Periodic Reporting for period 2 - Dynamics (Contributions to codimension k bifurcations in dynamical systems theory)
Reporting period: 2020-04-01 to 2024-03-31
T1.1 Study degenerate Bautin bifurcations. Results have been obtained on this topic in the first part of the project, when a normal form which involves the third Lyapunov coefficient and a method for determining the coefficient have been obtained.
T1.2 Study degenerate Hopf-Hopf bifurcation. We approached this bifurcation, known also as double-Hopf, in a degenerate context given by the elimination of one generic condition at once used for determining a normal form in the non-degenerate case. Six such degenerate cases have been studied and the results are published in three papers [1]-[3].
T1.3 Study other codimension k bifurcations in continuous (smooth) systems. We have studied: a model for the tuberculosis and the Dengue fever [4], a system related to the two-body problem [5], a finance model [6], a dynamical system with an equilibrium having two zero eigenvalues [7], the birth and death of families of algebraic limit cycles of quadratic polynomial differential systems (pde) [8], the criticality of some planar systems of pde having a center for various low degrees n [9], the phase portraits of a 3-dimensional Lotka–Volterra system for all the values of two parameters [10], the dynamics of a 3-dimensional Muthuswamy-Chua system in the infinity of the Poincare ball for all values of the parameter [11].
T1.4 Study other codim k bifurcations in discrete systems. Related to this task we have studied: degenerate Chenciner bifurcation [27]-[29], the fixed points of a return map [30], continuous self-maps on topological graphs [31], the set of periods of the Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms in several cases [32].
T2.1 Study codim k bifurcations in non-smooth systems. We have studied: discontinuous planar piecewise differential systems (pds) formed by linear centers and separated by two concentric circles [33], the number of limit cycles of planar pds separated by a branch of an algebraic curves [34], discontinuous pds formed by two linear centers separated by a nonregular straight line [35], the conjecture of Markus and Yamabe to continuous and discontinuous pds [36].
T2.2 Study bifurcations in non-smooth systems with impacts and applications of mathematics and other disciplines in the medical field.
We have studied: a mathematical model for the interactions between human immune system and a pathogenic virus, such as Covid-19 [41], several aspects in computer-assisted surgery [42], a SIR system [43], a SEIR model [44], a predator–prey system [45], two NZP models [46], a model for cancerous tumors [47] and [48].
As an overview, the project main results are in dynamical systems theory and its applications, where they can be exploited. The results are disseminated as green or gold open access articles.
[1] G. Tigan, 2021a.
[2]-[3] G. Moza, 2022a, 2022b.
[4]-[5] J. Llibre, 2019, 2018.
[6] M.R. Candido, 2018.
[7] C. Rocsoreanu, 2019.
[8] J. Llibre, 2021a.
[9] I. Sánchez-Sánchez, 2021a.
[10] J. Llibre, 2020a.
[11] Y. P. Martínez, 2024.
[12]-[13] J. Llibre, 2022, 2021b.
[14] R. Oliveira, 2022.
[15] I. Sánchez-Sánchez, 2021b.
[16] C. A. Buzzi, 2021.
[17] G. Moza, 2022c.
[18] J. Itikawa, 2022.
[19] I. Sánchez-Sánchez, 2022.
[20] M. Boureanu, 2022.
[21] E. Musafirov, 2022.
[22] C-P. Danet, 2022.
[23] C. Ionescu, 2022.
[24]-[25] G. Moza, 2023a, 2024.
[26] J. Llibre, 2023.
[27]-[28] G. Tigan, 2020, 2021b.
[29] S. Lugojan, 2022.
[30]-[31] J. Llibre, 2020b, 2021c.
[32] C. Cufi-Cabre, 2022.
[33] M.E. Anacleto, 2021.
[34] A. Gasull, 2020.
[35] M. Esteban, 2021.
[36] J. Llibre, 2021d.
[37] E. Freire, 2021.
[38] X. Chen, 2022.
[39] L. P. C. da Cruz, 2022.
[40] M. E. Anacleto, 2023.
[41] G. Moza, 2023b.
[42] J. Ehrlich, 2022.
[43] D. Constantinescu, 2022.
[44] L. Bucur, 2022.
[45] F. Munteanu, 2022.
[46] M. Sterpu, 2023.
[47] D. A. Drexler, 2024.
[48] L. Kovács, 2024.
T1.2. The results we have obtained in the six degenerate cases of the double-Hopf bifurcation go beyond the state of the art. New bifurcation diagrams and properties have emerged due to the degeneracies.
T1.3. New results are reported in the studied systems: four new theorems [5], a new method related to limit cycles [6], new results on a 3D Lotka–Volterra system [7] and Muthuswamy-Chua system [8], all the phase portraits of a class of systems [9], the existence of at least one limit cycle in a Belousov–Zhabotinsky model [10], a method to study the simultaneity [11], new results on the maximum number of critical periods [12], the center-focus and cyclicity problems [13], a new system for modeling inflation rate [14], a compact expression for the first-order Taylor series of the Melnikov function [15], a quintic system with 92 limit cycles [16], new results on boundary value [17], the existence of an infinite set of limit cycles in a Langford system [18], new results for a semi linear sixth-order ODE [19], a method for finding traveling wave solutions [20], two new models in economy [21,22], and new results on the existence of first integrals in a system [23]. The results go beyond the state of the art.
T1.4. The results for this task go beyond the state of the art, such as: new results on the degenerate Chenciner bifurcation [24,27,28], new insights on the limit cycles using return map [25], new results for self-maps on topological graphs [26], and the Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms [29].
T2.1. New results which go beyond the state of the art are reported for this topic, such as: contributions to the 16th Hilbert problem for piecewise differential systems [30], [32], [37], new insights on the number of limit cycles [31], with a periodic orbit at infinity [34] and related to the center-focus problem [36], results on the Markus and Yamabe conjecture [33], a new contribution to the Melnikov function [35].
T2.2. The results presented for this task go beyond the state of the art, such as: a model to study the interactions between human immune system and a pathogenic virus [38], new results on a SIR model [40], a SEIR model [41], respectively a predator–prey model [42], contributions to computer-assisted surgery with results demonstrating the feasibility of automatically identifying energy events during surgical incisions [39], two new NZP models [43], new results in modeling cancerous tumors [44] and [45].