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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Cyber Security for Cross Domain Reliable Dependable Automated Systems

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - SECREDAS (Cyber Security for Cross Domain Reliable Dependable Automated Systems)

Période du rapport: 2020-08-01 au 2021-10-31

The aim of the 3-year SECREDAS project was to: “Develop and validate multi-domain architecting methodologies, reference architectures & components for autonomous systems, combining high security and privacy protection while preserving functional-safety and operational performance”. The solution includes a reference architecture, powerful components and common approaches regarding integration and verification for the sectors of automotive, health and rail for which the automation is major challenge regarding the safety of operation, the security of persons and the privacy of citizens. The project is important for society as we move toward higher uptake of automated systems by consumers (for example in fully self-driving vehicles), more automation and autonomous decision-making within embedded systems (see for example: rail), the use of wearables with high numbers of sensors which collect and provide data to other (automated systems). The systems themselves (HW and SW) must be safeguarded against any form of unintentional and intentional tampering (eg. hacking-attempts, errors in updates/upgrades of software) whilst allowing efficient and fast internal and external communication (V2X) and also comply with European privacy policies. Only if this can be assured, are European consumers likely to trust and buy/use these autonomous systems.

Obj. 1 Study use cases with specific requirements in terms of security, safety and privacy.
Obj. 2 Provide a methodology to include innovative solutions and integrate into future technologies enhancement.
Obj. 3 Elaborate a common design approach.
Obj.4 Develop design patterns for multi-concerned security-safety verification & testing.
Obj. 5 Develop common technology requirements for the reference architectures.
Obj. 6 Develop next generation of secured sensing and processing components.
Obj. 7 Develop next level of secured and privacy-protecting external communication technologies (V2X, 5G).
Obj. 8 Develop secured in-vehicle network technology connected to a central gateway/VCU.
Obj. 9 Health domain: (1) secure connections between wearables; (2) ensure end-to-end secure, customisable heterogeneous connections; (3) new sensor technologies and algorithms to obtain vital signs of drivers and passengers; (4) fusion solutions; (5) application for continuous health monitoring and driver performance.
Obj. 10 Integration and validation of safety and security measures from other applications into rail applications.
Obj. 11 Demonstration of user scenarios.
Obj. 12 Active role in international standardisation.
Obj. 13 Multi-stakeholder dialogue to prove the value of the technology.
Obj. 14 Performing end user data collection activities.
Obj. 15 Raising public and industrial awareness.
During year 1, the main body of work concerned the definition and development of Use Cases, threat scenarios, a common security/safety/privacy design framework and various technical component requirements. The following results were achieved:

* Existing Common Technology Elements (CTEs) were improved and new ones added.
* Shared common understanding on Cooperative ITS standards and their applicability.
* Technical progress on radar 5G, V2X security threat detection.
* Synchronisation of Security, Safety and privacy requirement analysis with Use Case definition and CTE design.
* Enhancement of a simulation tool to validate research question about safety.
* Enablement of a cross-domain methodology for reference architectures.
* A FPGA prototype and concept was verified for Secure CAN.
* Simulation environment and model for secure microcontroller available.
* Final set of six main Scenarios, Use Cases and stand-alone Demonstrator descriptions.
* Identification of major standardization topics and related “Windows of Opportunity”.
* Development of perturbation, augmentation and evaluation tools for image-based perception of the vehicle.
* Prototype LIDAR demonstrator board SPAD detector VCSEL illuminator.
* Multi-vehicle testbed using UAVs for testing under real conditions collision avoidance systems.
* Health demonstrator consisting of two parts: (1) Personal health monitoring, (2) driver performance monitoring.

Year 2: Emphasis was production of a 1st release of stand-alone demonstrators and initial integration of components into systems that could be used for the three main WP9 demonstration cycles. 46 demonstrators were produced and integrated into systems. Partners were very active in national and EU standards discussions needed for future automated/autonomous driving.

Year 3: Implementation of 16 'on-the-road' demonstrations of the integrated solutions. An additional integrated demonstration cycle was also included. Several additional stand-alone demonstrations were added to showcase emerging technology results that were not yet at the TRL-level that allowed inclusion into the main WP9 demonstrators. All demonstrations were executed and delivered outstanding validated results. The demonstrations were recorded and are available on the website. The consortium was also very active in ongoing discussions at national and EU level on modifications of existing standards and even proposed new standards relevant to the security/safety and privacy protection of automated/autonomous vehicles. The project concluded in October 2021 with a large in-person conference and exhibitions for project partners and their customers. An impression of the conference can be seen on the SECREDAS website and is also available from the downloadable public documentation on the site.
Year 1 brought together security, safety and privacy aspects related to the protection of automated systems. These are usually treated as separate domains, each with its own set of assumptions, approaches, processes and standards. SECREDAS has led to an in-depth overview of the inter-relations of the three domains toward the further development and roll-out of automated system projects. It highlighted gaps in approaches (eg. neither domain feeling responsible) and gaps in standards. The technical issues are now being addressed . This increases development efficiency and reduces risks to future consumers. Year 1 was a steep learning experience for partners from different domains and resulted in an agreed set of realistic Use Cases and Threat Scenarios. Based on these, partners established clear technical development frameworks. This has been a significant improvement beyond the state-of-the-art.
Year 2 saw the development of 46 stand-alone demonstrators and 1st release integrated systems based on the common security/safety/privacy framework and the common technology elements and design patterns. We used a technology roadmap to ensure that the different aspects were linked.
In year 3 the integrated solutions were tested and validated in live on-road demonstrations against the threats that had been defined in year 1. The results were very positive and resulted in technology advances across all three domains that went even beyond the expected TRL end-levels foreseen for the project. The demonstrations were all recorded and are available from the SECREDAS website. Separately the consortium partners continued to be active and successful in discussions at national and EU level on changes to existing security/safety and privacy standards related to automated/autonomous driving and even managed to initiate the development of new standards.
ECSEL-SECREDAS project on automated systems