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CORDIS - EU research results
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary



Reporting period: 2019-08-01 to 2021-07-31

INTERMIN has created a self-sustainable long-term lasting international network of training centres for professionals. The network has mapped skills and knowledge in the EU and third countries, identified key knowledge gaps and emerging needs, developed a roadmap for improving skills and knowledge, as well as established common training programmes in the raw materials sectors. In line with the EU's strategy for international co-operation in research and innovation (COM(2012)497), the consortium had relevant international collaborators, and fostered and explored synergies with relevant EU Member States initiatives.
1. Develop common metrics and reference points for quality assurance and recognition of training; 2. Develop a comprehensive competency model for employment across the raw materials sector; 3. Introduce an international qualification framework for technical and vocational training programmes;4. Create a conceptual framework for the development of joint educational training programmes based on present and future requirements by employers and 5 Create and launch a joint international training programme by a merger of competences and scope of existing training programmes;
INTERMIN has tackled the shortage of a raw materials’ skilled workforce in Europe by advancing a holistic approach, taking into consideration: 1) current and future employers’ needs (assuming different contexts and technological scenarios) and available skills provision; 2) the dynamic balance of demand and educational supply in different world regions; and 3) the alignment of training and industry cyclicity. The methodological approach combined the collection of primary data (surveys, interviews) and secondary data (desk research and benchmarking), to advance of a new paradigm for optimized interaction and collaboration between training centres, employers and professionals. The paradigm of INTERMIN integrates an international qualifications framework (based on the European Qualifications Framework) and a competency model, both tailored for the raw materials sector.
INTERMIN has set the foundations for the establishment of a common language for education and training along the raw materials sector, increasing the mobility of professionals and strengthening the EU competence and expertise in the field of the primary and secondary raw materials and now plays a key role in boosting international cooperation with industry, government, academia, NGOs and other stakeholders from key raw materials producing countries and regions, enhancing the possibility for new cross-sectorial innovation in Europe. INTERMIN is improving the availability of a qualified and skilled workforce leading to higher competitiveness of the EU raw materials industry, thus strengthening the EU’s capacity to influence raw materials supply on a global scale thus contributing to the implementation of the Raw Materials Initiative and achieving the objectives of the EIP on Raw Materials.
The project has designed and produced a collection of communication materials to disseminate the project results and maximize the outreach of the project. Dissemination on digital channels was a priority of the INTERMIN Project. The outreach was boosted by the website and social media (i.e. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr and ResearchGate). These channels propelled by synergies with partners to optimize the dissemination of information. A hub & spoke model was used to integrate different web platforms in one hub, this was the project website ( The contents were then easily shared, messages better managed, and dialogues were stimulated in social media, thereby making dissemination more efficient.
WP1: Inventory of worldwide training programmes in the raw materials sector. From identifying the skills currently taught and needed to establishing a database on raw materials education. The associated deliverables cover a catalogue of skills as well as a database (accessible under ) and process manual for this database.
WP2: Current and expected labour market demand for raw materials professionals in three different time frames, paying special attention to identifying the kind of professional skill sets that employers are looking for and that are likely to be in demand in the future. Results have been used to identify gaps in professional education and training offer, vs. industry demand according to short, medium and long time frames.
WP 3: Extensive desk research on qualifications frameworks (at the international and European levels), and drafted the Deliverable 3.1 International Qualification Framework for the Raw Materials Sector. This defines areas of activity and key competences of the mineral raw materials sector, and advances a sectoral qualification framework for the raw materials sector (SQF-RM), that can be used at the global level. It also includes level descriptors of qualifications, and governance and quality assurance measures.
WP 4 has defined the scope, created the agenda and investigated sustainability options for the long-term operation of a network dedicated to international cooperation and knowledge sharing by raw materials training centres. The WP has produced a strategic Plan of the International Network of raw materials training centres, and created and implemented the Network infrastructure ( The hosting of the INTERMIN Portal is in the EGS server funded by the INTERMIN project. The portal also contains an external (but financed by INTERMIN) Geosciences University Program Portal (GUIDE). (
WP 5 has created awareness about INTERMIN, raising the project visibility, fostered the participation of stakeholders in the international network of training centres, disseminate information on the project progress and outcomes, stimulating dialogues and international cooperation, boosted the launch of the Online Educational platform for the raw materials sector, and supported the long-term action and expansion of the International Network of Raw Materials Training Centres.
WP6 : Project Management. Administrative and final quality control of deliverables, milestones and other reports & timely submission of deliverables on the Participant Portal (WP implementation);General support and assistance to the project’s WP leaders and other partners (when fulfilling their tasks); Timely completion of financial/budgetary/time management and contract matters; Timely submission of periodic reports and internal intermediate consortium project planning, cost statements, etc
The project has greatly surpassed the expected benefits. The set of deliverables produced and the two portals developed have set the foundations for the establishment of a common language for education and training along the raw materials sector, is helping to increase the mobility of professionals and strengthening the EU competence and expertise in the field of the primary and secondary raw materials.
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