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Cognitive Heterogeneous Architecture for Industrial IoT

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

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Specialized Static Analysis tools for more secure and safer IoT software development (ver.2)

The source code (top level documentation) of the prototype static analysis tools developed in task 1.3, including the definition of Data Formats and Protocols, updates and adaptation of existing Libraries and SW components, the Persistent Monitor outline and documentation, and features description and documentation of the Compiler & Linker Extension. This is D1.3 revised version set (ver.2) in M30.

IoT Safety Supervision Engine (ISSE) (final prototype)

The deliverable will aim to develop and deploy the ISSE as a functioning runtime component of the IPSE with the aim of continuously understanding and monitoring the cyber-physical environment of IoT devices, safety critical systems and safety policy knowledge-base. This is the revised version of D3.4 following the LL deployments in WP4.

Creation of a web-based CHARIOT Forum

Web-based forum publishing lessons learned from the LLs, addressing security, privacy and safety from operational stakeholders, technologists, vendors, systems integrators, software analysts, network providers and the public. The forum will be developed by M12 so as to initiated the communication with external experts, user groups, etc., and will remain active until the end of the project.

IoT Safety Supervision Engine (ISSE) (ver.1)

The deliverable will aim to develop and deploy the ISSE as a functioning runtime component of the IPSE with the aim of continuously understanding and monitoring the cyber-physical environment of IoT devices, safety critical systems and safety policy knowledge-base. A revised version (D3.9, final prototype) will be completed by M30 after receiving feedback from WP4.

IoT Security Engine based on integrity checking with heuristic methods (ver. 1)

The Firmware Security integrity checking with heuristic methods will be defined in this deliverable which will document the specs for this Firmware and the system services definitions for the development and the deployment of the Security Engine as part of the IPSE. A revised version (v2) will be completed by M30 after receiving feedback from WP4.

Specialized Static Analysis tools for more secure and safer IoT software development (ver.1)

The source code (top level documentation) of the prototype static analysis tools developed in task 1.3, including the definition of Data Formats and Protocols, updates and adaptation of existing Libraries and SW components, the Persistent Monitor outline and documentation, and features description and documentation of the Compiler & Linker Extension. This initial version set (v1) will be compiled by M12.

CHARIOT IoT Cognitive Platform (final prototype)

The documentation and a software prototype utilizing IoT Watson functionalities and implementing core functionality of the CHARIOT IoT architecture, Including the Overall Architecture based on D2.5, the deployment components of the platform, testing procedures description and the top-level specs of the implementation of the Analytics cognition services. This version is the final platform prototype following the LLs first deployment (WP4).

CHARIOT IoT Cognitive Platform (ver.1)

The documentation and a software prototype implemented on IoT Watson and implementing core functionality of the CHARIOT IoT architecture, Including the Overall Architecture description, the deployment components of the platform, testing procedures description and the top-level specs of the implementation of the Analytics cognition services. This version will be updated on M27 through the submission of D2.6 on M27.

IoT Security Engine based on vulnerability checking with heuristic methods (final prototype)

The Firmware Security vulnerability check with heuristic methods will be defined in this deliverable which will document the specs for this Firmware and the system services definitions for the development and the deployment of the Security Engine as part of the IPSE. This is the revised version of D3.3 following the LL deployments in WP4.

Interface to IoT Gateways and components (ver.1)

A report containing the evaluated interface descriptions of APIs for connections to/from IoT gateways and components, including the Network Related Specifications and the Application related services and components specifications. A revised version (D2.7, ver.2 – final prototype) will be completed by M27 after receiving feedback from WP4.

Interface to IoT Gateways and components (final prototype)

A prototype and report containing the evaluated interface descriptions of APIs for connections to/from IoT gateways and components, including the Network Related Specifications and the Application related services and components specifications. This version includes the final interfaces and connectivities as updated since version 1 (D2.3) and the LL deployments (in WP4).

Design specification of IPSE (final design)

This deliverable will strive to consider and integrate as necessary the technical components and design requirements as provided by all partners contributing to the technical design specifications of the IPSE as part of WP3. It will also consider the use case scenario requirements and reflect them in the technical design specifications and topology for the IPSE prototype development to facilitate a “bottom up/top down” parallel approach to the iterative design process. This version is the updated version of D3.1 (submitted earlier) having feedback from the LLs deployment in WP4.

