CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
The deliverable will update and fine-tune D5.5 results, based on the findings and issues faced during the integration and pilot roll-out phases of the project. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 5.5.
FLEXCoop Flexibility Forecasting, Segmentation and Aggregation Module - Final VersionThe deliverable will update and fine-tune D5.2 results, based on the findings and issues faced during the integration and pilot roll-out phases of the project. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 5.2.
FLEXCoop Integrated DR Optimization Framework and Pre-validation results - Final VersionThe deliverable will update and fine-tune D6.4 results, based on the findings and issues faced during the integration and pilot roll-out phases of the project. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 6.4.
FLEXCoop Middleware and Big Data Management Platform - Preliminary VersionThe deliverable refers to the detailed design and development of the FLEXCoop Middleware and Big Data Management Platform (sub-modules, interfaces, data flows etc) in line with the overall project specifications defined in D2.6. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 4.3.
FLEXCoop Open Marketplace for flexibility Pooling and Sharing - Final VersionThe deliverable will update and fine-tune D6.2 results, based on the findings and issues faced during the integration and pilot roll-out phases of the project. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 6.2.
FLEXCoop Global Demand Manager - Final VersionThe deliverable will update and fine-tune D5.3 results, based on the findings and issues faced during the integration and pilot roll-out phases of the project. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 5.3.
FLEXCoop Prosumer Application - Preliminary VersionThe deliverable consists in a wide range of interfaces for prosumers to enable efficient monitoring of real-time demand data and Demand Response events triggered by aggregators (e.g. demand monitoring and analytics, financial and economic management of contractual agreements, demand forecasts, notifications of demand response events triggered by aggregators and verification of compliance with contracts, smart controls, etc). The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 6.3.
FLEXCoop Semantically Enhanced DER Registry - Final VersionThe deliverable will update and fine-tune D6.1 results, based on the findings and issues faced during the integration and pilot roll-out phases of the project. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 6.1.
FLEXCoop OSB Prototype - Final VersionThe deliverable will provide the final prototype of the Real time Monitoring Sensor/ Actuator Node (FLEXCoop Open Smart Box - OSB) that will be installed in the pilot consumers and enable the realization of the FLEXCoop concept for human-centric demand response deployment, following test results and feedback obtained during the first months of pilot roll out phase. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 4.1.
FLEXCoop Prosumer Application - Final VersionThe deliverable will update and fine-tune D6.3 results, based on the findings and issues faced during the integration and pilot roll-out phases of the project. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 6.3.
FLEXCoop Middleware and Big Data Management Platform - Final VersionThe deliverable refers to the updated design and fine-tuning of the FLEXCoop Middleware and Big Data Management Platform (sub-modules, interfaces, data flows etc) in line with the updated project specifications defined in D2.9. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 4.3.
FLEXCoop DR Settlement and Remuneration Module - Final VersionThe deliverable will update and fine-tune D5.4 results, based on the findings and issues faced during the integration and pilot roll-out phases of the project. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 5.4.
The deliverable consists in the detailed models of DER devices (Generation and Consumption) incorporated in the FLEXCoop framework, along with associated forecasting algorithms for demand and supply. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 3.1.
FLEXCoop Evaluation Framework and Respective Validation ScenariosThe deliverable will provide the necessary methodological pathway to enable the holistic evaluation and impact assessment of the FLEXCoop project, following the pilot roll-out phase. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 7.1.
FLEXCoop PMV Methodology Specifications - Preliminary VersionThe deliverable will define in detail the Performance Measurement and Verification Methodology (PMV) to be adopted by FLEXCoop for verifying consumer response rate to dispatched demand response signals. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 2.4.
End-user & Business RequirementsThis deliverable will focus on the definition of the FLEXCoop Business Scenarios and Use Cases and will end-up to the extraction of respective high-level user requirements for the Integrated FLEXCoop Framework. The deliverable is an outcome of the task 2.1.
FLEXCoop Common Information Model - Preliminary VersionThe deliverable consists in the high level domain model comprising the basic elements (semantic concepts, events, relations and respective data models etc.) underlying the FLEXCoop Explicit Demand Response Framework. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 4.2.
Analysis of EU-wide Interoperability Standards and Data Models and Harmonization RequirementsThe deliverable will review the standardization landscape and evaluate the latest evolutions in DR, interoperability between energy market stakeholders and communication between devices and systems. The deliverable is an outcome of the task 2.5.
