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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Advanced prediction models for flexible trajectory-based operations


Network-wide assessment of ADAPT solution

This deliverable reports the results of the assessment of the ADAPT solution from the network perspective, based on the tactical scenario. It further contains the metrics and the obtained results in the detection of hotspots and coldspots obtained by using the tactical layer of the ELSA agent-based model.

Methodology for empirical investigation of aircraft trajectories

This deliverable presents the results from the empirical investigation performed in Task 5.1.1 to identify trajectory preferentialities and define new metrics to measure sector congestion

Flight-centric tactical assessment results

This deliverable reports the results obtained using the BlueSky ATC simulation of TWs at tactical level. The report includes comprehensive assessment of the tactical, aircraft performance oriented use of TWs, based on the tactical, flight-centric scenario

Methodologies for evaluating and operating within TWs from a flight-centric perspective

This deliverable reports on the methodologies for evaluating and operating within TWs at the tactical level from an aircraft performance point of view. The evaluation makes use of aircraft trajectory timing predictions obtained in Task 4.1.2, where sources of uncertainty such as weather forecasts and departure delays are taken into account. The control model of Task 4.1.3 is used for flight operation within the TWs.

Intermediate dissemination and communication report.

This report will summarise the status of the targeted dissemination and communication activities up to a mid-point between the two Board meetings. The scope of this deliverable is to have an intermediate verification of the dissemination, exploitation and communication objectives to possibly adapt strategies and actions to make them more effective in achieving the planned targets.

Support to modelling activities

This deliverable will report the work done in T2.1 and T2.3. It will present the datasets acquired or already in use, and the results of the historical data analysis. It will also present the rationale for building the scenarios and their respective likelihood for the future. This deliverable will also serve as a base for the modelling activities.

Innovative visualisation techniques for ATM actors

This deliverable will report the development process of innovative visualisation techniques to make the project results more accessible by all interested stakeholders. It will also report the final results, with a set of proposals to effectively visualise the relevant project result

Impact of ADAPT solution mitigation actions

This deliverable reports on the results of of the evaluation of the economic risk and the use of mitigation actions.

Flight flexibility and hotspots in the ADAPT solution

This deliverable reports the formulation of the ESFP model and the results from small-medium and large scale examples

Final Project Results Report

This report provides a publishable summary of the research activities performed by the consortium during the project and details the maturity level (TRL) of the research results to assess their possible transition to subsequent phases, as described in Task 1.5.


A percolation approach in air traffic management

Auteurs: G. Pappalardo, S. Miccich`e, and R.N. Mantegna
Publié dans: Conference on Complex Systems 2019, 2019
Éditeur: Conference on Complex Systems

ADAPT - Advanced Prediction Models for Trajectory-Based Operations (TBO)

Auteurs: Bolic, Tatjana; Castelli, Lorenzo; Scaini, Giovanni; van den Brandt, R.; Mitici, M.; Verbeek, R.; Cook, A.; Delgado, L.; Gurtner, G.; Frau, G.; Pappalardo, G.; Mantegna, R. N.; Miccichè, S.
Publié dans: 8th SESAR innovation Days, Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: SESAR Joint Undertaking

A data visualisation tool to support strategic flight planning

Auteurs: G. Frau, S. Guidi, L. Castelli, T. Bolic, G. Scaini, P. Bassi
Publié dans: 9th SESAR Innovation Days, 2019
Éditeur: SESAR Joint Undertaking

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