Method for coupling pre-programmed private keys on IoT devices with a Blockchain system

Specification of the required algorithms and APIs for manipulating IoT device private keys on the blockchain, including Data Structures, Processes, Operations and Transactions for Key Management, and API definitions for Key Related Services.

Classification and use guidelines of relevant standards and platforms

A report containing a classification of safety security and IoT development standards and guidelines, including an alignment of the CHARIOT methodology framework to IoT standards, Safety Standards, Embedded Systems Quality Assurance and Cybersecurity technologies.

CHARIOT Design Method and support tools (ver.1)

This deliverable will include the initial version report on the Design Method, a Search Index of IoT Threats, Protection Technologies and Governance Models and simulation tools to show application in the Living Labs.

CHARIOT Design Method and support tools (final version)

This deliverable is the final report on the Design Method, a Search Index of IoT Threats, Protection Technologies and Governance Models and simulation tools to show application in the Living Labs. This final version is released after the initial experience and system experimentation and update.

Design specification for CHARIOT cognitive IoT Architecture (final design)

A report containing the final high-level architectural models, architectural use cases and high-level functional descriptions of the CHARIOT architecture including the IoT security, IoT interoperability and Integration, and the Cognitive Components Module. This is the final version of the design specification and system architecture.

Design specification for CHARIOT cognitive IoT Architecture (preliminary design)

A preliminary report containing high-level architectural models, architectural use cases and high-level functional descriptions of the CHARIOT architecture including the IoT security, IoT interoperability and Integration, and the Cognitive Components Module. This is the first version of the design specification and system architecture. This version will be updated through the submission of D2.5 on M25.

Design specification of IPSE (preliminary design)

This deliverable will strive to consider and integrate as necessary the technical components and design requirements as provided by all partners contributing to the technical design specifications of the IPSE as part of WP3. It will also consider the use case scenario requirements and reflect them in the technical design specifications and topology for the IPSE prototype development to facilitate a “bottom up/top down” parallel approach to the iterative design process. Two versions of each IPSE components will be developed: One version (v1) by M12 and an upgraded version (v2) after the technology has been evaluated in the first phase of Living Labs by M26 (D3.6).

CHARIOT IoT Cognitive Platform (Open Version)

This is the open version of the IoT cognitive platform that will be delivered by CLMS as part of the open research data pilot (ORDP) activities.


DPKI: A Blockchain-based Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure System

Author(s): A. Papageorgiou, T. Krousarlis, K. Loupos, A. Mygiakis
Published in: Global IoT Summit 2020, 3rd Workshop on Internet of Things Security and Privacy (WISP), 2020
Publisher: Global IoT Summit 2020


Author(s): K. Loupos, A. Papageorgiou, T. Krousarlis, A. Mygiakis, C. Skoufis, S. Christofi, V. Hadjioannou, K. Zavitsas, S. Zemouri , M. Kacmajor, A. Battaglia, A. Chiappetta, J. Cavallo, G. Theofilis, H. Avgoustidis, V. Kalompatsos, B. Starynkevitch, F. Vedrine, G. Yvette
Published in: ECLIPSE SAM IoT 2020, Security, Artificial Intelligence and Modelling for the next generation Internet of Things, 2020
Publisher: SAM IoT 2020

Cognition Enabled IoT Platform for Industrial IoT Safety, Security and Privacy — The CHARIOT Project

Author(s): Konstantinos Loupos, Bora Caglayan, Alexandros Papageorgiou, Basile Starynkevitch, Franck Vedrine, Christos Skoufis, Stelios Christofi, Bill Karakostas, Antonis Mygiakis, George Theofilis, Andrea Chiappetta, Harris Avgoustidis, George Boulougouris
Published in: 2019 IEEE 24th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), 2019, Page(s) 1-4, ISBN 978-1-7281-1016-5
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/camad.2019.8858488

