CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
This deliverable will collect the communication and dissemination activities performed up to the date of issue in T4.3, including: publications, newsletters, attendance to congresses etc.
D1.6 Interoperability Framework components: F-RELThis deliverable will gather the results of all subtasks included within T1.2, presenting the tools and utilities developed for the F-REL
D1.5 Interoperability Framework components: A-RELThis deliverable will gather the results of all subtasks included within T1.2, presenting the tools and utilities developed for the A-REL
D2.4 - Needs and related features Document (C-REL)The “Needs and related features document” will report on the activities performed for the C-REL in T2.3 including definition of needs and associated features that will be defined with Transport product and service providers
D4.6 - 3rd Report on dissemination and communicationThis deliverable will collect the communication and dissemination activities performed up to the date of issue in T4.3, including: publications, newsletters, attendance to congresses etc.
D1.2 Architectural principles and design: A-RELThis deliverable will gather the results of the works performed for the A-REL in all subtasks included within T1.1, including the sematic model, architectural principles and design of the IF.
D1.3 Architectural principles and design: F-RELThis deliverable will gather the results of the works performed for the F-REL in all subtasks included within T1.1, including the sematic model, architectural principles and design of the IF.
D2.9 - Data management, Analytics and Visual Analytics Document (F-REL)The “Data management, Analytics and Visual Analytics Document” will report on the activities performed for the A-REL in T2.1, T2.4, T2.5 and T.2.6, including description, implementation and results
D2.6 - Needs and related features Document (F-REL)The “Needs and related features document” will report on the activities performed for the F-REL in T2.3 including definition of needs and associated features that will be defined with Transport product and service providers
D2.7 - Data management, Analytics and Visual Analytics Document (C-REL)The “Data management, Analytics and Visual Analytics Document” will report on the activities performed for the A-REL in T2.1, T2.4, T2.5 and T.2.6, including description, implementation and results.
D2.3 - Big Data architecture Document (F-REL)The “Big Data architecture Document” will report on the activities performed for the F-REL in T2.2 including Big Data architecture choices and implementation, benchmark results, best development practices that will be identified during the project, and data lake and “semantic” data lake implementation and results
D2.5 - Needs and related features Document (A-REL)The “Needs and related features document” will report on the activities performed for the A-REL in T2.3 including definition of needs and associated features that will be defined with Transport product and service providers
D2.1 - Big Data architecture Document (C-REL)The “Big Data architecture Document” will report on the activities performed for the C-REL in T2.2 including Big Data architecture choices and implementation, benchmark results, best development practices that will be identified during the project, and data lake and “semantic” data lake implementation and results.
D1.4 Interoperability Framework components: C-RELThis deliverable will gather the results of all subtasks included within T1.2, presenting the tools and utilities developed for the C-REL
D2.8 - Data management, Analytics and Visual Analytics Document (A-REL)The “Data management, Analytics and Visual Analytics Document” will report on the activities performed for the A-REL in T2.1, T2.4, T2.5 and T.2.6, including description, implementation and results.
D2.2 - Big Data architecture Document (A-REL)The “Big Data architecture Document” will report on the activities performed for the A-REL in T2.2 including Big Data architecture choices and implementation, benchmark results, best development practices that will be identified during the project, and data lake and “semantic” data lake implementation and results
D1.1 Architectural principles and design: C-RELThis deliverable will gather the results of the works performed for the C-REL in all subtasks included within T1.1, including the sematic model, architectural principles and design of the IF.
D4.4 - 1st Report on dissemination and communicationThis deliverable will collect the communication and dissemination activities performed up to the date of issue in T4.3, including: publications, newsletters, attendance to congresses etc.
Provide input and contents to the Web Page
Butterlin-Fillon Franck, Germain Nicolas, Lorin Stéphane , Mulard
Denis , Robert Eric
Published in:
Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, 2022
Nicolas BASKIOTIS3, Lucas BECIRSPAHIC3, Romain BRAULT2, Stephane DUGUET4, Vincent
GUIGUE3, Valentin GUIGUET3, Stephane LORIN1, Vincent THOUVENOT1
1 Thales SIX GTS France, Gennevilliers, France
2 Thales SIX GTS France, Palaiseau, France
3 Paris Sorbonne University, Paris, France
4 Thales Transport & Security, Hong Kong, China
Published in:
World Congress on Railway Research | WCRR 2019, 2019
World Congress on Railway Research | WCRR 2019
Franck Butterlin-Fillon, Nicolas Germain, Stéphane Lorin, Denis Mulard, Eric Robert
Published in:
13th WCRR | World Congress on Railway Research, 2022
Leyre Merle, Juan Manuel Castro, Marco Ferreira, João Jardim, Phani Chinchapatnam,
Daniel Schmidt, Esther Bravo
Published in:
Virtual ITS European Congress 2020, 2020
Virtual ITS European Congress 2020
Stéphane Lorin*, Juan Manuel Castro Arias, Habib Deriu, Nicolas Germain, Phani
Chinchapatnam, Joseph Cairns, Fabrizio Cosso
Published in:
Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, 2022
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