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Integrated cyber-physical solutions for intelligent distribution grid with high penetration of renewables

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - UNITED-GRID (Integrated cyber-physical solutions for intelligent distribution grid with high penetration of renewables)

Période du rapport: 2020-05-01 au 2021-04-30

The electrical distribution system has been undergoing drastic changes since the last decade mainly due to the international commitment to reduce carbon emissions. UNITED-GRID provides integrated cyber-physical solutions, while exploiting the opportunities provided by the new actors and technologies. The cross-platform allows interoperability at LV and MV levels to optimise grid operation.
UNITED-GRID has developed solutions for renewable energy generation, load and congestion forecast, congestion management techniques, dynamic tariffs, flexibility market framework, distribution state estimation-based protection, advanced measurement solutions, cybersecurity and intrusion detection, model predictive voltage controller, co-simulation platform, and distribution level self-healing solutions. The most mature solutions were integrated in the toolbox and managed via an open-cross platform. UNITED-GRID solutions (UGS) were successfully demonstrated through 9 use cases in 3 demonstration sites. Demonstration activities were evaluated against technical, social and economic indicators.
UNITED-GRID also provided advancements in policy and regulations, while developing viable business models for the solutions and a guideline for the sufficient protection of intellectual property and an exploitation plan for 5 key exploitable results (KERs). UNITED-GRID also developed a pathway for market uptake of the results with TRL of 6 or higher.
Development of advanced technologies and solutions: UNITED-GRID developed 12 use cases included in the toolbox and the cross platform. CEA developed PV forecasting technology that was installed at SOREA site. SST developed 15 sensor prototypes for current and voltage measurement with synchro-phasor ability. An analysis of cyber-security problems and intrusion detection systems for smart grids was performed by Chalmers and Forescout, while RISE investigated the redundancy and cybersecurity of intelligent distribution grids, performing an analysis to selected use cases and the overall UGS architecture. Chalmers developed a congestion forecast tool for distribution networks and a local flexibility market framework for the provision of services to DSOs, while investigating and developing tariff structures that enable increased distribution system utilization. Chalmers developed a model predictive voltage controller for grid-connected operation to optimally coordinate the reactive power from distributed resources, while TU/e compared different primary voltage and frequency control methods for islanded microgrids and a market-based congestion management technique based on a hybrid architecture. An enhanced distributed state estimator was developed (Atos and SST) for the enhancement of system real-time awareness as well as a novel protection scheme considering anti-islanding protection, while a dynamic state estimation-based protection algorithm was tested at Chalmers. An optimization method for distribution grid restoration to reduce losses and maintain operating constraints was developed by CEA along with a co-simulation platform facilitating simultaneous simulation of different grid parts.

Toolbox and cross platform integration: Atos developed the UNITED-GRID toolbox which integrated the developed technical solutions. The general architecture for the toolbox and the Open-Cross Platform, a processing management and data management framework, and a web HMI – an UGS Dashboard has been developed. The technical architecture of the UGS is based on Atos’s technology Codex Smart Edge. SST developed an integration methodology and provided a framework for the integration to provide a common framework for DSOs for 3 UNITED-GRID demonstrators as well as for any DSO interested in any advanced functionalities. The final integration of the UGS in the existing distribution management system (DMS) of the 3 demonstrators has been executed.

Demonstration activities: CEA developed a monitoring framework to assess the performance of the demonstration activities, based on technical, economic, environmental and social indicators. The demonstrations have been successfully carried out for UGS at Chalmers (congestion forecast, distributed state estimation based protection and coordinated voltage control), at Strijp-S (advanced measurement solution, congestion management, distributed state estimation) and at St. julien, St-Jean-de-Maurienne,(renewable forecasting, load forecasting and self-healing scheme and coordinated voltage control). The demonstration activities were evaluated using defined KPIs.

Scenarios and policy analysis: Chalmers developed an assessment framework for DSOs to evaluate their status and future-readiness levels. CEA made a qualitative assessment of scenarios impacts on the technical aspects of future intelligent distribution grids and the requirements to reduce these impacts for integrated cyber-physical solutions. RISE and GE identified and evaluated 5 specific regulatory issues having an impact on DSO future grid development.

Business development, acceptance and exploitation of results: RISE investigated the DSO acceptance on UGS with questionnaires, interviews, and workshops. CEA developed 4 new business models based on UGS using business canvas model. RISE proposed a pathway for development of future intelligent distribution grids, in which DSOs are supported by following a stepwise approach including a self-assessment framework for evaluation of current status and future-readiness. Intellectual assets framework strategy was developed by IMCG, while an out-reach and communication strategy and plan has been made. The innovation capability of the solutions has been investigated, and the capacity strategies and actions have been developed. IMCG developed a list of intellectual assets and recommendations on IP issues as well as the commercialisation plan for the results, while identifying the innovation capability and capacity strategies and actions and the exploitable results of the project. The KERs with TRL6 or higher are: i) Toolbox and cross-platform); ii) Renewable Forecast tool; iii) Congestion Forecast tool; iv) Advanced Measurement solution; and v) Distribution State Estimator
UNITED-GRID supports DSOs with solutions to improve renewable hosting capacity, enhance physical-cyber security and flexibility, and reduce network congestion.The results of UNITED-GRID will strongly impact technology and society. Some results are close to market deployment, e.g. the toolbox and open-cross platform which can be used by DSOs to enhance the monitoring and control functions in advanced DMS for secure operation of distribution grids. The advanced measurement solutions developed by SST are affordable and can be easily scaled up and deployed at customer and DSO sides, enhancing the real-time monitoring capability of distribution grids and other applications, such as protection. Lower TRL solutions will receive stakeholder attention, having further development potential. Solution owners actively seek to further increase TRLs after the project to bring the solutions to the market. Hence, UNITED-GRID impacts technology development, while contributing to impacts to the society when the distribution grids can deliver reliable energy services to the customers while supporting high level of renewables.
UNITED-GRID Deliverables RP1
UNITED-GRID Deliverables RP3
UNITED-GRID Deliverables RP2