Cognitive Platform for Industrial IoT System Security, Safety and Privacy

Author(s): K. Loupos, A. Papageorgiou, A. Mygiakis, B. Caglayan, B. Karakostas, T. Krousarlis, F. Vedrine, C. Skoufis, S. Christofi, G. Theofilis, H. Avgoustidis, G. Boulougouris, A. Battaglia, M. Villiani
Published in: Embedded World 2020 Conference and Exhibition, 2020
Publisher: Embedded World 2020 Conference

Integrated Solution For Privacy And Security Of IoT Devices In Critical Infrastructures

Author(s): K. Loupos
Published in: Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Europe (CIPRE 2020), 2020
Publisher: CIPRE 2020

Event Detection Using Abductive Reasoning on Sensor Data

Author(s): Bill Karakostas VLTN BBVA Antwerp, Belgium
Published in: SENSORCOMM 2018 - The Twelfth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, Issue Yearly, 2018, Page(s) 6-10, ISBN 978-1-61208-659-0
Publisher: SENSORCOMM 2018 Editors: Jaime Lloret Mauri, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

Validation with Code Introspection of a Virtual Platform for Sandboxing and Security Analysis

Author(s): Y. Lhuillier, G. Mouchard, F. Vedrine
Published in: C&ESAR 2019 Conference – Virtualization and Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence and Defence, Issue 1, 2019
Publisher: C&ESAR 2019 Conference

13. Blockchain Ledger Solution Affirming Physical, Operational, and Functional Changes in an IoT System

Author(s): Alexandros Papageorgiou, Konstantinos Loupos, Thomas Krousarlis
Published in: Security Risk Management for the Internet of Things: Technologies and Techniques for IoT Security, Privacy and Data Protection, 2020, ISBN 978-1-68083-682-0
Publisher: Now Publishers
DOI: 10.1561/9781680836837.ch13

6. Chariot-integrated Approach to Safety, Privacy, and Security – CHARIOT IPSE

Author(s): Aydin Ulas, Bora Caglayan, Sofiane Zemouri, George Theofilis, Konstantinos Loupos, Antonis Mygiakis, Andrea Battaglia, Mario Villiani, Christos Skoufis, Stelios Christofi
Published in: Security Risk Management for the Internet of Things: Technologies and Techniques for IoT Security, Privacy and Data Protection, 2020, ISBN 978-1-68083-682-0
Publisher: Now Publishers
DOI: 10.1561/9781680836837.ch6

11. Firmware Software Analysis at Source Code and Binary Levels

Author(s): Franck Vedrine, Florent Kirchner, Basile Starynkevitch, Andrea Battaglia, Mario Villiani, Konstantinos Loupos
Published in: Security Risk Management for the Internet of Things: Technologies and Techniques for IoT Security, Privacy and Data Protection, 2020, ISBN 978-1-68083-682-0
Publisher: Now Publishers
DOI: 10.1561/9781680836837.ch11

Cognitive Heterogeneous Architecture for Industrial IoT (The CHARIOT Project)

Author(s): Konstantinos Loupos (INLECOM Systems), Gerasimos Kouloumpis (INLECOM Systems), Patrick O’ Sullivan (INLECOM Systems), Alexandros Papageorgiou (INLECOM Systems), Panayiotis Katsoulakos (INLECOM Systems), Bill Karakostas (VLTN BVBA), Antonis Mygiakis (CLMS Hellas), Christina Stratigaki (CLMS Hellas), Bora Caglayan (IBM Ireland Ltd), Basile Starynkevitch (CEA) Christos Skoufis (EBOS Technologies Lt
Published in: Next Generation Internet of Things - Distributed Intelligence at the Edge and Human Machine-to-Machine Cooperation, 2018, Page(s) 222-230, ISBN 9788-770220088
Publisher: River Publishers

New Waves of IoT Technologies Research – Transcending Intelligence and Senses at the Edge to Create Multi Experience Environments, Internet of Things – The Call of the Edge – Everything Intelligent Everywhere,

Author(s): O. Vermesan, M. Coppola, M. Diaz Nava, A. Capra, G. Kornaros, R. Bahr, E. Darmois, M. Serrano, P. Guillemin, K. Loupos, L. Karagiannidis, S. McGrath
Published in: 2020, ISBN 9788770221962
Publisher: River Publishers

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