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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Realizing Europe’s Soft Power in External Cooperation and Trade


Final report with recommendations
Report on the coherence of the activities of Member State trade and investment promotion organization

Report on the coherence of the activities of Member State trade and investment promotion organization including how EU trade policy and Member State trade and investment promotion instruments can be better linked to the European Economic Diplomacy of the EU and the interinstitutional arrangements and processes around economic diplomacy at the EU level including case study narratives of selected accession countries analysing the extent to which reported activities by trade promotion agencies reflect the incentives identified by the Trade Coherence Index

Analysis of how different mixes and sequences of implementing EU policies have affected the quantity and the quality of trade flows and FDI

Analysis of how different mixes and sequences of implementing EU policies have affected the quantity and the quality of trade flows and FDI and in turn the ways the later have affected change in institutions and policies

Paper summarizing evolution of the coverage and approaches of EU ex ante trade impact assessments over time
Paper assessing lessons of CETA and TTIP negotiating experiences for external policy towards partner countries more generally
Policy briefs UBERN

Policy briefs summarizing the findings of deliverables

Policy briefs and blog/columns in VoXEU based on the various papers

Policy briefs and blogcolumns in VoXEU based on the various papers

Working paper on coherence and effectiveness of EU economic diplomacy vis-à-vis the USA, including in multilateral fora

Working paper on coherence and effectiveness of EU economic diplomacy visvis the USA including in multilateral fora

Paper analysing interest group engagement and political economy factors impacting on the content of the EU-Singapore trade agreement and cooperation with ASEAN Member States

Paper analysing interest group engagement and political economy factors impacting on the content of the EUSingapore trade agreement and cooperation with ASEAN Member States

Policy briefs EUI

Policy briefs

Literature overview

Report providing: (i) an overview of the literature classifying the relevant policies and of associated available datasets on tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade, trade and investment promotion, technical assistance programmes; (ii) an overview of the literature on the trade trade-related external policies, including related engagement in international institutions, at both EU and Member State level, including associated datasets; (iii) review of Member States’ external economic policies – export and investment promotion programmes, bilateral investment treaties, technical assistance programs and the use of trade related instruments to achieve foreign policy goals, including a detailed mapping of the EU's preferential access criteria and graduation rules over time and across different beneficiary groups and the evolution of EU trade policies towards selected EaP partners. (M12)

Working paper on the differential impacts on economic objectives and selected NTPOs

Working paper on the differential impacts on economic objectives and selected NTPOs of different activities, instruments and allocation criteria applied by the EU, with a focus on how EU & Member States use trade policies and related development assistance.

Synthesis working paper summarizing findings on Member State and European Commission use of trade related policies as source of foreign policy influence: conflict or complementarity?

Synthesis working paper summarizing findings on Member State and European Commission use of trade related policies as source of foreign policy influence conflict or complementarity

Case study of the functional, deliberative and influence of purposes of non-state actor dialogues and consultations in the implementation of the development and sustainability dimensions of EU trade agreements with African and Caribbean countries

Case study of the functional deliberative and influence of purposes of nonstate actor dialogues and consultations in the implementation of the development and sustainability dimensions of EU trade agreements with African and Caribbean countries

Working paper reviewing the literature on the application of conditionality

Working paper reviewing the literature on the application of conditionality and issue linkage strategies and their effectiveness, including empirical assessments

Paper assessing factors accounting for the varying implementation of energy-related acquis communautaire in EaP countries

Paper assessing factors accounting for the varying implementation of energyrelated acquis communautaire in EaP countries as part of the Energy Community and DCFTAs and the impact of Treaty of Lisbon on coherence and effectiveness of EU external energy policy towards Russia and EaP countries

Working paper EU trade agreements

Working paper identifying the underlying logic behind different EU trade agreements and linking these to data from DESTA and new data on flanking agreements, including characterization of provisions pertaining to NTPOs and the degree of establishing conditionality, distinguishing between enforceable policy commitments and “soft law” forms of collaboration

Report studying systematic relationships between EU trade policy initiatives and stated objectives

Report studying systematic relationships between EU trade policy initiatives and stated objectives, and providing an assessment of outcomes given these objectives across time and partner countries

