Periodic Reporting for period 1 - milkGUARD (milkGUARD – a continuous whole milk disinfection system for calf feeding on-farm)
Reporting period: 2017-05-01 to 2017-09-30
In light of the increasing demand in dairy products and thanks to the lifting of the milk quotas, there is a golden opportunity to increase milk production. This demands strategic management decisions from farmers to achieve elite-performing animals while considering cows’ health & welfare, environmental sustainability (water use, GHG emissions and air quality) and societal needs of food safety or reduction of antibiotic resistance.
Doing it through an improved nutrition in early life is widely accepted as the best practice to win benefits through all the lifetime of the animal without compromising fertility or longevity. Milk is the most beneficial feed for success in the long term, if it is free of pathogenic bacteria. Although farmers are aware of this, the market penetration of on-farm milk pasteurizers is still low because it is expensive and labour intensive.
Calvex objective was set for high growth by overcoming barriers associated with the introduction of our milkGUARD solution on the calf-feeding market. The current Feasibility Study was used to refine the design of the milkGUARD solution to prepare for large-scale demonstrations and assess its overall business feasibility.
- determined that our technology needs to be upscaled, certified and comply with industrial standards
- the economic, environmental and calves’ health benefits of our solution need to be demonstrated
- we have engaged with farmers for the demonstrations
- we have started to map our suppliers and dealers
- the next upscale and demonstration phases were planned
- funding is required for the upscale and demonstration activities.
milkGUARD addresses the issues described above in a cost-effective way.