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ERNCIP CBRNE STANDARDS 2017 and 2018 – support to Mandate 487

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CBRNE STNDS 2017 (ERNCIP CBRNE STANDARDS 2017 and 2018 – support to Mandate 487)

Reporting period: 2018-06-01 to 2019-11-30

The primary aim of this project is to improve the detection of CBRN-E substances in Europe by enhanced cooperation among European research laboratories, advancing common technology standards or detection processes. In order to achieve this objective, four work packages were foreseen, each addressing a specific CBRN-E issue. These work packages were formed around an ERNCIP thematic group, which undertook pre-normative assessment on the topics identified as having a priority need, driven by the current security threats faced in the EU.
Each workpackage undertook pre-normative assessment to identify the current issues associated with the topic, and what options might exist for further harmonisation activities that would improve the security of the EU, and/or help the EU market for security products.
In some cases, this led to recommendations for specific harmonisation activities, such as changes to existing standards, or even proposals for new standards. Also recommendations for further research as well as recommendations for EU policy were provided.

However, one of the activities that did not materialise as planned was the one on Vehicle screening against explosive and weapons threats at checkpoints. Initially a CEN Workshop Agreement was foreseen, however, due to lack of experts this activity did not led to any concrete results. An amendment of the project took place and resources were redirected to other activities and to a dissemination workshop which took place in November 2019.

The rest of the Thematic Groups managed to deliver planned work. In particular the work of the Thematic Groups has led to an important enhancement of the knowledge base in terms of future research activities, standardisation activities as well as guidance material for authorities and operators in order to improve the protection of their critical infrastructures against CBRNE threats.
The work performed in the framework of this project is articulated around 4 thematic groups:

1) Thematic group on Chemical & Biological Risks to Drinking Water:

The work of the group was defined in the work-programme (July 2017 to June 2018, JRC108317) and by the updated version of the work-programme (July 2017 to November 2019, JRC115697). The following reports were delivered by this thematic group:

A report (Practical guidelines on the requirements of a continuous online water-quality monitoring system in drinking-water-supply systems, EUR 29322 EN, JRC112776)

A guidance document (Guidance on the production of a water security plan for drinking water supply, EUR 29846 EN, JRC116548) has been prepared for water utility operators recommending the requirements for production of a water security plan that would address the security aspects in drinking water supply.

2) Thematic Group on Radiological and Nuclear Threats to Critical Infrastructure:

The first version of the work package (2017/18 Work Programme for the ERNCIP Thematic Group: Radiological and Nuclear Threats to Critical Infrastructure, JRC107928) covered the tasks to be undertaken in the first 12 months of the project, followed by an updated version (2018/19 Work programmen, JRC112438).

A report on relevant case studies and scenarios demonstrating national and cross-border expert support for nuclear security in response to nuclear security incidents was drafted. This document was firstly drafted as an interim report (European Reference Network for Critical Infrastructure Protection: Novel detection technologies for nuclear security, EUR 29270 EN, JRC112304) and later in 2019 as a final report (Impact of Novel Technologies on Nuclear Security and Emergency Preparedness, EUR 29830 EN, JRC117583)

The group was involved in the organisation of the joint JRC/GCINT (Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism) Magic Maggiore Workshop held in March 2017. After-action Analysis of the Magic Maggiore Workshop on Expert Support and Reachback (JRC 108920) was published in December 2017.

The role of technical, scientific and operational expert support for alarm adjudication is analysed through case studies and scenarios in a report (National and cross-border expert support for nuclear security, EUR 29602 EN, JRC115110). This report attempts to identify the basic elements and capabilities of a national expert support system.

3) Thematic Group on Resistance of Structures against Explosive Effects (formerly Protection of Structures against Explosive Effects):

The work of the group was defined in the work-programme document (ERNCIP Protection of structures Thematic Group: Work Programme 2017 to 2018, JRC108284). The work programme was updated in 2018 in order to plan the work of the group until the end of project.

The group produced a report (Preliminary framework for blast risk assessment of built infrastructures, JRC118480) on the fundamentals of a standard addressing required risk assessment procedures for terroristic threats as well as a proposal on the most suitable way forward of enabling guidance to be made available to critical infrastructure operators/government authorities, when structural assessments against explosive effects need to be considered.

The group produced a report on the essential requirements for new/updated standards for arena tests for window and façade elements (Progress report 2019 for the ERNCIP Resistance of Structures to Explosion Effects Thematic Group, JRC119691). It provides elements for the development of essential requirements for new/updated standards for arena tests for window and façade elements.

4) Detection of Explosives and Weapons in Secure Locations Thematic Group:

The objective of this work package was to instigate a CEN workshop agreement on EU-level guidance for vehicle screening at secure locations. ERNCIP Office has sought to identify new subject-matter experts willing to lead and work on developing this CEN workshop agreement. Despite the interest and support for the concept, the ERNCIP Office has not been able to identify experts available. As a consequence it was decided that the work of this TG should not be continued and an amendment of the project was filed.
The work performed in the framework of this project has extremely useful in moving forward the agenda in the CBRNE domain. It has contributed to the identification of gaps that should be addressed in future research efforts in particular in the domains of sensors for chemical and biological threats. In addition it has provided concrete guides for critical infrastructure operators in order to develop security plans against CBRNE threats in particular in the domain of water infrastructure. Furthermore, there has been significant progress in the domain of nuclear threats to critical infrastructures by fostering interoperability and cooperation between authorities through the enhancement of capabilities for alarm adjudication. Also the integration of novel technologies for nuclear detection in current risk management approaches is of significant importance and it has been further pushed by the work of ERNCIP.

Furthermore the development of pre-standardisation work in the framework of ERNCIP project will have a significant impact for the development of future solutions and for the competitiveness of the European security market. In addition the level of security against CBRNE threats will be improved which will lead to a higher level of security for European citizens.
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