This deliverable contains a strategy/guidance of funding opportunities to support the procurers to engage in the second stage of executing a PPI It will be based upon H2020 possible calls and national funding (ERUF and other programs) covering LEA procurer countries with a matching timeline of LEA PPI.
D3.1 LEARNTECH procurement AnalysisThis deliverable contains the mapping of the procurement of learning technology of Education in Europe and will be used in order to understand how to use the LEA-N network with a broad approach. It also includes methodologies for user/demand driven input from procurers and end users, including identification of barriers from the demand side. Thus, this deliverable will help to identify the most appropriate way of forming and operating the procurer network in order to contribute attaining the objectives of Learning Accelerator project.
D2.3 Report on LEA-N Procurers NetworkThis deliverable is a living “collecting” document throughout the project implementation and is a contribution to the LEA roadmap where all activities, ambitions and impact regarding networking of LEARNTECH procurers is collected. A report/tool that register all procurers of the LEA network (LEA-N). The mid-version M 12 includes an analysis of innovation partnership for Education as well as a report covering PCP/PPI funding on regional, national and EU level for the procurers in order to fund the upcoming PPI and PCP calls prepared in LEA. The final version is including a recommendation & strategy on how to continue the collaboration of the LEAN network and signed letter of intentions from LEAN procurers. Deliverable in M12 and M24.
D5.1 Report on capacity building event on PPIThis deliverable will include an overview of the event implemented, gather the materials produced for the capacity building event (materials for trainers and participants) and include participants feedback (assessment).
D3.5 Public demand LEARNTECH 2030This report will form part of LEA Roadmap as a final result of LEA project and for future impact and will be based upon EC Action plan on Demand policies and its recommendations. The target group of this report is policy level and as quality assurer GR will support this task before final version.
D4.4 Trainings developed to accelerate knowledge exchange between demand/supply side of PCP and PPIThis deliverable will include an overview of the events implemented, gather the materials produced for the training event (materials for trainers and participants) and include participants feedback (assessment).
D2.4 Impact on Learning Analytics and Methodology for living labs(user cases and trainings – LEARNING ANALYTICS involving PPI preparations with end users as well as standardization, interoperability and reduction of supplier lock in & reports on training for first customers of IMAILE - schools, teachers and students). The trainings of innovative solutions shall be transferred to observer cities in order to raise awareness of learning technology and it will be an opportunity for IMAILE suppliers with advanced developed PLEs to promote their solutions in other countries as a preparation of a possible PPI. This deliverable also contains a methodology for living labs / Real Classroom labs including countries, schools, contact persons where these living labs have been prepared for deployment of the PPI solution. This part analyses the input from D3.4 Framework of technical infrastructure. This deliverable will align with D5.2 Scenarios and Business cases.
D5.2 Report on Capacity building LEARNTECH Accelerator communityThis deliverable will include an overview of the events implemented, gather the materials produced (materials for trainers and participants) and include participants feedback (assessment).
D3.2 Requirements for professional teacher training for innovative technologies and needs workshop methodologiesWhen procuring innovative learning technology, it is important to recognize the barriers for a successful implementation in schools. The deliverable will tell procurers which requirements needs to be included into learning technology procurement to master the challenge and make the adoption of innovative solutions a success.
D3.4 Framework for technical basic infrastructure and needs workshop methodologiesThe deliverable includes a market analysis and state-of-the-art report for the identified key elements of school infrastructures.
D6.4 PPI Open market consultation methodologyThis report contains the methodology and its output from the market consultation approach to prepare the PPI including recommendations and guidelines adopted to a PPI within learning technology.
D4.2 Recommendations digital tools/methods for increased dialogue and defragmentation of public demandThis deliverable will report the identified tools and methods for innovative procurement dialogue and the expert evaluation on how to utilize these channels effectively. It also contains dialogue process model involving all stakeholders of the innovative procurement and lessons learned in piloting it. Delivery in M12 and M21.
D4.5 Methodology and lessons learned of cross sectorial value chains to foster innovation using PCP/PPIThis deliverable presents the example case study and lessons learned of cross sectorial migration of a LEARNTECH company to a different market. The deliverable gives recommendations for companies interested in migrating to additional market sectors regarding procurement.
D4.1 Current state of the art report 2018 and beyondThis report will be developed based upon IMAILE extensive D2.1 Supply side report to cover 2018 and beyond. The report will be a common tool (cross deliverable between WP 2 & 3) to use for dialogue and to create a common understanding of Learntech for all stakeholders and in particular to train procurers in WP 3. This report will be the base of LEA PPI market and IPR search of innovative solutions according to the demand identified in WP 3.
