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The First European Platform for Accesible Paper Vote Cast

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - AccessVote (The First European Platform for Accesible Paper Vote Cast)

Reporting period: 2017-05-01 to 2017-08-31

Despite the available technology already used for data security and verification, for instance in online banking and airport controls, such implementation has not yet reached the voting process. Current electoral processes are mostly based on paper ballots cast at polling stations, remaining mainly the same since its inception in the XIX century. These processes have been reported to imply serious difficulties for voters with disabilities (80 million in EU) and EU citizens who live abroad, including those living in an EU Member State other than their original country (13.6 million). AccessVote offers the first online platform for the European countries that allow voters to complete their paper ballot at home to be sent by post or cast at the polling place. Thus, our system will enhance the voting experience of 93 million people in Europe who are nowadays not able to easily reach the polling place.
Our company has studied the feasibility of developing AccessVote. With Phase 1 project, we have assessed the technical and commercial feasibility of building a software product out of the solution provided for a very specific setting: the electoral process in Alaska. We have evaluated our commercial approach to reach the market in 2020.
We have performed a detailed market analysis of AccessVote, verifying the commercial potential for the solution; a legal analysis; a global FTO analysis and set our IP strategy. On the technical side, we have established the parameters to upgrade our software and to validate a commercial pilot, following a complete execution plan for the Phase 2 project (planning, organization, risk analysis and budget). On the economic side, we have developed a detailed business plan including revenues analysis and a commercialization plan for a 5-year period after the project has been finalised.
In the short term (2020), our solution will enhance the voting experience of ~16M of voters (with special focus on voters with disabilities and voters living abroad) and will improve the audit process for electoral authorities. After 4-years commercialization time, considering our total available market sized in ~327M voters, AccessVote average cost (~€0.32/voter) and expected cumulative sales of 53.8M AccessVote, we estimate cumulative revenues of €15.7 M by 2025.
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