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Innovation Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin


Dissemination Material from Crosscutting Seminar (Infographics+fact sheets)

The organisation of innovation seminars has the final aim of creating cross-sectorial partnerships and supporting NWFP actors and practitioners in the development of innovative solutions for NWFP management. Three cross cutting seminars will be open to the stakeholders of all iNets as well to external interested participants. 1) Integrating NWFP in Territorial Marketing and Ecosystem Service value chains (ETIFOR) 2) Innovative Business and entrepreneurship in NWFPs sector (EFI) 3) ITC tools for improved NWPFs value chains and market intelligence (CESEFOR) Outcomes of these cross-cutting seminars will be summarised in motion infographics, edited research summaries and success case information materials, in collaboration with WP4.

Web-based knowledge platform with associated long term sustainability

This deliverable includes the design a web-based knowledge portal (D2.2) that will be the main repository of NWFP innovation abstracts. EFI, ISA and CFRI will evaluate and decide on options for better integration of their existing repositories, such as the NWFP COST database managed by CFRI and StarTree products: NWFPs Policy database and Innovation Generator that are co-managed by EFI and Boku University. Options for long term sustainability will be analysed simultaneously. The design will be based on open standards and able to readily connect with EIP. Options will be tested at an ad hoc workshop (M4) that will share and compare approaches from other thematic networks (i.e. AFINET) and other relevant projects, such as VALERIE`s Ask Valerie and OPERA/OPENESS’ OPPLA. The knowledge portal will be implemented and hosted on the project website (Task 4.2).


Development of a web portal to host available project information and to support online interaction. It will be the focal point for iNet members and support the community of practice (T1.4). The website will be launched in month 6 (D4.2) with subsequent regular improvements, updates and analytics. The Knowledge portal (T.2.3) will be incorporated in M8. T4.3 will launch social media campaigns (e.g. Twitter & Facebook) to raise awareness and engage stakeholders, tailored to specific target groups and ongoing throughout the project (D4.2, month 6).

Dissemination Material from Crosscutting seminar (Infographics + Fact sheets)

The organisation of innovation seminars has the final aim of creating cross-sectorial partnerships and supporting NWFP actors and practitioners in the development of innovative solutions for NWFP management. Three cross cutting seminars will be open to the stakeholders of all iNets as well to external interested participants. 1) Integrating NWFP in Territorial Marketing and Ecosystem Service value chains (ETIFOR) 2) Innovative Business and entrepreneurship in NWFPs sector (EFI) 3) ITC tools for improved NWPFs value chains and market intelligence (CESEFOR) Outcomes of these cross-cutting seminars will be summarised in motion infographics, edited research summaries and success case information materials, in collaboration with WP4.

Dissemination materials from cross cutting seminar (infographics + factsheets)

The organisation of innovation seminars has the final aim of creating cross-sectorial partnerships and supporting NWFP actors and practitioners in the development of innovative solutions for NWFP management. Three cross cutting seminars will be open to the stakeholders of all iNets as well to external interested participants. 1) Integrating NWFP in Territorial Marketing and Ecosystem Service value chains (ETIFOR) 2) Innovative Business and entrepreneurship in NWFPs sector (EFI) 3) ITC tools for improved NWPFs value chains and market intelligence (CESEFOR) Outcomes of these cross-cutting seminars will be summarised in motion infographics, edited research summaries and success case information materials, in collaboration with WP4.

INCREdible dissemination package

This task encompasses the compiling, development and implementation of a full INCREdible dissemination package on the regional iNets and innovations established in WP1 – 3. An initial package, the Communication Starter Kit (M4) raises awareness about INCREdible and the opportunities for the multi-actor networks, and aims to facilitate the engagement of actors. This is augmented during the project to include findings and results as these become available. The material will be adapted, translated and tuned by local partners. Products developed specifically in WP4 include: 1) A brochure to provide general information about the project 2) A set of templates and general content for the production of regional electronic newsletters, project leaflets, posters or banners 3) 5 Motion infographics (one for each iNet) explaining the relevance of the NWFP, gaps in knowledge, motives for engagement in OG and other multi-actor networks and how INCREdible will contribute to co-generating possible solutions. (iNet leaders) 4) e-newsletter (biannual) + blog updates: meetings, activities, research, new knowledge, disseminated via partner networks and project website (in English, with local language articles provided by partners as appropriate). 5) Policy Brief synthesizing key messages for European and National policy makers building on outcomes of task 3.3 and in collaboration with task 4.4 6) INCREdible Innovations for NWFPs: selected outcomes of WP2 and WP3 and lessons learned in T.1.4 will be further developed into dissemination products, to be defined and tailored with respect to priority target audiences identified in T4.1, i.e. innovative forest management practices via leaflets and infographic tutorials 7) INCREdible Green Tales: social and business innovations via written or audio-visual testimonials bundled in coherent narratives.

