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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Multiscaled Smart Metallic and Semiconductor Electrodes for Electrochemical Processing and Devices


Demand of “smart” electrodes/systems has recently increased due to significant role of various devices/equipment based on these electrodes - urgent needs of present and forthcoming human activities. The multi- and interdisciplinary project SMARTELECTRODES is proposing elaboration of advanced systems covered under umbrella of “smart” electrodes which will be involved and play significant roles in several important electrochemical/electrophysical applications as catalysis/electrocatalysis, sensoring, thermoelectrics, electrowinning, electrochemical machining and electrospark alloying. The development of multiscaled (from nano- to macro-; from nanodot to volumized 3D-) metallic and semiconductor electrodes and integration of them into working systems/equipment is the main target of SMARTELECTRODES. The project is well-balanced, highly innovative R&D training network, which aims:
To develop long lasting collaborations between four academic (Vilnius University, Lithuania; Institute of Applied Physics, Moldova; Northeastern University, USA; Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of BSU, Belarus) and two companies (JSC Topaz, Moldova and JSC “Electronics Treatment Technologies”, EPT, Lithuania);
To develop new electrodes (based on chalcogenides, iron group metals and “technological” electrodes) by well-established institutions;
To increase career perspectives of each participant that will lead to benefit of each member and partnership as a whole.
Partners will be complimentary involved into realization of the proposed research. The research tasks will be implemented through multidisciplinary Work Packages devoted to the fabrication, adapting and investigation of electrodes/materials, also they include the activities towards training and management. Namely, advanced training will be provided to the seconded staff through well-integrated programs, including workshops and conferences.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 274 500,00
01513 Vilnius

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Lietuva Sostinės regionas Vilniaus apskritis
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 283 500,00

Participants (3)

Partenaires (2)