Working paper describing the Trade Coherence Index and its evolution of time

Working paper describing the Trade Coherence Index and its evolution of time including underlying methodological development and data sources and analysis of the explanatory power of the index as a determinant of Member State trade and investment promotion activities

Working paper assessing coherence in EU and Member State positions in the G20 on selected key policies such as development, trade and investment issues
Policy briefs CEPS

Policy briefs

Policy briefs highlighting results and findings of country studies
Report on consultations with practitioners and stake-holders on draft findings

Report on consultations with practitioners and stakeholders on draft findings

Study on coherence of EU trade policy and climate change commitments

Study on coherence of EU trade policy and climate change commitments, including analysis of the structure of EU tariffs, use of trade defence instruments, positions in WTO environmental goods negotiations and impacts of outward foreign direct investment

Working paper external energy policies

Working paper comparing the external energy policies of Member States and the EU including the EUs 2030 Energy Strategy identifying commonalities and differences

Study analysing Russia's trade relations with the EU and individual Member States in the wake of Ukraine, the political economy of EU sanctions against Russia and Russia's countersanctions

Study analysing Russias trade relations with the EU and individual Member States in the wake of Ukraine the political economy of EU sanctions against Russia and Russias countersanctions

Report on the coherence of EU external policies towards China

Report on the coherence of EU external policies towards China highlighting where coherence has achieved and incoherence exists the reasons for this that are within the remit of EUs trade policy towards China or reflect Chinas policies and what could be done to realize better the EUs potential to achieve NTPOs

High-level policy brief

High-level policy brief based on the findings of the project's first year

Report with initial results of analysis and preliminary recommendations

Draft report with initial results of analysis and preliminary recommendations

Policy briefs summarizing main results posted on VoxEU

Policy briefs summarizing main results posted on VoxEU or equivalent sites

Working papers on the impact of imposition of regulatory standards by lead firms in value chains

Working papers on the impact of imposition of regulatory standards by lead firms in value chains on realization of selected NTPOs for which requisite data is available for the countries concerned

Report on the external economic strategy of the USA, including changes implemented and/or being considered by the Trump Administration and the implications for the EU
Working paper on the EU and WTO legal regime on trade conditionality
"Study on the effects of partner country ""demand side"" factors as determinants of implementation of EU NTPO policy initiatives and regulatory convergence in the new Eastern Member States, in the Western Balkans, North Africa, Turkey and selected EaP and"

Study on the effects of partner country demand side factors as determinants of implementation of EU NTPO policy initiatives and regulatory convergence in the new Eastern Member States in the Western Balkans North Africa Turkey and selected EaP and ENP countries

Comparative study of US and EU mechanisms allowing firms to report violations of trade agreements

Comparative study of US and EU mechanisms allowing firms to report violations of trade agreements and the associated processes and followup with partner countries including role of potential retaliation by partner countries as a factor influencing enforcement decisions by the European Commission and diplomatic engagement by Member States

Policy briefs on case studies and EU sanctions against Russia
Report on coherence between EU development and trade policy with regard to regulatory cooperation under trade agreements

Report on coherence between EU development and trade policy in selected ENP and ACP agreements

Sector-specific case studies of regulatory cooperation between the EU and/or EU Member States and one of more partner country regulatory agencies in Latin America, Asia and North America

Sectorspecific case studies of regulatory cooperation between the EU andor EU Member States and one of more partner country regulatory agencies in Latin America Asia and North America

Report on compliance with EU/international regulation of 12 Member State Export Credit Agencies

Report on compliance with EU/international regulation of 12 Member State Export Credit Agencies and coherence with EU and Member States external trade strategy

Law and economics working paper on the incentive effects

Law and economics working paper on the incentive effects for trading partners to negotiate agreements that extend beyond the domain where the European Commission has unambiguous exclusive competence and evaluation of the incentive effects of alternative forms of cooperation

Country studies assessing coherence of EU and Member State actions/support measures and role of partner country political and economic conditions in sustaining policy reforms and achievement of NTPOs

Country studies assessing coherence of EU and Member State actionssupport measures and role of partner country political and economic conditions in sustaining policy reforms and achievement of NTPOs

Working paper analysing the extant literature and perceptions by stakeholders on EU impact assessment and consultation mechanisms

