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Kant in South America


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videos of workshops/seminars/lectures related to Kant's political philosophy in SA institutions

workshops/seminars/lectures TP

videos of workshops/seminars related to Kant's theoretical philosophy in SA institutions

seminars/workshops/lectures TP (II)

videos of scheduled seminarsworkshopslectures TP held in EU institutions

workshops/seminars/lectures MP (II)

Videos of workshopsseminarslectures related to Kants moral philosophy in EU institutions

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videos of workshops/seminars/lectures on Kant’s moral philosophy in all institutions SA involved

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public events open to nonacademic adience

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papers arising form research conducted in all three subareas theoretical moral political

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papers TP

4 papers related to Kants theoretical philosophy

papers PP

4 papers related to Kants political philosophy

papers MP

4 papers related to Kants moral philosophy


Heaven on Earth: on purposiveness and aesthetic pleasure in Kant’s Universal Natural History

Author(s): Silva, Fernando M. F
Published in: Anuario Filosófico, 2020, Page(s) 157-177, ISSN 0066-5215
Publisher: Universidad de Navarra
DOI: 10.15581/

Henry E. Allison (1937–2023)

Author(s): Caranti, Luigi
Published in: KANTIAN REVIEW, 2023, Page(s) 1-7, ISSN 1369-4154
Publisher: University of Wales Press
DOI: 10.1017/s1369415423000353

Arte após o fim da natureza/ Art after the end of nature

Author(s): FIGUEIREDO, Virginia
Published in: VISO: CADERNOS DE ESTÉTICA APLICADA, 2023, Page(s) 1-40, ISSN 1981-4062
Publisher: Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)
DOI: 10.22409/1981-4062/v32i/515

Zeljko Loparic and the Project of a Transcendental Semantics

Published in: I castelli di Yale online. ANNALI DI FILOSOFIA, 2022, ISSN 2282-5460
Publisher: Università di Ferrara
DOI: 10.15160/2282-5460/2610

Kant y el no conceptualismo

Author(s): Luciana Martínez
Published in: CON-TEXTOS KANTIANOS.International Journal of Philosophy, 2019, Page(s) 351-362, ISSN 2386-7655
Publisher: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3253152

Kant y el carácter regulativo del principio mecanicista en la antinomia de la facultad de juzgar teleológica

Author(s): Claudia Jáuregui
Published in: Con-Textos Kantianos. International Journal of Philosophy, 2020, Page(s) 92-109, ISSN 2386-7655
Publisher: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3865128

Kant and the heuristic function of images: The poetics of scientific investigation

Published in: SHS Web Conferences, 2023, ISSN 2261-2424
Publisher: EDP Sciences
DOI: 10.1051/shsconf/202316107003


Published in: ETD - Educação Temática Digital, 2023, Page(s) 1-17, ISSN 1676-2592
Publisher: Universidade Estadual de Campinas
DOI: 10.20396/etd.v25i00.8670605

El desarrollo del genio artístico

Author(s): Luciana Martínez
Published in: CON-TEXTOS KANTIANOS.International Journal of Philosophy, 2020, Page(s) 176-190, ISSN 2386-7655
Publisher: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3865093

How much economic inequality is fair in liberal democracies? The approach of proportional justice:

Author(s): Nunzio Alì; Luigi Caranti
Published in: PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 2021, Page(s) 769-788, ISSN 0191-4537
Publisher: SAGE Publications
DOI: 10.1177/0191453720987865

La influencia de Pierre Bayle en la construcción de la segunda antinomia de la razón pura

Author(s): Daniel Perrone
Published in: Revista de Estudios Kantianos, 2020, Page(s) 307-330, ISSN 2445-0669
Publisher: International Journal of the Society of Kantian Studies in the Spanish Language
DOI: 10.7203/rek.5.2.16870

A Kantian Critique of Grotius

Author(s): Macarena Marey
Published in: Problemos, 2019, Page(s) 67-80, ISSN 2424-6158
Publisher: Vilnius University Press
DOI: 10.15388/problemos.95.6

Sobre abismos, pontes e travessias/On abysses, bridges, and crossings

Author(s): FIGUEIREDO, Virginia
Published in: CON-TEXTOS KANTIANOS. International Journal of Philosophy, 2020, ISSN 2386-7655
Publisher: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8392761

Does a genius produce his artworks like an apple tree its apples?

Author(s): FIGUEIREDO, Virginia
Published in: CON-TEXTOS KANTIANOS.International Journal of Philosophy, 2022, Page(s) 272-286, ISSN 2386-7655
Publisher: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8392693

Causalidad ascendente y descendente: Kant y la peculiar unidad de los fines de la naturaleza

Author(s): Claudia Jáuregui
Published in: Praxis Filosófica, 2019, Page(s) 87-106, ISSN 2389-9387
Publisher: Universidad del Valle
DOI: 10.25100/pfilosofica.v0i49.7948

"""Dementia is a fiction"" : Kant on the mental disturbances of the human soul"

Author(s): Silva, Fernando M. F.
Published in: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 2020, Page(s) 657-680, ISSN 0040-750X
Publisher: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie
DOI: 10.2143/tvf.81.4.3287347

