Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SENSEE (Replicating the SUN through affordable, efficient and accurate LEDs)
Reporting period: 2017-05-01 to 2017-07-31
• PV cells generate electricity mainly through the visible spectrum.
• Heat supply from thermal panels happens mainly with IR light.
• Plastic and glasses degradation through UV light.
• Water disinfection through photocatalysis with UV spectrum.
Current simulators (based in Halogen and Xenon lamps) have severe accuracy, flexibility and economic limitations and SENSEE, based on LEDs and a complete electronic control, responds to the up-to-date market and new user needs with a technology:
• Simpler and affordable (7x times cheaper than traditional simulators, which are around 300.00-500.000€)
• Longer lifetime (10.00h vs. 1.000h) more efficient (90% lower consumption) and lower maintenance costs (93% lower cost)
• More precise response (only 5% of deviation to sunlight) improving allowed tolerances defined in standards (IEC60904-9, JIS C8912 and ASTM E92705)
The recent EU Halogen ban (2016) and the rapid and unexpected advancement of LEDs has brought us a unique market opportunity that we are seizing now. With SENSEE we are opening a new niche of products that covers the gap between very expensive and complex systems used by certification labs and the uncalibrated lamps used by small testing industry and research entities.