CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
The deliverable produce materials from Task 3.1, Task 3.2, Task 3.3 and Task 3.4. All the materials will be published and access via web portal.
WAZIHUB IoT ecosystem partnership database in software tool with web interface (alpha)The deliverable reports the activities from Task 4.1, 4.2, 4.4 and 4.5. The internal deliverable at M6.
DIY, workshop, training and coaching materials for the accelerator (beta)The deliverable produce materials from Task 3.1, Task 3.2, Task 3.3 and Task 3.4. All the materials will be published and access via web portal.
WAZIHUB IoT ecosystem partnership database in software tool with web interface (beta)The deliverable reports the activities from Task 41 42 44 and 45 The internal deliverable at M6
WAZIHUB IoT ecosystem partnership database in software tool with web interface (gamma)The deliverable reports the activities from Task 41 42 44 and 45 The internal deliverable at M6
Project websiteThe deliverable will launch the project website and which is part of Task 4.6
The deliverable reports the activities from Task 31 and Task 33
Deployment of IoT smart village model (alpha)The deliverable reports the results from Task 2.1
WAZIHUB highly innovate products and services showcase (beta)The deliverable produce a short the summary of the major achievement and impact from Task 35 and Task 36 This deliverable measures the KPI of the project defined
Project final resultsThe deliverable prepares the final results and achievement of the project
IoT open data management plan (alpha)The deliverable outline the results from Task 23
Design of WAZIHUB accelerator programThe deliverable will define the the plan and model of the WAZIHUB accelerator and booth camp which the initial results of Task 3.1, Task 3.2 and Task 3.3. The deliverable will set the path of the program
Technical training and tutorial materials (alpha)This deliverable will demonstrate the results from Task 1.3. It will include the results of all the activities from Task 1.3.
Deployment of multi-cloud environment (alpha)The deliverable reports the results from Task 2.2
Technical training and tutorial materials (beta)This deliverable includes the results from Task 14
Software tools for testing and maintenance (alpha)The deliverable will report the results from Task 2.4
Status report on testing, co-design and development of high potential IoT products and services (gamma)The deliverable reports the activities from Task 35 and Task 36
Adaptation requirements based on the user’s response, feedback and preference (beta)The deliverable will outline the results from Task 1.1 and Task 1.2. It will include the results of all the activities from Task 1.1 and Task 1.2
Proven accelerator growth-hacking, business model and local market sustainability (alpha)The deliverable reports the activities from Task 4.2 (growth-hacking and unlocking funding), Task 4.3 (, business and licensed model) and Task 4.5 (product market replication).
Report on capacity building for entrepreneur, developer, start-ups and partners (gamma)The deliverable reports the activities from Task 32 and Task 34
IoT open data management plan (beta)The deliverable outline the results from Task 23
WAZIHUB accelerator program results and achievement (gamma)The deliverable reports the activities from Task 31 and Task 33
Plan for dissemination & communication and innovation competitionThe deliverable sets the plan for Task 4.4 and Task 4.6. The deliverable at M06 will also be an internal report.
Progress report on communication, dissemination, innovation competition and sustainable ecosystem creation (alpha)The deliverable reports the activities from Task4.1, Task 4.4, and Task 4.6
Report on capacity building for entrepreneur, developer, start-ups and partners (beta)The deliverable reports the activities from Task 32 and Task 34
Proven accelerator growth-hacking, business model and local market sustainability (gamma)The deliverable reports the activities from Task 42 growthhacking and unlocking funding Task 43 business and licensed model and Task 45 product market replication
WAZIHUB accelerator program results and achievement (alpha)The deliverable reports the activities from Task 3.1 and Task 3.3
Software tools for testing and maintenance (beta)The deliverable will report the results from Task 24
Report on capacity building for entrepreneur, developer, start-ups and partners (alpha)The deliverable reports the activities from Task 3.2 and Task 3.4
Proven accelerator growth-hacking, business model and local market sustainability (beta)The deliverable reports the activities from Task 42 growthhacking and unlocking funding Task 43 business and licensed model and Task 45 product market replication
Definition and development of WAZIHUB IoT local ecosystem for sustainabilityThe deliverable reports the initial results, mainly definition and implementation guideline, from Task 4.1, Task 4.2, Task 4.3 and Task 4.5
WAZIHUB highly innovate products and services showcase (gamma)The deliverable produce a short the summary of the major achievement and impact from Task 35 and Task 36 This deliverable measures the KPI of the project defined
Progress report on communication, dissemination, innovation competition and sustainable ecosystem creation (gamma)The deliverable reports the activities from Task41 Task 44 and Task 46
Progress report on communication, dissemination, innovation competition and sustainable ecosystem creation (beta)The deliverable reports the activities from Task41 Task 44 and Task 46
Deployment of IoT smart village model (beta)The deliverable reports the results from Task 21
Status report on testing, co-design and development of high potential IoT products and services (beta)The deliverable reports the activities from Task 35 and Task 36
WAZIHUB highly innovate products and services showcase (alpha)The deliverable produce a short the summary of the major achievement and impact from Task 3.5 and Task 3.6. This deliverable measures the KPI of the project defined.
Status report on testing, co-design and development of high potential IoT products and services (alpha)The deliverable reports the activities from Task 3.5 and Task 3.6
Adaptation requirements based on the user’s response, feedback and preference (alpha)The deliverable will outline the results from Task 1.1 and Task 1.2. It will include the results of all the activities from Task 1.1 and Task 1.2
Deployment of multi-cloud environment (beta)The deliverable reports the results from Task 22
This deliverable will demonstrate the results from Task 1.3. It will include the results of all the activities from Task 1.3.
IoT LoRa development kit (beta)This deliverable will demonstrate the results from Task 1.3. It will include the results of all the activities from Task 1.3.
Banini Prince; Crave Servane; Diop Babacar; Dupont Corentin; Eskandari Mojitaba; Mutesi Irene; Pham Congduc; Rahim Abdur; Sokeng Wilma
Published in:
2021, ISBN 978-88-98989-66-9
FBK press
Servane Crave, Orange Labs, France
Babacar Diop, University Gaston Berger, Senegal
Corentin Dupont, Innotec21 GmbH, Germany
Irene Mutesi Musoke, Women In Technology Uganda, Uganda
Abdur Rahim, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Wilma Sokeng, Innotec21 GmbH, Germany
Published in:
2021, ISBN 978-88-98989-70-6
FBK Press
H. Noura, R. Couturier, C. Pham and A. Chehab
Published in:
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE WiMob'2019
Pham, A. Bounceur, L. Clavier, U. Noreen and M. Ehsan
Published in:
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems (ICFNDS'19)
O. Dieng, C. Pham and O. Thiaré
Published in:
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE WiMob'2019
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