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CORDIS - EU research results
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Attractive, Acceptable and Affordable deep Renovation by a consumers orientated and performance evidence based approach

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Replication and exploitation plan

Replication and exploitation plan including a set of special indicators to assess the process, outcome and impact of scaling up. A draft of the replication and exploitation plan is due month 12, with updates in months 18, and 36.

TripleA-reno Glossary of terms

The objective of the TripleAreno Glossary of terms is to provide a shared ontology of keywords and topics within the scope of the project The shared ontology is cocreated from and with all the project partners each contributing with relevant knowledge and inputs depending on their area of expertise Terms are organized in alphabetic order a list of key relevant terms is set for which a synthetic description is provided The glossary of terms is primarily intended for internal usage since it has the main scope to avoid confusion and misunderstandings along the course of the project At the end of the project duration the collection of terminology reinforced by the necessary scientific and normative references will be capitalized in a public deliverable This to represent one of the possible exploitable knowledgebased results of the TripleAreno coordination and support action at the EU level The Glossary is furthermore intended as an open and iterative document that will be periodically updated based on the requirements and needs of the project partners As a way to update the glossary periodically for every deliverable submitted the task leader will be responsible to include a list of definition of key terms treated and used

Description of the actions to be taken to communicate and extend the use of the business module
TripleA-reno Evaluation Protocol for the Platform

TripleAreno Evaluation Protocol for the Platform

TripleA-reno Monitoring Protocol
Report on overall evaluation of the TripleA-reno Open Gamified Platform

Report on overall evaluation of the TripleAreno Open Gamified Platform

Report on Evaluation of energy, IEQ data and health/well-being of occupants

Report on Evaluation of energy IEQ data and healthwellbeing of occupants 1st report M24 second and final report M36

Final report on Dissemination and Communication activities
A self-instruction guide for using the Open Platform

A selfinstruction guide for using the Open Platform

Report with the functional design of the morphological design functionality
Inventory of user groups

Inventory of user groups with relevant properties for demo cases to be used in WP5.

Report on contribution to common H2020 Activities
Catalogue of habits and practices, linked to energy consumption, IEQ and renovation of buildings

Catalogue of habits and practices linked to energy consumption IEQ and renovation of buildings This is based on ethnography in shich the analyzed perspectives of occupants will be analysed in the research setting inductively using both explicit and tacit information to develop local theories for testing and adapting these theories for general use

Report on the Promotion and Exploitation Campaigns (road show) by HE, UIPI, ACE, REHVA and ICLEI including monitoring of results

Report on the Promotion and Exploitation Campaigns road show by HE UIPI ACE REHVA and ICLEI including monitoring of results

Exploitation strategy and business plan for continuation of the training platform after project
Project Dissemination and Communication Plan, with annual up-dates

Dissemination and Communication Plan including a set of special indicators to assess the process, outcome and impact of scaling up. Initial plan due month 6 with yearly updates (month 18 and 36)

System functional specification document
Report on architectural determinants of building performance

Report on architectural determinants of building performance describing a baseline on how architectural solutions can support overcoming the performance gap and be market drivers for occupants during the decision-making process.

Report on people-centered solutions effectiveness

Report on peoplecentered solutions effectiveness including sensory ethnography to determine the relation between energy use indoor environment quality and users willingness to pay for it

Note with Policy recommendations

Note with Policy recommendations on local subnational and European level

TripleA-reno website

Production and maintenance of website

Dissemination Material: Newsletters, Brochures (M6 and M30), Posters (M9), Video (M18)

Dissemination Material including: - Newsletters, each half year in months 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 - Brochures (M9 and M30) - Posters (M9) - Video (M18)

TripleA-reno corporate identity

TripleA-reno corporate identity and project Visual Design including a project logo, modular style icons to express the different key issues in the project, templates for presentations and newsletters and a website eye-catcher as a recognition factor for all sub-websites.

Integration of existing BUILD UP Skills functionality within TripleA-reno

Integration of existing BUILD UP Skills functionality within TripleA-reno, including self-inspection, enriched by adding life-long-learning ‘missions’ defined in the TripleA-reno Game-engine and served within the BUILD UP Skills advisor-app.

The proven measurements carrousel (database)

The proven measurements carrousel (database) with a gamified and based on visuals WIKI-approach, defining energy saving and sustainable energy producing measures.