Infinitesimal Method and Judgment of Origin

Author(s): Hernán Pringe
Published in: Kant e-Prints, 2021, Page(s) 185-199, ISSN 1677-163X
Publisher: Universidade Estadual de Campinas

"El tema de la ""Doctrina transcendental del método"

Author(s): Luciana Martínez
Published in: CADERNOS DE FILOSOFIA ALEMÃ: CRÍTICA E MODERNIDADE, 2019, Page(s) 83-99, ISSN 2318-9800
Publisher: Universidade de Sao Paulo
DOI: 10.11606/issn.2318-9800.v24i1p83-99


Published in: Kriterion. revista de Filosofia, 2021, ISSN 1981-5336
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8393968

Efeitos do universal a partir da estética de Kant

Author(s): Virginia FIGUEIREDO
Published in: Estudos Kantianos, 2023, Page(s) 41-64, ISSN 2318-0501
Publisher: UNESP
DOI: 10.36311/2318-0501.2023.v11n1.p41

Kant’s Political Legacy. Replies to Pinzani, Consani, Tonetto, Dos Santos, Barbieri, Dutra, Faggion, Klein

Author(s): Luigi Caranti
Published in: Estudos kantianos, 2018, ISSN 2318-0501
Publisher: "Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências, Centro de Pesquisas e Estudos Kantianos ""Valerio Rohden"""
DOI: 20.500.11769/362880

The Thing in Itself and the Freedom of Thought. On Cassirer’s Interpretation of Critical Philosophy

Author(s): Hernán Pringe
Published in: Revue Roumaine de Philosophie, 2022, Page(s) 261-278, ISSN 1220-5400
Publisher: Institutul de Filosofie si Psihologie, Academia Romana

Ambiguous sovereignty: political judgment and the limits of law in Kant’s Doctrine of Right

Author(s): Bailey, Tom
Published in: Law and Philosophy. An International Journal for Jurisprudence and Legal Philosophy, 2023, ISSN 1573-0522
Publisher: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s10982-023-09486-w

Baumgarten and the problem of obscure representations

Author(s): Silva, Fernando M. F.
Published in: Daimon. Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 2020, Page(s) 101-116, ISSN 1130-0507
Publisher: Universidad de Murcia. Departamento de Filosofia y Lgica.

Conocimiento puro y cálculo infinitesimal en el neokantismo de Hermann Cohen

Author(s): Hernán Pringe
Published in: Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, 2020, Page(s) 273-288, ISSN 1852-7353
Publisher: Centro de Investigaciones Filosóficas de Argentina
DOI: 10.36446/rlf2020149

Fair Equality of Opportunity and the Place for Individual Merit in a Liberal Democratic Society

Author(s): Nunzio Alì
Published in: Brazilian Political Science Review, 2022, Page(s) 1-26, ISSN 1981-3821
Publisher: Associação Brasileira de Ciência Política
DOI: 10.1590/1981-3821202200010002


Author(s): FIGUEIREDO, Virginia
Published in: ARTEFILOSOFIA. Revista do Programa de Pós-graduação em Filosofia da UFOP, 2021, Page(s) 125-137, ISSN 2526-7892
Publisher: Universidade federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8392892

The dignity approach to human rights and the impaired autonomy objection

Author(s): Luigi Caranti
Published in: HUMAN AFFAIRS, 2019, Page(s) 273-285, ISSN 1210-3055
Publisher: Slovak Academic Press Ltd
DOI: 10.1515/humaff-2019-0023

Crítica de la metafísica y metafísica crítica

Author(s): Hernán Pringe
Published in: Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación e Información Filosófica, 2022, Page(s) 995-1004, ISSN 2386-5822
Publisher: Universidad Pontificia Comillas - Madrid
DOI: 10.14422/pen.v78.i299.y2022.005

A concepção política dos direitos humanos: algumas objeções

Author(s): Nunzio Alì
Published in: Griot : Revista de Filosofia, 2021, Page(s) 367–378, ISSN 2178-1036
Publisher: Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia
DOI: 10.31977/grirfi.v21i1.2156

Notas sobre a visão não tutelada em Brakhage e Kant

Published in: Estudos Kantianos, 2021, Page(s) 59-76, ISSN 2318-0501
Publisher: Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
DOI: 10.36311/2318-0501.2021.v9n1.p59

Sobre la posibilidad de una interpretación monista de la Primera Analogía de la Experiencia

Author(s): Claudia Jáuregui
Published in: REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE FILOSOFÍA, 2021, Page(s) 7-28, ISSN 1852-7353
DOI: 10.36446/rlf2021173

Harald Høffding and the historical roots of the Bohrian concept of symbol

Author(s): Pringe, Hernan Bruno
Published in: Revista de Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea, 2020, Page(s) 139-156, ISSN 2317-9570
Publisher: Universidade de Brasília
DOI: 10.26512/rfmc.v8i2.35863

A Kantian Solution for the Freedom of Choice Loophole in Bell Experiments

Author(s): Junior, Romeu Rossi; Leite, Patrícia Kauark
Published in: arXiv, 2020, Page(s) 1-13
Publisher: Cornell University
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2006.01534

"J. H. Lambert. ""Fragmento III: Acerca de los conceptos y las definiciones""."

