D4.1 Exchange Evaluations (M28, NESTER) Evaluates the outcome of each demonstration carried out in Task 4.1. Critically review in-depth of testing WP1 and WP2 use cases.
Portal Design Specification ReportD3.4 Portal Design Specification Report (M30, OFF) Formalise the investigations and development of Task 3.4 by specifying full web portal architecture. Detailed assessment and elaboration of portions selected for WP4 demonstrations will be used to re-iterate the architecture to will ensure a realistic design and suitability for further use in the project
State of Art Report – TSO-DSO InteroperabilityD1.1 State of Art Report – TSO-DSO Interoperability (EDF,M3) Structure the further tasks of WP1 with a list of use cases, interface descriptions, and information that is exchanged, reflecting outcome of Task 1.1. Use cases and descriptions are critically evaluated in order to determine their suitability with regard to the scope of the WP.
Market Interaction EvaluationD4.2 Market Interaction Evaluation (M12, OFF) Evaluate the outcomes of informing market participants via exchange of information demonstrated in Task 4.2, including structural, schedule, market, field test, and system state data. Critically evaluate relation to reliability and security of supply.
Publicity brochures, project presentations and posters - 6MD5.5 Publicity brochures, project presentations and posters - 6M: (M6, BUL ) Inform professional peers regarding the project’s aims and objectives at 6M. Critically evaluated against best-practice of H2020 projects.
Survey Report - Evolving data access needsD3.1 Survey Report - Evolving data access needs (M6, EIMV) Establish a comprehensive set of possible parties and their needs for data use to focus investigation of Task 3.1. Report to be structured so as to match inputs needs of use-case development
Report concerning project collaborationD6.6 Report concerning project collaboration (M36, BUL) Ensure synergies with other H2020 and national projects are identified and exploited. Detailed assessment of other project websites.
Exploitation PlanD6.9 Exploitation plan (M36, OFF) Communicate and bring into consortium activity plans the exploitation opportunities related to foreground IP of the project, as part of Task 6.6. Critically evaluated against standardisation and conference deadlines, as well as maturity model of WP4
Demonstration SpecificationD.14 Demonstration Specification (M32, EDF) Provide a plan for WP4 as the output of Task 1.8 that accounts for consortium capabilities and TSO/DSO cases of interest. Will undergo critical review confirming relevant procedures specific to expected demonstrations and their potential improvements of workflow.
Agreed models, use case list, and use case description in UMLD1.2 Agreed models, use case list, and use case description in UML (OFF,M6) Support Task 1.2 by implementing relevant TSO-DSO use cases and sequence diagrams in appropriate software. Detailed assessment of TSO-DSO use cases with regard to implementation in appropriate software.
New Sequential Optimal Power FlowD1.7 New Sequential Optimal Power Flow (M24, INESC) Extend SOPF to handle uncertainty. Confirm fitness for purpose against expected inter-temporal and multiple connection scenarios identified for cases in Task 1.3.
Improved TSO/DSO Collaboration Domain ToolsD1.5 Improved TSO/DSO Collaboration Domain Tools (M18, INESC) Develop a tool for use in TSO-DSO collaborations within the project. Tool to be verified to meet requirements to pursue the ICPF and SOPF exchanges outlined Task 1.3.
Projected Needs ReportD4.7 Projected Needs Report (M36, EDPD) Project future needs for ICT infrastructure and internal processes noted in Task 4.5. Comprehensively check that the projection reflects roles and use-cases across the project.
TRL AssessmentD2.5 TRL Assessment (M10, BUL) Demonstrate the assessment and migration techniques developed in Task 2.4 for the processes and architectures created by the partners with regard to state of art advances identified in Task 2.1. Critically evaluate against existing JRC benchmarking strategies with regards to CAPEX and OPEX spread.
Publicity brochures, project presentations and posters – 33MD5.6 Publicity brochures, project presentations and posters - 33M: (M33, BUL ) Inform professional peers regarding the project’s aims and objectives at 33M. Critically evaluated against best-practice of H2020 projects.
Network Models for Bandwidth TestingD1.4 Network Models for Bandwidth Testing (M12, INESC) Develop suitable reduced network models to evaluations of TSO-DSO energy exchange flexibility, as established in Task 1.3. Derived models to be critically evaluated for exchange and validation tasks.
