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After 12 months of activities, the actual number of KAM is 0.
PES DI final report – KAMAfter 12 months of activities, the actual number of KAM is 3.
PES DI progress report - EIMCAfter 12 months of activities, the actual number of EIMC is 8.
EIMC services progress reportFor SMEs receiving EIMC services deliverable will be the “EIMC Service package” which will hold the following documents 1. Preliminary-Initial assessment reports 2. Recommendation letters 3. Questionnaire 1 completed by potential clients 4. IMC assessment report 5. Action plan 6. Final reports on innovation management issues activities and next steps 7. Final report on follow-up activities The 38 EIMC Service packages will be delivered by 24th month of the program; however there will be an incremental completion of these services. Targeted dynamics for completed service packages, will be 8 by the end of 2017, another 16 by mid 2016 and another 14 by the end of 2018. This dynamic is defined assuming that first half of 2017 will be rollout period for this service, where some time will be spend on completing administrative preconditions to initiate the program, promotion of the EUNORS services, completion of basic training for the experts in IMP3ove methodology, and then by the learning period where they will each work with one beneficiary and on getting the license to use the IMP3rove platform. For the first part of 2018 we foresee that each expert works with additional 2 SMEs (for 8 experts that amounts to 16 SMEs), and another 2 in the second part of 2018 (for 7 experts that makes 14SMEs). The difference in the second part of 2018 is foreseen because one expert will also perform the KAM role in the event of successful applicants to the SME Instrument. In that case KAM will provide less EIMC services. However in case that there are no or not sufficient number of SME Instrument beneficiaries KAM working hours will be added to the EIMC service package and the total number of EIMC recipients will be increased by the difference. Additionally, the intake of clients will be incremental and on rolling basis, therefore the above stated dynamic is foreseen for the intake assessment and the action plans preparation. Implementation of the action plans and final assessment of the impact will depend on the time of entry for each company, and on the nature and the content of the action plan, therefore it is highly likely that some of the companies entering the program in 2018 (especially those entering in the second half of the year) will not reach that stage by the end of the reporting period.
PES DI final report – EIMCAfter 12 months of activities, the actual number of EIMC is 38.
EIMC services final summary reportFor SMEs receiving EIMC services deliverable will be the “EIMC Service package” which will hold the following documents 1. Preliminary-Initial assessment reports 2. Recommendation letters 3. Questionnaire 1 completed by potential clients 4. IMC assessment report 5. Action plan 6. Final reports on innovation management issues activities and next steps 7. Final report on follow-up activities The 38 EIMC Service packages will be delivered by 24th month of the program; however there will be an incremental completion of these services. Targeted dynamics for completed service packages, will be 8 by the end of 2017, another 16 by mid 2016 and another 14 by the end of 2018. This dynamic is defined assuming that first half of 2017 will be rollout period for this service, where some time will be spend on completing administrative preconditions to initiate the program, promotion of the EUNORS services, completion of basic training for the experts in IMP3ove methodology, and then by the learning period where they will each work with one beneficiary and on getting the license to use the IMP3rove platform. For the first part of 2018 we foresee that each expert works with additional 2 SMEs (for 8 experts that amounts to 16 SMEs), and another 2 in the second part of 2018 (for 7 experts that makes 14SMEs). The difference in the second part of 2018 is foreseen because one expert will also perform the KAM role in the event of successful applicants to the SME Instrument. In that case KAM will provide less EIMC services. However in case that there are no or not sufficient number of SME Instrument beneficiaries KAM working hours will be added to the EIMC service package and the total number of EIMC recipients will be increased by the difference. Additionally, the intake of clients will be incremental and on rolling basis, therefore the above stated dynamic is foreseen for the intake assessment and the action plans preparation. Implementation of the action plans and final assessment of the impact will depend on the time of entry for each company, and on the nature and the content of the action plan, therefore it is highly likely that some of the companies entering the program in 2018 (especially those entering in the second half of the year) will not reach that stage by the end of the reporting period. Minimum number of service packages will be 41, from which 38 Enhancing innovation management capacity packages (EIMC). EIMC service packages are in our case defined by the requirement of the IMP3rove certification and training program, of 3 clients serviced per trainee, for which we are planning participation of 8 experts. However the final number for the period 2017-2018 is somewhat smaller, as we expect that not all companies taken into the program in 2018 will reach the final report stage within this timeframe, and that the third company in the second year of experts participation in the IMP3rove program will be taken over to 2019.
KAM services progress reportKAM Service package of deliverables (as defined by EC recommendation) will consist of the following documents: • Company visit report • KAM assignment package (recruitment, selection and matching process) • Gap analysis report • Coaching brief document • Coach Selection report • Coaching assignment package of documents • Initial Client- Coach meetings reports • Coaching plan • Work packages sign-offs – for core coach client meetings and deliverables • Coach and KAM close-out reports; • Final assessment; • Final report on follow-up; As we will treat as a deliverable a package of these documents per client, the goal is to have all eight packages delivered by the 23rd month of this program. However, as the dynamics will essentially depend of SMEs successfully participating in SME Instrument, we can assume that there will be an incremental delivery of individual packages whose initiation and completion will coincide with cut of dates of the Instrument. In this regard we will complete out counting of delivered packages with the companies whose projects get approved by July 2018, while bearing in mind the final report might be missing for the companies in these packages, as their completion will fall outside of this program timeframe. Companies approved for SME instrument in the last quarter of the year will be taken into this service in 2019.
KAM services final summary reportKAM Service package of deliverables (as defined by EC recommendation) will consist of the following documents: • Company visit report • KAM assignment package (recruitment, selection and matching process) • Gap analysis report • Coaching brief document • Coach Selection report • Coaching assignment package of documents • Initial Client- Coach meetings reports • Coaching plan • Work packages sign-offs – for core coach client meetings and deliverables • Coach and KAM close-out reports; • Final assessment; • Final report on follow-up. As we will treat as a deliverable a package of these documents per client, the goal is to have all eight packages delivered by the 23rd month of this program. However, as the dynamics will essentially depend of SMEs successfully participating in SME Instrument, we can assume that there will be an incremental delivery of individual packages whose initiation and completion will coincide with cut of dates of the Instrument. In this regard we will complete out counting of delivered packages with the companies whose projects get approved by July 2018, while bearing in mind the final report might be missing for the companies in these packages, as their completion will fall outside of this program timeframe. Companies approved for SME instrument in the last quarter of the year will be taken into this service in 2019. KeyAccount Management services is set to 3 beneficiaries. This number is based on the assumption that, due to overall EUNORS activities and other support mechanisms operating in RS, at least that many SMEs from Republic of Srpska will successfully apply to SME Instrument in the next 2 years. Based on current situation of no successful applicants of SME instrument from BiH, we assume that there will be some successful applicants and that they will most likely participate in phase I of the Instrument. However we have allowed for the option that some might apply directly to phase II and that due to the timeframe no beneficiary will be able to go through both phase I and II. Therefore we have calculated available packaged based on 7 days on average to accommodate all scenarios, including the option of transferring these packages to EIMC services.
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