (RWGS and FT recirculation) was an important target to achieve high carbon efficiency.
The ICO2CHEM project involved industry, SME, research institute and universities. This combination allowed a widespread exploitation of the project results and increased the social impact of the project by increasing the competitiveness of the new European technologies, providing job opportunities in research and production as well as creating trainee and thesis opportunities for young people. The project increased understanding of current challenges and opportunities related to circular uses of CO2 for producing new raw materials sources for the chemical industry.