Report on Policy Recommendations

This task will generate policy recommendations at the EU and national levels on improved governance of recollection and commercialisation of edible NWFPs (mushrooms, nuts and berries). A draft document leveraging previous work will be circulated along with a bundle or relevant summarised research findings (M18) to participants in iNETS dealing with edibles and to other relevant actors (from trade unions, to tourism operators, agro-industry federations etc.). A refined document will be the basis for a cross-sectoral Policy Forum to be celebrated on-line (M39). From the Policy Forum, a Policy Brief will be published in M40 (end of Task 3.3 and last element of D3.3).

INet manual

Production of guidelines and recommendations in the form of a publicly available manual (D1.1), including: i) Protocol for iNet creation and animation ii) recommended iNet functioning rules and governance iii) guidelines and templates for iNet reporting.

Submission of Practice and Research Abstract

"Production of factsheet about research abstracts and real life practices for each iNet as described in task 2.1, in collaboration with CNPF The resulting innovative knowledge and easy accessible end-user material from this project should feed into the EIP-AGRI website for broad dissemination. The end-user material to be produced contains a substantial number of outcomes/recommendations for practitioners in the EIP common format. This includes the characteristics of the project (in particular e.g. contact details of partners, etc) and"" practice abstracts"". A full package of practice abstracts is needed for the project, containing all the outcomes/recommendations which are ready for practice. A ""practice abstract"" is a short summary of around 1000-1500 characters (word count – no spaces; see below) which describes a main information/recommendation/practice that can serve the end-users in their daily practice. The guidance and format (Excel) to be followed for these practice abstracts, as well as some explanatory text is available on the EIP-AGRI web site ( "

Best open innovation platforms and approaches for NWFPs

Preparation of a report on Best open innovation platforms and approaches for NWFPs

Project publication “Knowledge in practice”

Publications: INCREdible will publish short articles sectoral and practitioners’ magazines/journals across the region (at least one for each iNet). Articles targeted at a broader audience (e.g. blogs or web-stories) will be prepared on a regular basis (4 times a year).The process and lessons learned in the iterative multi-actor process will be described and publishes in a relevant research publication as a consortium join effort.

Facilitating Innovation in NWFPs. Lessons learnt

A Community of Practice will facilitate the mutual learning and will guarantee the coordination across the different INets and regions. The Community of practice will combine physical and online meetings and activities in a six month periodicity (M6, M12; M18, M24; M30; M36). At month 30 a collective report, Facilitating Innovation in NWFPs. Lessons learnt (D1.4) on lessons learned in the iNet animation will be delivered.

Compilation of co-developed ready-to-implement innovative knowledge

"Partners will focus on collecting relevant information on NWFPs innovation (research, success stories, best practices, databases, technical reports, policies) following EIP standards. This ready-to-use knowledge collection (D2.1) will feed into a knowledge repository and will be further elaborated on Task 4.4 targeting specific audiences. The resulting innovative knowledge and easy accessible end-user material from this project should feed into the EIP-AGRI website for broad dissemination. The end-user material to be produced contains a substantial number of outcomes/recommendations for practitioners in the EIP common format. This includes the characteristics of the project (in particular e.g. contact details of partners, etc) and"" practice abstracts"". A full package of practice abstracts is needed for the project, containing all the outcomes/recommendations which are ready for practice. A ""practice abstract"" is a short summary of around 1000-1500 characters (word count – no spaces; see below) which describes a main information/recommendation/practice that can serve the end-users in their daily practice. The guidance and format (Excel) to be followed for these practice abstracts, as well as some explanatory text is available on the EIP-AGRI web site ( "