Author(s): Luciana Martínez
Published in: AGORA — Papeles de Filosofía, 2020, Page(s) 189-201, ISSN 2174-3347
Publisher: Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
DOI: 10.15304/ag.39.1.5907

How Rich Should the 1% Be? Proportional Justice and Economic Inequality

Author(s): Nunzio Alì
Published in: Book, 2022, Page(s) 206, ISBN 9781003189428
Publisher: Roudtledge
DOI: 10.4324/9781003189428

The Kantian Subject. New Interpretative Essays.

Author(s): Fernando M.F. Silva and Luigi Caranti
Published in: Book, 2023, Page(s) 204, ISBN 978-1-032-52193-0
Publisher: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9781003462415

Kant and the Problem of Politics. Rethinking the Contemporary World

Author(s): Luigi Caranti, Alessandro Pinzani
Published in: Book, 2022, Page(s) 196, ISBN 9780367471576
Publisher: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9781003033837

Kant and the Problem of Morality. Rethinking the Contemporary World

Author(s): Luigi Caranti, Alessandro Pinzani
Published in: Book, 2022, Page(s) 178, ISBN 9780367461256
Publisher: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9781003043126

Kant und seine Kritiker – Kant and his Critics

Author(s): Antonino Falduto and Heiner F. Klemme (eds.)
Published in: book, 2018
Publisher: Olms Verlag

Kant and the Problem of Knowledge: Rethinking the Contemporary World

Author(s): Luigi Caranti, Alessandro Pinzani
Published in: Book, 2022, Page(s) 166, ISBN 9780367903169
Publisher: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9781003050742


Author(s): Caranti Luigi; Pinzani, Alessandro
Published in: Kant and the Problem of Politics: Rethinknig the Contemporary World, 2022, Page(s) 1-8, ISBN 978-0-367-47157-6
Publisher: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9781003033837-1


Author(s): Caranti, Luigi
Published in: Kant and the Problem of Morality_ Rethinking the Contemporary World, 2022, Page(s) 1-5, ISBN 978-0-367-46125-6
Publisher: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9781003043126-1

Taking Economic Inequality Seriously. Kantian Views

Author(s): Nunzio Alì, Alessandro Pinzani
Published in: Kant and the Problem of Politics: Rethinking the Contemporary World, 2022, Page(s) 87-110
Publisher: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9781003033837-5

Redistribution, recognition, and pluralism: a Rawlsian criticism of Fraser

Author(s): Luigi Caranti, Nunzio Alì
Published in: PARADIGMS OF JUSTICE Redistribution, Recognition, and Beyond, 2021, Page(s) 163-183, ISBN 978-1-138-59427-2
Publisher: Routledge

Rawls’ Democratic Equality and the Idea of Co-Authorship

Author(s): Nunzio Alì
Published in: Justiça e Libertação: A Tribute to John Rawls, 2021, Page(s) 445-472, ISBN 978-65-81110-48-2
Publisher: Fundação Fênix
DOI: 10.36592/9786581110482-20

A Role for Creative Imagination in Kant's Theory of Science

Published in: The Kantian Subject. New Interpretative Essays, 2023, ISBN 9781032521930
Publisher: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9781003462415-8


Author(s): Caranti, Luigi
Published in: Kant and the Problem of Knowledge: Rethinknig the Contemporary World, 2022, ISBN 978-0-367-90316-9
Publisher: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9781003050742-1

The Ultimate Ground of Morality (and Law) in the Naturrecht Feyerabend

Author(s): Luigi Caranti
Published in: "Kant´s ""Naturrecht Feyerabend"": Analysis and Perspectives", 2019, Page(s) 131-144
Publisher: de gruyter
DOI: 20.500.11769/373078

The Kantian Federation: Two Hermeneutical Problems

Author(s): Luigi Caranti
Published in: Kant und seine Kritiker / Kant and His Critics, 2018, Page(s) 347-361, ISBN 978-3-487-15732-0
Publisher: georg holm
DOI: 20.500.11769/335784

Kant e a genialidade da história

Author(s): FIGUEIREDO, Virginia
Published in: Filosofia em Confinamento, 2020, Page(s) 231-245, ISBN 978-65-00-03479-0
Publisher: Batuque
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8392991

Transnationalism and Popular Sovereignty

Author(s): Macarena Marey
Published in: Kant and the problem of Politics. Rethinking the Contemporary World, 2022, Page(s) 137-154, ISBN 9780367471576
Publisher: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9781003033837-8

Kant via Rousseau Against Democracy

Author(s): Caranti, Luigi
Published in: Kant and the Problem of Politics: Rethinking the Contemporary World, 2022, Page(s) 33-63, ISBN 9780367471576
Publisher: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9781003033837-3

Pobreza, igualdade e justiça social: republicanismo kantiano e contratualismo rawlsiano

Author(s): Vincenzo Maimone
Published in: PERSPECTIVAS, 2021, Page(s) 387-427, ISSN 2448-2390
DOI: 10.20873/rpv6n2-20

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