D3.3 PPI need analysis reportThis report contains the cross border needs of the Buyers group for the future PPI of STEM PLE:s and is to be considered the first baseline of the PPI preparations. Based upon these needs the PPI preparation of the open market consultation will be held. A second report will be produced in M 14 using the same methodology in order to map the needs/ demands of LEA partners to prepare a PCP within the framework of the LEA and will be a cross task with WP 5.
D6.3 LEA Awareness rising strategy and campaignPresents all activities, instruments (incl. corporate identity and dissemination package) and methods that should be used by all project partners to achieve best possible results. It includes a specific timetable that shows when dissemination material is available; when results are ready to be presented and when administrative issues are to be carried out (e.g. reporting). Including ORDP from task 1.4, D1.3.
D4.3 Report on future global market of LEARNTECH 2030This deliverable will include the aggregated results of the global think tank event, including innovative trends for LEARNTECH market of the future as well as partners’ predictions on this field.
D5.5 Invitation to tender and support documents for a new PCP procurement processThis deliverable will gather the administrative documentation needed for launching a PCP procurement process in a near future.
D5.4 Invitation to tender and support documents for a new PPI procurement processThis deliverable will gather the administrative documentation needed for launching a PPI procurement process in a near future.
D6.5 Reports on dissemination activitiesContinuous updates of individual partners’ report with two summary reports analysing the activities and deducting possible improvements and recommendations at interim stage and introducing a follow-up approach at final project stage. Delivered in M12 and M24.
D2.5 LEA ROADMAP 2030EUPK with contribution from I+, JYU and ENTER. This is the final product of LEA in order to continue with innovative procurement and the LEA network (LEA-N) after project ends. The intention is to find proofs valid enough to make the procurers continue the network from 2020 on with other sources of funding and establish a long-lasting network. The roadmap will contain: •Critical mass of European procurers of LEARNTECH in collaboration acting first customers •User cases for evidence of cost& time saving/ standardization/interoperability and crossover value chains within LEARNTECH innovative procurement •2030 global LEARNTECH market foresight and demand policies •Training material/methods/tools for increased competence for and dynamic dialogue among LEARNTECH ECO system stakeholders of PCP/PPI •One prepared PPI and one prepared PCP within LEARNTECH Intermediate version at M24, Final version at M28
This deliverable will the definition of two scenarios and supporting business cases illustrating procures challenges within education and schools classrooms of the future (videos).
D6.1 LEA Web pageLEA webpage will on the one hand serve as project website and on the other as procurer network site. Furthermore, the website will be connected with and also use the structure of different portals in order to filter information for the individual target groups. Social media profiles will be directly connected and embedded in the news section and an internal web space will be created as storage and documentation space for all project partners as well as for evaluators of the EC.
DMP is a living document, first version within the first 6 months of the project (afterwards, new version when significant changes, mid- and final reviews at least), outlining how research data is collected or generated and will be handled during and after a research project (see page 25).
Kati Clements, Markku Lang, Pieta Sikström, Mikko Muilu
Published in:
INTED2019 Proceedings, 2019, Page(s) 8902-8907, ISBN 978-84-09-08619-1
Paula Huuska, Sonia Dominguez
Published in:
INTED2019 Proceedings, 2019, Page(s) 8742-8747, ISBN 978-84-09-08619-1
Philipp Schüßler, Rita Freudenberg, Marcus Roehming, Henry Herper
Published in:
INTED2019 Proceedings, 2019, Page(s) 8644-8649, ISBN 978-84-09-08619-1
Kati Clements, Ellinor Wallin
Published in:
EDULEARN17 Proceedings, 2017, Page(s) 3795-3795, ISBN 978-84-697-3777-4
Sonia Dominguez
Published in:
ICERI2018 Proceedings, 2018, Page(s) 6116-6119, ISBN 978-84-09-05948-5
Sara Bedin, Marta Coto, Tânia Moreira
Published in:
INTED2019 Proceedings, 2019, Page(s) 8809-8809, ISBN 978-84-09-08619-1
Jari Laru
Published in:
INTED2019 Proceedings, 2019, Page(s) 8935-8936, ISBN 978-84-09-08619-1
Ana Costa, Tânia Moreira, Sara Bedin, Marta Coto, Joana Soares
Published in:
INTED2020 Proceedings, 2020, Page(s) 8681-8689, ISBN 978-84-09-17939-8
Mäkelä, Tiina; Mehtälä, Saana; Clements, Kati; Seppä, Jenna
Published in:
Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2020, 2020, Page(s) 77-85
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Clements, K. & Mehtälä, S.
Published in:
Challenges of Online Teaching and Learning Virtual Conference, 2020
Challenges of Online Teaching and Learning Virtual Conference
Coto, Marta; Moreira, Tânia; Bedin, Sara
Published in:
LEA project
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