Local Demand Manager Specifications and Intra-building Optimization AlgorithmsThe deliverable will provide the algorithmic framework to support optimized decision making for the dispatch of personalized DR signals to consumers (at the level of specific loads) based on their identified flexibility and response capability. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 3.5.
FLEXCoop standardization punch-list and promotion activities - Final VersionThe deliverable will consist in the final standardization punch-list of FLEXCoop including a report of implemented promotional activities along with a plan for further promotion to standardization bodies. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 8.4.
FLEXCoop Holistic Performance Evaluation, Impact Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis - Final VersionThe deliverable comprises the overall evaluation of the FLEXCoop framework, considering User Experience, evaluation of impact of the FLEXCoop framework and cost-benefit analysis of the FLEXCoop solution. The deliverable is an outcome of the Tasks 7.4 and 7.5.
FLEXCoop PMV Methodology Specifications - Final VersionThe deliverable will fine-tune the Performance Measurement and Verification Methodology (PMV) to be adopted by FLEXCoop for verifying consumer response rate to dispatched demand response signals, based on pilot roll out findings and following the system deployment in the pilot sites. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 2.4.
FLEXCoop Common Information Model - Final VersionThe deliverable consists in the final version of the FLEXCoop Common Information Model following findings and issues faced during the integration phase of the project, along with initial results of the pilot roll-out phase. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 4.2.
FLEXCoop Holistic Performance Evaluation, Impact Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis - Preliminary VersionThis deliverable will provide an appropriately configured instantiation of the RTDS distribution grid simulator (at CIRCE lab premises) to support the realization of the pilot roll out and the examination of DSO aspects in the frame of the project. The deliverable is an outcome of the Tasks 7.4 and 7.5.
FLEXCoop System Deployment Plan in Pilot SitesThe deliverable will consist in a detailed plan that will guide the installation of FLEXCoop system in the different pilot sites and its integration with existing components and systems. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 7.2.
FLEXCoop Framework Architecture including functional, technical and communication Specifications - Preliminary VersionThe deliverable consists in the detailed design of the conceptual architecture and specifications of the FLEXCoop framework (functional components, interoperability aspects, internal and external interfaces, technical specifications and non-functional specifications). The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 2.5.
Policy/Market Reform Recommendations Report - First VersionThe deliverable will consist in an initial set of recommendations towards policy makers and market actors for the facilitation of DR penetration in energy markets, following initial findings of the pilot roll out phase. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 8.3.
Report on FLEXCoop Framework deployment at Pilot Sites - Final VersionThe deliverable comprises the initial evaluation of the FLEXCoop framework, considering User Experience and technical performance evaluation of the FLEXCoop Solution. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 7.2.
FLEXCoop Standardization punch-list and promotion activities - First VersionThe deliverable will consist in an initial standardization punch-list and an associated plan for promoting it to relevant standardization bodies. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 8.4.
FLEXCoop Framework Architecture including functional, technical and communication Specifications - Final VersionThe deliverable will update the initial design of the FLEXCoop framework based on findings and issues faced during the development, integration and deployment activities of the project. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 2.5.
Regulatory, Market, Socio-economic and Ethical Context Analysis in the Pilot Sites and anticipated (short- and mid-term) evolutionsThe deliverable will analyse the prevailing legislation and regulatory frameworks in the pilot sites with respect to DR and identify constraints and restrictions for the smooth introduction of innovative DR technologies and business models in energy markets. The deliverable is an outcome of the task 2.2.
Emerging Business Models, Associated DR Strategies and Standard Contract Templates - Preliminary VersionThe deliverable will define new business models for Energy Cooperatives (Aggregators) to facilitate consumer involvement in energy markets. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 2.3.
Report on FLEXCoop Framework deployment at Pilot Sites - Preliminary VersionThe deliverable will report all system deployment activities in the pilot sites, along with relevant issues and deviations faced and will identify further deployment needs to satisfy the objectives of the project. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 7.2.
Emerging Business Models, Associated DR Strategies and Standard Contract Templates - Final VersionThe deliverable will fine-tune the new business models for Energy Cooperatives (Aggregators) based on initial findings of the pilot evaluation phase. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 2.3.
Policy/Market Reform Recommendations Report - Final VersionThe deliverable will consist in the final set of recommendations towards policy makers and market actors for the facilitation of DR penetration in energy markets, following the findings of the pilot roll out phase and the evaluation of the project results. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 8.3.