A Road Map for innovating NWFPs value chains

iNet coordinators will organize a scoping-kick off seminar for each iNet that will adopt a specific road map for better targeting specific issues within its topic. Stakeholders will have the opportunity to propose bottom-up, complementary activities and contributions to the iNets. Five seminars will take place in Tunisia (essential oils) Spain (resin, mushrooms), Portugal (nuts), and Italy (cork). Seminar outcomes will be compiled in the synthesis report, A Road Map for innovating NWFPs value chains (D1.3), with translation to SP, IT, FR, PT, CRO, GR, which will be circulated to all registered stakeholders and posted on the web.

iNet final report, knowledge gaps and innovation opportunities and barriers

The key roles of iNets are 1) to identify the knowledge and practical experiences that are needed to be summarized and made available in a ready-to-implement way; 2) to contextualise and guarantee the relevance of compiled knowledge, 3) to identify persisting knowledge gaps and research priorities 4) to highlight key innovation opportunities. Resulting from the activities in this WP, a report (D 2.3) will gather knowledge gaps and innovation opportunities and barriers.


Capítulo 5. El piñón mediterráneo

Author(s): Calama, Rafael; Montero, Gregorio; Piqué, Míriam; Gordo, Javier; García-Nieto, Oscar; Herrero, Jorge; Pardos, Marta; Mutke, Sven, Pastor, Amelia
Published in: Los productos forestales no madereros en España: del monte a la industria, 2020, Page(s) 131-181, ISBN 9788474985849
Publisher: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Capítulo 13. Innovación en PFNMs: casos de éxito

Author(s): Mutke, Sven; Pastor, Amelia; Martínez de San Vicente, Lluís Albert; Pasalodos-Tato, María
Published in: Los productos forestales no madereros en España: del monte a la industria, 2020, Page(s) 473-487, ISBN 9788474985849
Publisher: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Sustainable Forest Management Beyond the Timber-Oriented Status Quo: Transitioning to Co-production of Timber and Non-wood Forest Products—a Global Perspective

Author(s): Jonathan P. Sheppard, James Chamberlain, Dolores Agúndez, Prodyut Bhattacharya, Paxie Wanangwa Chirwa, Andrey Gontcharov, Willie Cliffie John Sagona, Hai-long Shen, Wubalem Tadesse, Sven Mutke
Published in: Current Forestry Reports, Issue 6/1, 2020, Page(s) 26-40, ISSN 2198-6436
Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media LLC
DOI: 10.1007/s40725-019-00107-1

Innovation networks on Mediterranean Non Wood Forest Products

Author(s): Sven MUTKE, Jose Antonio BONET, Nuno CALADO, Javier CALVO-SİMON, İbtissem TAGHOUTİ, Concha REDONDO, İnazio MARTİNEZ DE ARANO
Published in: Journal of Innovative Science and Engineering (JISE), Issue 3/1, 2019, Page(s) 1-10, ISSN 2602-4217
Publisher: Bursa Technical University
DOI: 10.38088/jise.498559

Truffle Market Evolution: An Application of the Delphi Method

Author(s): Daniel Oliach, Enrico Vidale, Anton Brenko, Olivia Marois, Nicola Andrighetto, Kalliopi Stara, Juan Martínez de Aragón, Carlos Colinas, José Antonio Bonet
Published in: Forests, Issue 12/9, 2021, Page(s) 1174, ISSN 1999-4907
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/f12091174

Productos forestales: más allá de la madera

Author(s): Redondo, Concha; Mutke, Sven; Adams, Sarah; Bonet Lledos, José Antonio; Calama, Rafael; Sánchez González, M.; Rubio, Roberto; Martínez de Arano, Inazio
Published in: Foresta, Issue 15752356, 2018, Page(s) 48-55, ISSN 1575-2356
Publisher: Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Técnicos Forestales

From an informal to a legal wild forest product economy: the Italian experience on new fiscal regulations

Author(s): Giacomoni, Jacopo; Pettenella, Davide
Published in: IUFRO 2020 Conference: The socio‐economic and socio‐ecological value added of small‐scale forestry in the bio‐economy, Issue 7-8 October 2020, Bolzano, Italy, 2020, Page(s) 38
Publisher: Eurac Research and University of Padua

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