Working paper analysing the extant literature and perceptions by stakeholders on EU impact assessment and consultation mechanisms drawing on list of practitioners and stakeholders compiled under WP7

Report on China’s external economic strategy towards the EU and towards third countries
Study on the role of Enterprise Europe Network in as a trade and investment promotion tool

Study on the role of Enterprise Europe Network in as a trade and investment promotion tool and its effectiveness as a channel for business associations and chambers of commerce to provide feedback on and influence trade and investment policies

Working paper analysing the effects of graduation criteria and changes in rules of origin

Working paper analysing the effects of graduation criteria and changes in rules of origin over time on recipients’ trade performance

Paper on the EU-US- transatlantic civil aviation services market and the implementation of the Open Skies Agreement

Paper on the EUUS transatlantic civil aviation services market and the implementation of the Open Skies Agreement

Panel dataset

Panel dataset on NTPO outcome indicators, using existing databases in this area

Database on the pre- and post-EU accession trade structure

A database on the pre- and post-EU accession trade structure vis-à-vis major non-EU partner countries, covering Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithu-ania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia – to be used in WP4

e-book comprising short essays

Collect and compile an e-book comprising short essays received from those of the contact list group who respond to the invitation to contribute when they were initially contacted

Dataset on convergence towards EU trade related norms and policy requirements and NTPOs in ENP countries and accompanying codebook
Deliberative workshops

Hold deliberative workshops in Brussels, Budapest, Beijing, Washington DC and in capitals of selected EU member states and EU partner countries – location to be determined based on consultations and availability of local hosting institutions

Executive Training Seminar


Critically Important: The Heterogeneous Effect of Diplomatic Tensions on Trade

Auteurs: Julian Hinz; Elsa Leromain; Elsa Leromain
Publié dans: Review of Industrial Organization, Vol. 57, p. 309-331 (2020), Numéro 6, 2020, Page(s) 309-331, ISSN 0889-938X
Éditeur: Kluwer Academic Publishers
DOI: 10.1007/s11151-020-09769-9

The impact of trade preferences remova

Auteurs: Hinnerk Gnutzmann,Arevik Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan
Publié dans: The World Economy, 2022, ISSN 1467-9701
Éditeur: John Wiley & sons. inc.
DOI: 10.1111/twec.13265

Trade and terroir. The political economy of the world’s first geographical indications

Auteurs: Giulia Meloni, Johan Swinnen
Publié dans: Food Policy, Numéro 81, 2018, Page(s) 1-20, ISSN 0306-9192
Éditeur: Pergamon Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2018.10.003

Good for the environment, good for business: Foreign acquisitions and energy intensity

Auteurs: Arlan Brucal, Beata Javorcik, Inessa Love
Publié dans: Journal of International Economics, Numéro 121, 2019, Page(s) 103247, ISSN 0022-1996
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jinteco.2019.07.002

Aid for trade and international transactions in goods and services

Auteurs: Bernard Hoekman, Anirudh Shingal
Publié dans: Review of International Economics, 2019, ISSN 0965-7576
Éditeur: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/roie.12452

Greening the WTO Environmental Goods Agreement, Tariff Concessions, and Policy Likeness

Auteurs: Petros C Mavroidis, Damien J Neven
Publié dans: Journal of International Economic Law, Numéro 22/3, 2019, Page(s) 373-388, ISSN 1369-3034
Éditeur: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/jiel/jgz018

Open Plurilateral Agreements, International Regulatory Cooperation and the WTO

Auteurs: Bernard Hoekman, Charles Sabel
Publié dans: Global Policy, Numéro 10/3, 2019, Page(s) 297-312, ISSN 1758-5880
Éditeur: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
DOI: 10.1111/1758-5899.12694

Urgent and Important: Improving WTO Performance by Revisiting Working Practices

Auteurs: Bernard Hoekman
Publié dans: Journal of World Trade, Numéro 53:3, 2019, Page(s) 373-394, ISSN 1011-6702
Éditeur: Kluwer Law International

Missing the Bigger Picture: A Population-level Analysis of Transnational Private Governance Organizations Active in the Global South

Auteurs: Philip Schleifer, Matteo Fiorini, Luc Fransen
Publié dans: Ecological Economics, Numéro 164, 2019, Page(s) 106362, ISSN 0921-8009
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.106362