The deliverable consists in the detailed and well targeted dissemination plan that will uptake all possible and appropriate dissemination channels and means also exploiting the immense collaboration and open deliberation capabilities provided by contemporary social networking. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 8.1.
FLEXCoop Dissemination and Communication Plan and associated Material - Second VersionThe deliverable consists in the detailed and well targeted dissemination plan that will uptake all possible and appropriate dissemination channels and means also exploiting the immense collaboration and open deliberation capabilities provided by contemporary social networking. The deliverable will present the dissemination and communication activities for the first 12 months of the project. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 8.1.
FLEXCoop Branding, Website and Social Media ChannelsThe deliverable consists in the FLEXCoop Logo and Associated Dissemination Mock-ups, the project website and social media channels. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 8.1.
FLEXCoop Dissemination and Communication Plan and associated Material - Third VersionThe deliverable consists in the detailed and well targeted dissemination plan that will uptake all possible and appropriate dissemination channels and means also exploiting the immense collaboration and open deliberation capabilities provided by contemporary social networking. The deliverable will report on the dissemination and communication activities for the months M13-M24. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 8.1.
FLEXCoop Dissemination and Communication Plan and associated Material - Final VersionThe deliverable will report on the dissemination and communication activities for the whole project implementation period. The deliverable is an outcome of the Task 8.1.
Hrvoje Keko, Hrvoje Keserica, Stjepan Sucic, Vladimiro Miranda
Published in:
2019 16th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 2019, Page(s) 1-5, ISBN 978-1-7281-1257-2
Keko, Hrvoje; Babić, Lucija; Krajnović, Ivan; Sučić, Stjepan
Published in:
14th Croatian CIGRE Committee meeeting in Šibenik, Croatia, Issue 1, 2019
HRO CIGRÉ, the Croatian CIGRE Committe
Keko, Hrvoje; Hasse, Peter; Gabandon, Eloi; Sučić, Stjepan; Isakovic, Karsten; Cipriano, Jordi
Published in:
CIRED 2020 Berlin Workshop Proceedings, Issue 1, 2020
IET – The Institution of Engineering and Technology
Tsatsakis, K.; Tsitsanis, T.; Kousouris, S.; Papadopoulos, G.
Published in:
EinB2019–8th International Conference “ENERGY in BUILDINGS 2019”, Issue 1, 2019
EinB2019–8th International Conference “ENERGY in BUILDINGS 2019”
Vardanyan, Yelena; Wolf, Armin; Bacher, Peder; Valalaki, Katerina; Leerbeck, Kenneth; Tual, Roland; Cuno, Silke
Published in:
Proceedings 2020 International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems SGES 2020, Issue 1, 2021, ISSN -13978-1-7281-8550-7
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society
Bacher, P.; Leerbeck, K.; Mourkousis, G.; Kakardakos, N.; Kakardakos, T.; Tual, R.; Aranda, J.; Martínez, G.; Antón, M.; Pañella, P.; Kompos, K.; Papanikolaou, A.; Oikonomopoulos, G.; Pagkozidis, A.; van Vliet, R.; Doedens, D.; Cipriano, J.; Gabaldon, E.; Pérez, D.; Cuno, S.
Published in:
FLEXCoop project, Issue FLEXCoop D7.7, 2021
FLEXCoop consortium
Tual, R.; Cuno, S.; Antón, M.; Valalaki, K.; Bacher, P.; Aranda, J.; Cipriano, J.; Pañella, P.
Published in:
FLEXCoop project, Issue FLEXCoop D8.11, 2021
FLEXCoop Consortium
Relan, R.; Ghasem Azar, A.; Bacher, P.; Madsen, H.; Valalaki, K.; Tsitsanis, T.; Tsatsakis, K.; Matina, T.; Fernández Aznar, G.
Published in:
FLEXCoop project, Issue FLEXCoop D3.1, 2018
FLEXCoop Consortium
Roland Tual; Pau Pañella; René Van Vliet
Published in:
FLEXCooop project, Issue FLEXCoop D2.7, 2020
Isakovic, K.; Hasse, P.; Keko, H.; Luttenberger, L.; Krstulović Opara, J.; Bačić, M.; Panopoulos, D.; Martinez, G.; Cipriano, J.; Gabaldon, E.; Valalaki, K.; Dialektakos, N.; Muñoz, A.
Published in:
FLEXCoop project, Issue FLEXCoop D2.9, 2020
FLEXCoop Consortium
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