Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PIVOT (Performance Improvement for Vehicles on Track)
Reporting period: 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31
PIVOT is contributing to the vision and goals of Shift2Rail (increasing cacacity and reliability together with reducing the life cycle cost) by focusing on the “Performance Improvement for Vehicles On Track” around all mechanical units of a vehicle - starting from the carbody roof down to the wheel.
This first issue of the 2nd reporting presents the main results and findings betwenn month 16 and 27 months of cooperation of the PIVOT consortium. Its work plan contains activities of TD1.3 Carbody, TD1.4 Running Gear, TD1.5 Brakes, TD1.6 Doors and TD1.7 Modular Interiors. Each one will be represented in dedicated Work Packages aiming at providing valuable input for the success of the respective IP1 Technology Demonstrators (TD).
WP2. The objective is to applying the composite technology in the railway industry through the development of conceptual designs of the demonstrators defined in WP1. The second and final period was used to finalice all activities iniciated during the fisrt period. Conceptual design has been finished, Engineering assessments have been performed and general overview to perform FMEA and Risk Analyisis FMECA have been done. The methodologies have been analised to incorporate Composite products to the rail Industry.
All taks of WP3 have followed an independent workflow although collaboration and sharing of information with colloberative projects has occurred throughout the process. The objectives stated at the beginning of the project have been accomplished and different innovations have been designed and tested. The results obtained with the different innovations are satisfactory.
To contribute to the aims of WP4, during this reporting period it has been worked mainly on the development of new materials and designs for running gear components and virtual validation.
To reach these objectives of WP5 in the second reporting period a laboratory prototype of electronic compatible with high SIL level is developed based on general specification and requirements agreed upon. Also, two variants of electro-mechanic braking system demonstrator are developed (one with conventional disk brake mechanics with hangers as an interface to the bogie and the other one with compact disk brake mechanics). Laboratory tests of new friction material pairings are conducted, and the results are published. Furthermore, the feasibility of proposed virtual validation and certification concept has been confirmed on the example of wheel slide protection system.
WP6. Based on the specifications published during the first period, the experiments and design studies have been pursued in order to define the concept on the different topics. The integration study to assemble the improvement in one mock-up and / or demonstration have been pursued with especially design improvement for door sealing that will be tested at a later stage, a new design of the swinging arm for the locking of the lower rear corners of the door leaves and for the synchronisation of the high / low door movement (tests on going) and new operator integration.
WP7: The objective for Interiors and Cabin in the second phase of PIVOT was to estimate the capabilities of the existing possibilities and validated new potential offers between 2020 and 2025. During the second project period the following activities were performed:
• Continue the technical watch of quick fixation systems on the market and identify few first products pertinent to use for Interiors.
• Realise a Design to Cost study for Interiors
• Define the vision of Interiors to develop during PIVOT-2
• Define the Roadmap for the next 3 years for Cabin.
• Define the tasks of the Open Call 2019 to work with the best efficiency with PIVOT-2 : increase the knowledge and the capability to have quick wins
WP8 covers the project activities on dissemination, communication and exploitation. PIVOT website was maintained during the project lifetime on continually bases to keep th e project status up to date and to share public deliverables and dessimination material. Further, the data management plan for the project will be updated to list all the generated digital data of PIVOT. The final report on the dissemination and exploitation activities was submitted at the end of the project.
WP9 deals with the administrative work of PIVOT - to manage and coordinate the project including the involved benificiaries. Periodical meetings took place and the WP reports were presented during the TMT and SC meetings. The recommendations report was submitted at the end of the project. Additionally, the lessons learnt and best practises were presented during the 17th IP1 SC and the kick off meeting od PIVOT2.
The use of new material allows to the rolling stock manufacturers to reduce the mass and the energy needed to move the trains. This reduction of the mass of carbodies (an others component of the train in which the material could be used) allows train with an increased capacity and more comfort and technologies passengers’ oriented.
• WP4
The challenge in WP4 is to develop and combine adequately suitable technologies to produce light, low noise, track friendly, reliable and cost-efficient maintenance focusing in the achievement of the following objectives: Increase of reliability and punctuality, capacity and LCC reduction of Running Gears.
• WP5
The work in the field of electro-mechanic brake and SIL3/4 brake control electronics will be completed with investigations of first demonstrators in the laboratory. On the basis of the investigation results, the next step within the follow-up project intends to implement improvement measures along with a partial implementation on the train.
Furthermore, the investigation on virtual certification processes for the brake system results into first defined and agreed virtual certification methods for brake sub systems to shorten their certification processes.
• WP6
WP6 aims also to introduce composite solutions in the doors and proceeds to a research on materials and manufacturing process. The cost has become in one of the most critical engineering aspects of the development. With important fire and smoke constraints, WP6 compares thermoset resins, honeycombs or foam as filling materials and glass or carbon fibers in parallel with manufacturing process “out of autoclave” process like infusion, Resin Transfer Molding, hand-layup. Based on the results, the composite leaves will be developed in a next phase.
• WP7
The ambition of the TD1.7 is to give the keys to adapt the train: always, anytime and anywhere with cost-effective design. It is why the Modularity of the interiors design is the red line of the project.