Worth the pain? Firms’ exporting behaviour to countries under sanctions

Auteurs: Crozet, Matthieu and Hinz, Julian and Stammann, Amrei and Wanner, Joschka.
Publié dans: European Economic Review, Numéro 134 (2021) 103683, 2021, ISSN 0014-2921
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2021.103683

Gravity estimations with FDI bilateral data : potential FDI effects of deep preferential trade agreements

Auteurs: Henk L. M. KOX, Hugo ROJAS-ROMAGOSA
Publié dans: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) Working Paper Series, Numéro 2019/70, 2019
Éditeur: European University Institute

Public procurement, regional integration and the belt and road initiative

Auteurs: Tania Ghossein, Bernard M. Hoekman and Anirudh Shingal
Publié dans: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) Working Paper Series, Numéro 2019/63, 2019
Éditeur: European University Institute

The role of an environmental goods agreement in the quest to improve the regime complex for climate change

Auteurs: Jaime DE MELO, Jean-Marc SOLLEDER
Publié dans: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) Working Paper Series, Numéro 2019/55, 2019
Éditeur: European University Institute

Preferential Trade Agreements and Multinational Production

Auteurs: Sébastien Miroudot, Davide Rigo
Publié dans: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) Working Paper Series, Numéro 2019/14, 2019
Éditeur: European University Institute

The RESPECT survey instrument

Auteurs: Matteo Fiorini, Bernard Hoekman, Naïs Ralaison, Aydin Yildirim
Publié dans: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) Working Paper Series, Numéro 2019/59, 2019
Éditeur: European University Institute

Go ahead and trade : the effect of uncertainty removal in the EU’s GSP scheme

Auteurs: Ingo BORCHERT, Mattia DI UBALDO
Publié dans: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) Working Paper Series, Numéro 2020/15, 2020
Éditeur: European University Institute

Trade wars : nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition

Auteurs: Eddy Bekkers, Joseph Francois, Douglas Nelson and Hugo Rojas-Romagosa
Publié dans: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) Working Paper Series, Numéro 2019/62, 2019
Éditeur: European University Institute

The pre-Trump build-up of trade discrimination : scale, form, and drivers

Auteurs: Simon Evenett
Publié dans: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) Working Paper Series, Numéro 2019/53, 2019
Éditeur: European University Institute

'We can also do stupid' : the EU's response to America First protectionism

Auteurs: Simon Evenett
Publié dans: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) Working Paper Series, Numéro 2019/52, 2019
Éditeur: European University Institute

The trade policy of the United States under the Trump administration

Auteurs: Craig VanGrasstek
Publié dans: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) Working Paper Series, Numéro 2019/11, 2019
Éditeur: European University Institute

Chinese development assistance and household welfare in sub-Saharan Africa

Auteurs: Bruno Martorano, Laura Metzger, Marco Sanfilippo
Publié dans: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) Working Paper Series, Numéro 2019/09, 2019
Éditeur: European University Institute

Reopening pandora’s box in search of a WTO-compatible industrial policy? : The Brazil – taxation dispute

Auteurs: Emanuel Ornelas and Laura Puccio
Publié dans: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) Working Paper Series, Numéro 2019/82, 2019
Éditeur: European University Institute

Burning down the house? : the Appellate Body in the centre of the WTO crisis

Auteurs: Bernard M. Hoekman and Petros C. Mavroidis
Publié dans: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) Working Paper Series, Numéro 2019/56, 2019
Éditeur: European University Institute

The WTO Government Procurement Agreement as a Commitment Device: A First Appraisal

Auteurs: Benedikt Dengler, Bernard Hoekman
Publié dans: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) Discussion Paper Series, Numéro DP13266, 2019
Éditeur: Centre for Economic Policy Research

Roads: from trade liberalization to firm productivity

Auteurs: Matteo Fiorini, Marco Sanfilippo, Asha Sundaram
Publié dans: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) Working Paper Series, Numéro 2019/32, 2019
Éditeur: European University Institute

Perspectives on the Soft Power of EU Trade Policy

Auteurs: San Bilal, Bernard Hoekman
Publié dans: eBook, 2019
Éditeur: CEPR Centre for Economic Policy Research

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