Periodic Reporting for period 1 - NOLEAK (Self-powered system for leakage detection in water pipes and self-sealing fissures with natural products)
Reporting period: 2017-05-01 to 2017-08-31
Current leak detection methods within the market are not able to self-repair the detected leaks, with the users having to incur extra costs for the repair and replacement of damaged pipes. Most of the detection systems also require external power sources, which results in increased energy demands for the region. There is therefore a need for a smart leak detection system that is able to repair water leaks in an environmentally friendly manner.
The overall objective of the NOLEAK project is to provide a smart, self-powered device that is able to detect, repair and alert the user, once a leak has been detected. NOLEAK will have the added convenience of uninterrupted water supply during leak repairs.
We also carried out a comprehensive market study which included investigating the regulatory environments in order to determine the market needs, as well as the most promising markets. We also performed an intellectual property rights analysis and found no infringements.
We established the investment requirements to commercialise NOLEAK, and made financial projections for the project. Based on these results, we concluded that the NOLEAK project is technically and commercially viable and prepared a comprehensive business plan for the commercialisation of NOLEAK.
Successful commercialisation of NOLEAK will provide additional revenue of at least €14 million by 2023, with a creation of employment opportunities for at least 9 people.