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Galera Cluster: World’s Most Advanced Technology to Protect Against Data Loss

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - GALERACLUSTER (Galera Cluster: World’s Most Advanced Technology to Protect Against Data Loss)

Reporting period: 2019-10-01 to 2020-09-30

In today’s born-digital world, transaction intensive businesses require data to be available more than 99,99% of the time. From only 5 minutes of data center downtime, companies can lose over €12.000. Several solutions have been put on the market, but they are behind expectations, due to no possibility to eliminate downtime during maintenance operations, sub optimal synchronization, update and communication.
Codership is a worldwide operating company, awarded by the MySQL community (2014 winner of Global and European Red Herring). Our team of experts has been developing Galera Cluster, since 2007 and marketing it since 2009. Galera is an easy-to-use high-availability solution with high system uptime, no data loss, and scalability for future growth.
With this innovation project, we are taking our technical solution one step further, including new developments to enable entering new markets, while expanding our existing MySQL business. Through pilot demonstrations, software releases with the industry, opening new commercialization channels and growing our team, we aim to secure position in EU, and expand to US, Asia and Australia. We aim to become the world’s most advanced open source database cluster.
Based on the recognition given to us by the ICT community and the explicit interest in our solution by reference big vendors in ICT industry, we believe that Galera could become the de-facto method for maintaining synchronized copies of large amounts of data for a variety of businesses.
For the defined software development, Codership started writing software requirement specifications. Software specifications provide the developers the information what features needs to be developed.
To write the specifications, we used our experience in the field of database management systems and feedback from hundreds of users in conferences, forums and 1-to-1 calls as well as new interviews to understand the needs.
After the specification documents released, we have started the development of the software first the design of the features was created and then the actual development. The new software code was placed version control system.
MySQL New Version 2.0: Sharding. Codership have developed the solution as described in our specifications. Sharding Cluster is good for applications with lot of data and which are write intensive. Sharding will increase the application performance and Galera manages high availability.
MySQL New version 2.0: Graphical Interface GUI, a tool that is stand-alone tool which can deploy Galera Cluster in the cloud platforms and is able monitor and manage Galera clusters has been developed. The Back-end, which collects the information from the cluster, integrates with third party tools and networks, was developed as well as the front-end, 620 monitoring metrics to choose from and the way that metrics are shown in graphical form. As a result, 1.0 product version of our GUI (Galera Manager) was released 30th of September 2020 .
Galera Cluster for MongoDB: customer trials. After the software specifications we started the development and testing. We will continue developing and releasing Galera Cluster for Mongo in 2021. The software gives Codership an entry point into new market place called NoSQL lead by MongoDB.
On Commercialization, communication and dissemination, Codership has chosen indirect sales strategy. Partners know the customers, have worldwide presence and speak the local language, this allows faster growth and it is more cost effective than direct sales.
During the project, Codership signed partner contracts value added resellers, system integrators, software distributors, ISVs and cloud DBaaS service provider.
Codership signed contract with MariaDB to offer Galera Cluster multi-master solution from SkySQL cloud platform. It means that for first time users can start Galera Clusters using cloud.
Redhat and SuSe Enterprise Linux versions has now integrated MariaDB Galera Cluster in their Linux operating system.
We attended international conferences such Oracle Open World San Francisco, Amazon ReInvent Las Vegas and smaller more focused ones. During Covid pandemia we had 2 presentations in virtual conferences, and to minimized it impact we created blogs and videos and sent mass emails. We were present in social media Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube Galera Cluster channel. We invited people into webinars, uploaded webinar recordings to our YouTube video channel. We started public online trainings classes and created training videos. We improved our documentation.
Galera Cluster is viral. The viral effect is database experts and database service companies and ISVs around the world talk about Galera Cluster solutions on their own respective websites. Galera Cluster search in Google gives over 1 million hits today.
Codership software can be downloaded by our users from our website ( The software downloaders can choose to register or not when downloading Galera Clusterfulfilling the open source philosophy that Coderships pursuits.
Codership collects company, name, e-mail, phone through website and conferences to provide services and provide information using Galera Cluster. The contacts, prospects and users give the personal data to Codership voluntarily. The information does not include health, racial, ethnic origin, nationality or similar information. We do not collect information under 13 years old person. We destroy the data as they get old or the contacts opts-out for our emails or informs us directly that they want their records to be deleted. Codership’s privacy policy can be found at
Galera Cluster is a method of distributed computing where all servers participating in the cluster use sophisticated algorithms to synchronously agree about the right data to store. Thanks to it, our solution reaches higher levels of availability (99.999%) and integrity, reducing the data loss cost by a minimum of 90% compared to current solutions in the market.
By 2018, more than 70% of new in-house applications will be developed on an open-source DBMS (according to Gartner). Open-source DBMSs have matured offering a growing set of choices to IT leaders seeking cost optimization, and the capability to support mission-critical applications. Normally, mission-critical systems require high-availability systems and disaster recovery sites, as Galera Cluster offers. Galera Cluster helps the adoption of opensource databases and helps companies to save costs. Modern, easy to use web and mobile applications can be built to support transformative power of digital business.
With this project and homonym product, Galera Cluster, we aim to scale up our business by integrating Galera Cluster, a generic replication tool, with other SQL database systems. The project proves that Galera is generic replication tool and it can be used for other databases than MySQL.
Thanks to our technological advantage together with the ease of implementation of our tool, we can disrupt the database and high availability market.
Galera Cluster Bulgarian National Lottery reference in Oracle's partner portal
Codership at Oracle OpenWorld San Francisco with 60000 attendees
Easme training in Brussels
Galera Cluster customer reference webpage created
Pitching training by Easme at Brussels