Collection of best practices, technologies, experiences to be prioritized within dissemination activities. This report will include also the conclusions of task 6.3 Identification of tech gaps and opportunities.
Growth hacking plan update M30Tactic plan with actions to take to foster the distribution of the I4MS-Go platform
Plan for collaboration with other I4MS projects and Digital Innovation HubsPlan for liaison and co-operation activities with other projects that will contribute to the I4MS and Digital Innovation Hubs initiatives. An initial plan for collaboration will be made in M4, and in M12 and M30 progress report an update will be provided on the activities done and the plans for the next period.
Go-to-Market Roadmap (Initial version)Individual report for the experimenters with the specific actions to be done in terms of fundraising, brokerage and events
I4MS and DIH engagement ProgrammeIt will define the roadmap of joint activities for I4MS IAs as well as supportive measures to engage Regional DIH across Europe. This will be ready on M1, and meetings will occur on the following dates
Leading agents list and action planIncluding the list of people to be addressed and actions to be taken to attract them to the I4MS-Go platform
Marketing materialsSet of marketing materials to serve the dissemination of the project.
I4MS Innovation Label: toolkit for facilitators. Update M30Toolkit for facilitators (Regions, DIH and Corporates) to adopt the I4MS-Go strategy as an Entrepreneurial Discovery Tool becoming active stakeholders of the matchmaking service and/or content curation
Editorial guidelinesIncluding the scope and boundaries of the content to be promoted within the platform
Project Management Plan PMP update M12This deliverable describes the overall project management procedures, the work plan and the tools to monitor I4MS-Go activities. Including CA clauses and guidelines for management of: Reporting, Financials, Risks, Quality and Internal Communication Strategy.
Stage and showroom for presence in World Class Events update M30(National and regional events, Word Mobile Congress).
Multi-regional initiativesReport of the specific spin-off projects obtained as outcome of the Task 5.4. in the shape of ERA-NET Cofund, INTERREG, ERASMUS+ or MSCA-RISE type of actions
Plan for collaboration with other I4MS projects and Digital Innovation Hubs update M12Plan for liaison and co-operation activities with other projects that will contribute to the I4MS and Digital Innovation Hubs initiatives. An initial plan for collaboration will be made in M4, and in M12 and M30 progress report an update will be provided on the activities done and the plans for the next period.
DSM coordination roadmapReport of the agreements achieved with other DSM ecosystem for joint operations. It will be continuously updated until the end of the Project.
Growth hacking plan update M12Tactic plan with actions to take to foster the distribution of the I4MS-Go platform
I4MS and DIH engagement Programme update M12It will define the roadmap of joint activities for I4MS IAs as well as supportive measures to engage Regional DIH across Europe. This will be ready on M1, and meetings will occur on the following dates
Curators list and action planList of people to be addressed and actions to be taken to attract them to the I4MS-Go platform.
I4MS-Go Digital Innovation Hub Catalogue update M12Repository of content available through the platform including: best practices; innovations; technologies; services; products; I4MS Skills Label content.
I4MS-Go Digital Innovation Hub Catalogue update M30Repository of content available through the platform including: best practices; innovations; technologies; services; products; I4MS Skills content.
I4MS Digital Innovation Hub CatalogueRepository of content available through the platform including: best practices; innovations; technologies; services; products; I4MS Skills Label content. This content will be continuously updated, with a first version from the beginning of the Project (around M4) and a final version at the end.
Go-to-Market Roadmap (Final version)Recommendations for AE beneficiaries in terms of fundraising, brokerage and events
I4MS and DIH engagement Programme update M30It will define the roadmap of joint activities for I4MS IAs as well as supportive measures to engage Regional DIH across Europe. This deliverable will include as well the activities developed jointly with DIHs (D.4.9)
DSM coordination roadmap update M30Report of the agreements achieved with other DSM ecosystem for joint operations
For eventual sponsors to get to know the ecosystem, platform and community.
I4MS Disruptors Awards update M202 open call challenges launched through I4MS-Go Platform and presented at World Class Events
Regional Advisory Board (Initial composition)For facilitating Regional engagement and further public investment for the SAE ecosystem
Multi-platform guidelines update M30Guidelines for platform integration including procedures, user's manual, templates, API and SDK.
Regional Advisory Board (Final composition)For facilitating Regional engagement and further public investment for the SAE ecosystem
I4MS Skills Catalogue update M30Catalogue of training skills and offer across Europe to ensure capabilities absorption by SMEs and MidCaps to ensure best I4MS technologies uptake.
I4MS Accelerate programme workshops (2nd edition)I4MS Accelerate programme workshops. For preparing the best-in-class application experiments for Going-to-Market including Fundraising campaigns
I4MS Disruptors Awards update M282 open call challenges launched through I4MS-Go Platform and presented at World Class Events.
I4MS engagement meetups (1st)For eventual sponsors to get to know the ecosystem, platform and community.
I4MS Skills LabelCatalogue of training skills and offer across Europe to ensure capabilities absorption by SMEs and MidCaps to ensure best I4MS technologies uptake.
Regional Advisory Board (update)For facilitating Regional engagement and further public investment for the SAE ecosystem
I4MS Advisory BoardIt will be the liaison bridge with the I4MS IAs, EFFRA, KIC in Advanced Manufacturing and SAE CSA
Matchmaking servicePlatform features for automatic matching among user profiles (offerings & needs)
I4MS Accelerate programme workshops (1st edition)I4MS Accelerate programme workshops. For preparing the best-in-class application experiments for Going-to-Market including Fundraising campaigns
I4MS engagement meetups (Final)For eventual sponsors to get to know the ecosystem, platform and community.
I4MS Innovation LabelToolkit for facilitators (Regions, DIH and Corporates) to adopt the I4MS-Go strategy as an Entrepreneurial Discovery Tool becoming active stakeholders of the matchmaking service and/or content curation
Stage and showroomStage and showroom for presence in World Class Events (ej. Hannover Messe)
Stage and showroom for presence in World Class Events update M18(Hannover Messe, Word Mobile Congress).
I4MS Disruptors Awards3 open call challenges (1 per year) launched through I4MS-Go Platform and presented at World Class Events each year. Potential participants will be directly identified through dialogue with I4MS Advisory Board (WP3) and Regional Advisory Board (WP5)
MarCom seminarMeeting organised to develop a common MarCom ecosystem strategy, to be used by all the I4MS IA projects
Multi-platform guidelinesGuidelines for platform integration including procedures, user's manual, templates, API and SDK. It will be continuously updated according to users needs.
Document that will describe the data management life cycle for the data to be collected, processed and/or generated by the project
Data Management Plan (DMP) update M30Document that will describe the data management life cycle for the data to be collected, processed and/or generated by the project
An online platform that will gather all the information and services to be offered to final users (SMEs, start-ups) in the different fields: technology, access to services, access to funding, matchmaking.
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