Test use cases and test models (CIM RDF XML)D.10 Test use cases and test models (CIM RDF XML) (M18, FRAUNHOFER) Define models adapted for interoperability and demonstration tests (Task 1.5) for use in WP4. Comprehensively check against planned demonstrations.
Service Catalogue for DSO-Market InteractionsD2.3 Service Catalogue for DSO-Market Interactions (M8, ENTSOE) Distill the services studied in Task 2.2 into a service catalogue. Provide a detailed assessment of how identified stakeholders will use the information.
Use Case DefinitionsD3.2 Use Case Definitions (M12, BUL) Create a comprehensive set of use-cases for the data-portal based on Task 3.2 investigations. Report will include validation processes and specify time and space scales of data in order to ensure fitness for purpose.
New Interval Constrained Power FlowD1.6 New Interval Constrained Power Flow (M24, INESC) Extend ICPF to handle different decision variables. Confirm fitness for purpose against expected inter-temporal and multiple connection scenarios identified for cases in Task 1.3.
Standardisation FeedbackD4.8 Standardisation Feedback (M36, BUL) Establish feedback to IEC, CEN/CENELEC/ETSI standardisation bodies, CIRED CC.2015-1, CIGRE C2/C6.36 working groups focused on TSO-DSO information exchanges. Critically review against known status of working groups.
Recommendation report on system equivalents / reduced modelsD1.9 Recommendation report on system equivalents / reduced models (M16, ENTSOE) Identify harmonisation issues for a CIM implementation to carry forward use cases dealt with in. Task 1.4 Critically evaluate that implementation meets DSO and TSO use cases.
WP1 Use Case ComparisonD4.4 WP1 Use Case Comparison (M30, EIMV) Review TSO-DSO actor results from Task 4.3 for selected WP1 use cases. Critically evaluate performance with regard to robustness and scalability.
WP2 Use Case ComparisonD4.5 WP2 Use Case Comparison (M33, EIMV) Review DSO-market actor results from Task 4.3 for selected WP2 use cases. Critically evaluate performance with regard to robustness and scalability.
Overall Project Architecture DesignD 2.9 Overall Project Architecture Design (M30, OFF) Finalise Task 2.6 with design of platform to implement WP2 services, specifying secondary systems and information needed, and allowing validity assessment of design. Detailed assessment of platform ability to document TRL.
Documentation of Data Exchange ProcessesD2.7 Documentation of Data Exchange Processes (M24, OFF) From DSO/market scenarios studied in Task 2.5, document associated data exchange processes in terms of services, data model and payload. Critically evaluate against anticipated WP4 uses.
Update of UML and profile descriptionsD.11 Update of UML and profile descriptions (M32, FRAUNHOFER) Translate field test results into implied changes to profiles to document outcomes of Task 1.6. Detailed assessment will ensure all differences result in appropriate form for IEC discussion.
Expansion ProspectsD3.3 Expansion Prospects (M15, ENTSOE) Evaluate the prospects identified in Task 3.3 for wider and adapted uses of the ENTSOE Transparency platform. Critically evaluate each prospect against data requirements and validation processes.
Service Catalogue of Overall ArchitectureD2.8 Service Catalogue of Overall Architecture (M24, BUL) Summarise Task 2.6 services for the overall architecture, including Role-Based Access Control and QoS information. Confirm fitness of purpose with regard to traceability and market requirements.
UML and profile descriptionsD1.8 Specifying UML and profile descriptions (M18, ENTSOE) Create network model profiles of distribution grids as part of Task 1.4 to enable further development of DSO/TSO use cases from Task 1.2. Critically evaluate profiles against relevant IEC standards and industry practice.
Roles and Rights Specification DocumentD2.4 Roles and Rights Specification Document (M9, OFF) Summarise and specify the results of Task 2.3 regarding all expected roles for data use within organisations of project participants. Critically evaluate the specification against privacy and market requirements.
Reduced ModelsD2.6 Reduced Models (M24, BUL) From DSO/market scenarios studied in Task 2.5 provide distribution network models in CIM CGMES or PowerFactory form. Provide a detailed assessment of anticipated WP4 uses and iterate to ensure forward use.