Visualization of completed projects (web-based software)

Visualization of completed projects by web-based software showing the architectural value of solutions and quantifying the actual figures achieved according to the indicators developed in T 4.2

Database and API-functionality to facilitate implementation of quality certifications

Database and API-functionality to facilitate implementation of quality certifications, identifying for each technology which professions and specialisms are involved in each phases, the needed skills, competences and descriptors, i.e. the related qualifications and which trainings, courses, learnings are available, connected to the measures in the proven measures/concepts carrousel.

Insertion of new DR projects into an assisted 3D graphics tool by web-based software

Insertion of new DR projects into an assisted 3D graphics tool by web-based software and a module to create a new deep renovation project in a fast and simplified 3D model creation manner

Project management module including reporting of the subtasks.

Project management module including reporting of the subtasks under task 46

TripleA-reno combined performance label on energy, indoor environment and well-being

TripleAreno combined performance label on energy indoor environment and wellbeing

Overall design and architecture of the TripleA-reno open gamified platform

Overall design and architecture of the TripleA-reno open gamified platform containing four elements: 1. a datahub for facilitating involved data-services and relevant personal data to intermediate between all connected tools and databases 2. a community portal for facilitating community interactions of all TripleA-reno users 3. the Game-engine for the gamified interactions in the community; 4. the TripleA-reno Co-design app that is the entry point for creation of renovation concepts and accessing the build up information about possible measures. The ininitial platform is due in M18. The platform will be finalized at M36

TripleA-reno Board Game

The gamified use of the TripleAreno platform features on line will be reinforced offline by the TripleAreno board game The board game will allow the possibility of using the gamified features of TripleAreno offline to reinforce the motivation and engagement objective of the project The board game is extremely important ie in the case of residents of social housing companies including elderly population or people having a lower technology literacy


A User-Oriented Ethnographic Approach to Energy Renovation Projects in Multi apartment Buildings

Author(s): Davide Prati, Stefania Spiazzi,Gregor Cerinšek, and Annarita Ferrante
Published in: Sustainability, Special Issue Toward Smart Cities: Zero Energy Buildings, Issue 2020, 12(19), 8179, 2020, ISSN 2071-1050
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su12198179

Evaluation results of combined labelling of dwellings located in different countries

Author(s): Zoltan Magyar, Gabor Nemeth, Peter op‘t Veld, Simona D’Oca, Ana Sanchis Huertas, Davide Prati
Published in: E3S Web of Conferences, Issue 246, 2021, Page(s) 13002, ISSN 2267-1242
Publisher: EDP Sciences, 2021
DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202124613002

Exploitation of Business Models for Deep Renovation

Author(s): Simona D’Oca, Annarita Ferrante, Peter Op ‘t Veld, Nicolas Peraudeau, Christoph Peters, Roberta Pernetti, Oana Schippers-Trifan, Regis Decorme
Published in: Proceedings, Issue 20/1, 2019, Page(s) 11, ISSN 2504-3900
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/proceedings2019020011

Sustainable and Community-Centred Development of Smart Cities and Villages

Author(s): Veronika Zavratnik, Dan Podjed, Jure Trilar, Nina Hlebec, Andrej Kos, Emilija Stojmenova Duh
Published in: Sustainability, Issue 12/10, 2020, Page(s) 3961, ISSN 2071-1050
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su12103961

Boosting affordability, acceptability and attractiveness of deep energy renovations of residential buildings – a people-centred ethnographic approach

Author(s): Gregor Cerinsek, Domen Bancic, Dan Podjed, Simona D’Oca, Jure Vetrsek, Slavko Dolinsek, Peter op’t Veld
Published in: E3S Web of Conferences, Issue 111, 2019, Page(s) 03026, ISSN 2267-1242
Publisher: EDP Sciences
DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201911103026

35th PLEA Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2020).

Author(s): Veronika Lily Meta Schropfer, Ana Sanchis Huertas, Larissa Carreira De Rosso, Miriam Navarro Escudero
Published in: Teaching the Value of Architecture, Issue In J.Rodríguez Álvarez & J.C. Soares Gonçalves (Eds.) Planning Post Carbon Cities. Proceedings of the 35th PLEA Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture., 2021, Page(s) 1477-1482, ISBN 9788497497947
Publisher: University of A Coruña.
DOI: 10.17979/spudc.9788497497947

New Horizons for Applied Ethnography. Ethnography-Inspired Research at the Core of Energy Efficiency Horizon 2020 R&D Projects

Author(s): Cerinsek, G., Podjed, D., Arko, S., Bančič, D., Vetršek, J.
Published in: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on New Business Models: New Business Models in a Decade of Action: Sustainable, Evidence-based, Impactful., Issue 2021, 2021, Page(s) 796-812, ISBN 978-91-88749-68-0
Publisher: Halmstad University

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