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CORDIS - EU research results

waste COLLECTiOn systems assessed and good pRacticeS identified


Completed inventory database

Task 1.2. Map information on waste collection systems throughout Europe for three waste streams [M4-M10] Task leader: BiPRO; contributors: ACR+, ZWE, WF, EUR. The COLLECTORS consortium has identified 252 waste collection systems in 28 Member States. In the first step of this task, additional information sources (EU, national, and local level) will be identified. Within this step available information on identified collection systems, performance of the collection systems and relevant stakeholders on national, regional and municipal level including administrative bodies, Ministries, PROs, municipalities, association and NGOs is gathered. Simultaneously the project team will conduct a literature research (i.e. recent scientific articles and presentations at conferences on examples of collection systems in EU, publications on pilot studies, web-based search for examples from municipalities/regional level) to identify further collection systems that were not included in the first step. Further a screening Waste Management Plans at national/regional level and interviews with key stakeholders from the public and private sector (e.g. authorities or waste collectors, including municipal officers responsible for waste) will lead to further examples of waste collection schemes. The approach to be followed is to collect all relevant information in a searchable data-base to make everything easily assessable. Firstly, all relevant information available in the literature per collection system will be filled into the database. Then additional information obtained from the stakeholders will be added via input from COLLECTORs members e.g. via EUROCITIES waste working group on wastes, sending around the draft mapping results for additions and commenting and targeted interviews. Stakeholders from the public and private sectors will be involved to obtain most of the information available on the collection systems, e.g. to verify information and close info/data gaps on costs. In addition involved stakeholders are important in order to get first-hand information about necessary framework conditions, financial, knowledge and time capacities for implementation of a collection system and the acceptance of a scheme. It is also important trying to collect information on past and current challenges/problems and possibly solutions that helped overcome them. BiPRO has great expertise in conducting such interviews and including/verifying the gathered information in a template/data base. The information on waste collection systems will be disclosed via a web-based platform that helps decision-makers to find systems that are in line with their needs. The platform will be integrated in the COLLECTORS-website and will be made available on M11 (see task 5.4).

Report on solutions for tackling systemic and technical boundary conditions
Guidelines for successful implementation
First version of website on-line
Visual identity and communication materials
Selection of 12 validated case studies

Task 1.3. Selection of 12 case studies for in-depth analyses in WP2 and WP3 in dialogue with involved stakeholders – [M9-M10] Task leader: VTT; contributors: PNO, BiPRO, VITO, LDE, ACR+, ZWE, WF The integration of information on existing waste collection system in a comparative format enables the identification of well-functioning systems. As basis identified collection systems will first be compared among each other and with comparable EU/national statistics (on collection but also recycling/recovery rates of CRM) and with information from key stakeholders (national Ministries, EU associations, and the involved project partners) on key factors for success, e.g. participation of stakeholders, construction of new recycling facilities etc. Hereafter, the well-performing systems are analysed in a participatory approach with local and regional authorities. The objective of this exercise is the selection of twelve case studies for in-depth analyses in WP2 and WP3. The twelve case studies are selected among all the candidate waste collection systems using an MCDM approach. The goal is to select 5 case studies for WEEE and packaging waste; and 2 case studies for construction and demolition waste. The previously per waste stream defined criteria are weighed for each waste stream using a MCDM approach in workshop attended by task leaders from WP1, WP2 and WP3 and the stakeholders from the regional working groups. Taking into account the weights and performances of the candidate waste collection systems in each key parameter, the preference order of the alternatives is elicited. Necessary constraint are then set for the group of 12 chose case studies, for instance: cases must represent sufficient number of member states, etc.

Key parameters for waste collection systems defined and validated

Task 11 Specification and validation of key parameters for collection systems M1M4 Task leader BiPRO contributors PNO VTT VITO LDE ACR ZWEThis working step is related to the definition of parameters that shall be assessed and included in the inventory analysis of waste collection systems task 12 Table 6 includes a first matrix on what kind of information and parameters would be included in the inventory and is aligned with the objectives of WP2 and WP3 The eventual set of parameters upon which the waste collection systems are to be evaluated will be validated regarding their usefulness for decisionmakers via a participatory approach During the first regional working group regional and local authorities are consulted about their considerations in order to further specify and validate the criteria This step is highly important also to allow for the effective multiattribute comparison of the waste collection systems throughout the project According to the well accepted five basic principles of criteria selection suggested by Keeney and Raiffa the completeness operational ability decomposability nonredundancy and minimalism in number have to be ensured Criteria weighing methods will be applied to validate the importance of the key parameters and arrive at preliminary criteria weights ie order of criteria importance The criteria weights based on stakeholder input are also used in Task 13 in choosing the 12 case studies

Methodology report

Task 2.1. Generic analysis to identify main challenges and boundary conditions for implementation of more effective and efficient waste collection systems [M4-M13] Task leader: VITO; contributors: PNO, BiPRO, LDE, ACR+, ZWE, WF Within this task a generic analysis will be conducted, in order to identify main challenges and boundary conditions for implementation of more effective and efficient waste collection systems. To be able to assess the effectivity of waste collection systems the systemic and technical boundary conditions with respect to the actual recycling of collected waste (putting it back into a product/raw material) will be identified, starting from the needs of the end-users of recyclates. On the other hand, to improve the efficiency societal acceptance boundary conditions with respect to the actual implementation of waste collection systems will be inventoried. The identification of boundary conditions will be done through focus group meetings in the case of citizens and through industry consultation in the case of value chain actors. For each of the case studies, a scheme will be made up, aiming to identify the effects of the key parameters that determine the efficiency and the effectivity of the waste collection system. These key parameters can be both related to the waste collection system itself (EPR scheme, geographical situation, climate, population density, ) or to the subsequent stages of waste handling and valorisation (recycling infrastructure, market for secondary materials, additional value for high grade recycling, …) to the waste collection system. As the key parameter related to the waste collection system itself are addressed in WP1, WP2 will focus on integrating subsequent handling and valorisation parameters. This analysis will be mainly based on available literature of the case studies and validated through interaction with stakeholders, both citizens and industry (specifically industrial partners engaged in the targeted case studies). To gain citizens perspective two focus groups meetings will be held, each of them with approximately 10 citizens. The involvement of citizens will be organized in consultation with the members of the regional working group (subtask 5.2.2) and held in parallel to a regional working group meeting (M4 and M10). The results of this task will be an identification per case study of the boundary conditions limiting more or better waste collection.

Report on multiple criteria assessment of the studied waste collection systems and applicability of different methods for decision-support
Collection of the minutes and report with conclusions of the working group meeting
Communication, dissemination and exploitation plan
Report on boundary conditions for implementation
Minutes of three focus group meetings
Report of LCA meta-analysis and guidance document for LCA of waste collection systems
Report on the economic and financial performance of waste collection systems
Report on generalized criteria to support decision-making
Report with introduction on the identified EU-projects
Report of recommendations for improvement of single systems and optimum operation conditions
Policy recommendations & development needs related to the waste framework conditions
Report on implemented solutions and key elements in selected cases for societal acceptance
Three customized factsheet finalized

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