Final project reportD5.4 Final project report: (M36, BUL) Advertise and communicate specific results and impact of project. Critically evaluated against best-practice of H2020 projects.
Assessment on data aggregation and information exchange requirementsD1.3 Assessment on data aggregation and information exchange requirements (BUL, M12) Support Task 1.2 by assessing conformity with selected standards. Comprehensive checks will be performed on system and business use cases.
Use Case DescriptorsD2.2 Use Case Descriptors (M6, OFF) Support Task 2.2 activities by performing mapping of existing IEC 62559-2 use cases onto SGAM models. Detailed assessment that data exchanges are articulated with regard to information/communication layer, with coverage of security.
Update IEC ProposalsD.12 Update IEC Proposals (M32, EDF) Channel the output of Task 1.6 into recommendations by distributing field test learnings into appropriate standards sections. Comprehensive checks will ensure contributions are developed for all standards named in Task 1.6 documentation.
State of Art Report - Market Participant InteroperabilityD2.1 State of Art Report - Market Participant Interoperability (M3, OFF) Structure the further tasks of WP2 with a list of use cases, interface descriptions, and information that is exchanged, reflecting investigations of Task 2.1 into literature and the DSO community. Use cases and descriptions are critically evaluated in order to determine their suitability with regard to the scope of the WP.
D5.2 Project website (M6, BUL) Promote communication among partners and inform the public. Critical review from partners will ensure the space is engaging and effective.
Lambert, Eric
Cantenot, Jérôme
Reis, Francisco
Suljanovic , Nermin
Simão, Tiago
Petrovic, Nejc
Taylor, Gareth
Morais, Hugo
Published in:
Proc. of the 25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2019), 2019, ISBN 978-2-9602415-0-1
Simão, Tiago,
Gama, Pedro,
Louro, Miguel,
Carvalho, Leonel,
Glória, Gonçalo,
Pestana, Rui,
Reis, Francisco,
Silva, João,
Published in:
Proc. of the 25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2019), 2019, ISBN 978-2-9602415-0-1
Radi, Mohammed
Taylor , Gareth
Uslar, Mathias
Köhlke, Julia
Suljanovic , Nermin
Published in:
Proc. of the 25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2019), 2019, ISBN 978-2-9602415-0-1
AIM, CIRED Conference Proceedings
Janez Bartol, Timotej Kodek, Andrej Souvent, Fabio Oliveira, Eric Lambert, Nejc Petrovic, Nermin Suljanovic
Published in:
2019 27th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 2019, Page(s) 1-4, ISBN 978-1-7281-4790-1
Nermin Suljanovic, Andrej Souvent, Gareth Taylor, Mohammed Radi, Jerome Cantenot, Eric Lambert, Hugo Morais
Published in:
2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech, 2019, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-5386-4722-6
IEEE, 2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech
Mohammed Radi, Gareth Taylor, Mathias Uslar, Julia Kohlke, Nermin Suljanovic
Published in:
2019 54th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 2019, Page(s) 1-5, ISBN 978-1-7281-3349-2
2019 54th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC)
Eric Lambert, Hugo Morais, Francisco Reis, Rui Alves, Gareth Taylor, Andrej Souvent, Nermin Suljanovic
Published in:
2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2018, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-5386-4505-5
IEEE, 2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe)
H. Morais, B. Goncer, J. Cantenot, E. Lambert, G. Taylor, A. Sovent, N. Suljanovic
Published in:
Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MEDPOWER 2018), 2018, Page(s) 57 (5 pp.)-57 (5 pp.), ISBN 978-1-83953-133-0
Institution of Engineering and Technology
Tiago Soares, Leonel Carvalho, Hugo Morais, Ricardo J. Bessa, Tiago Abreu, Eric Lambert
Published in:
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, Issue 22, 2020, Page(s) 100333, ISSN 2352-4677
Elsevier Limited
Mathias Uslar, Sebastian Rohjans, Christian Neureiter, Filip Pröstl Andrén, Jorge Velasquez, Cornelius Steinbrink, Venizelos Efthymiou, Gianluigi Migliavacca, Seppo Horsmanheimo, Helfried Brunner, Thomas Strasser
Published in:
Energies, Issue 12/2, 2019, Page(s) 258, ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
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