Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EUREMnext (Taking European EnergyManagers to next efficiency levels by implementing energy audit recommendations)
Reporting period: 2019-10-01 to 2021-06-30
EUREM stands for a standardised European EnergyManager training programme comprising face-to-face teaching, self-study and practical work, combined with access to an international alumni network. What differentiates the EUREM training concept from many other energy-related trainings, is that as part of their practical work, each participant develops a sustainable energy measure and learns to analyse the technical and financial aspects of this measure, in order to facilitate decisions at management level. At the end, participants need to show their theoretical knowledge in a written test, and present their energy concept in front of an expert jury.
The achieved savings of the 222 European EnergyManagers show that the implementation of the training programme and the extensive training in all energy-relevant technology and management topics were necessary to ensure more energy efficiency and savings within the company and take care of a functioning energy management system.
About 500 EnergyManagers annually are enrolling into the courses worldwide, so that the threshold of 6,000 European EnergyManagers is already exceeded.
- The main aim of the EUREMnext project is the expansion of the already established EnergyManager training in AT, CZ, DE, ES, FI & GR to additional six “new“ countries (AL, BA, EE, LV, RS & TR).
- The “experienced” countries (AT, CZ, DE, ES, FI, GR) supported the six “new” countries in successfully implementing the EUREM training, by a kind of advanced coaching. Another step was to achieve national accreditation/recognition in order to enable a continuation of the training offer after the project duration.
- 4 e-learning modules have been developed. They give an overview on topics like “Energy Audit Standards”, “Mobility Management”, “Employee Motivation & Communication of Energy Issues” and “Efficiency by Industry 4.0”. Besides the e-learning modules, a practical module based on a calculation tool to support energy audits was elaborated. All learning materials are accessible at: in 12 languages. In addition, podcasts were created to enhance the learning effect and to attract new external users. The podcasts were published on the EUREM YouTube channel.
- The 9th International Conference for European EnergyManagers took place in Prague on November 6th and 7th 2018, organised by AHK Services s.r.o. The 10th International Conference took place from 30th September to 1st October 2020 within the framework of a two-day virtual event due to Corona restrictions, organised by the German Hellenic Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Greece (DGIHK). Round about 600 participants exchanged their experiences. Highlights of both conferences were the handing over of the EUREM Awards and EUREMnext Awards. The winners included projects from AL; AR, AT, BA, CL, CZ, DE, EE, EG, ES, FI, LV, RS & SI.
- Round about 360 EUREM alumni from 20 different countries worldwide participated in a survey that was conducted to find out what additional support would help EnergyManagers to implement more sustainable energy projects. Based on the survey, four different Implementation Support Actions were developed further: Energy Audit Coaching | Project finance and presentation coaching | Implementation of follow-up calls | Alumni network meetings.
- The project website is being continuously updated with the results of the project. Moreover, a European EnergyManager Twitter Account (@EUREM_Energy) was created. More than 70 press releases provide a good opportunity to highlight project success stories. A total of 4 project newsletters were published on the EUREMnext website.
- One milestone of the EUREMnext project was to produce six good practice videos – one from each of the six “new” partner countries in their national language with English subtitles. All videos were published on the EUREM website and on the EUREM YouTube channel.
Main results:
From March 2018 until June 2021, a total of 222 European EnergyManagers have completed the EUREM training. All six “new” EUREM providers successfully finished their first training with 89 participants. In the “experienced” countries, 133 new EnergyManagers were able to expand their knowledge. The annual energy savings potential per EUREM energy concept (averaged over all countries) amounted to above 900 MWh/a and corresponded to a carbon dioxide saving potential of 550 tons per year. The average cost reduction potential is of 80,400 Euro per year with average investment costs per project of around 270,000 Euro. The average payback period amounts to 4.6 years. Based on the results of the follow-up interviews, four out of five energy concepts are already implemented or are planned to be implemented in future. At the time of the interviews over a half of the energy concepts have already been fully or partially implemented. More than 30% of the respondents plan to implement their energy concepts in the near future. There is only a share of 17% that will most likely not to be implemented. The high implementation rates once again prove the success of the EUREM training concept and network, which has been tried and tested in practice for many years.
We believe this training course can make a difference:
- By establishing this training in countries that are not yet EU members, we enable them to meet future EU requirements in terms of energy efficiency.
- Many EU companies have subsidiaries in the six "new" countries. It is advantageous for them to have energy auditors or managers who are trained to the same standards and quality criteria as the staff in their home countries.
- The EUREM qualification standard offers alumni better perspectives on the labour market. The inter-European or worldwide exchange of skilled workers is facilitated.
- In the new countries, there are still many old production plants and thus high potentials for reducing energy consumption. Support in realising this potential will contribute to increasing security of supply, reducing CO2 emissions and increasing the competitiveness of companies.
The contents of the training as well as the coaching for a "decision-ready" presentation at the end of the course, help the participants to identify energy saving potentials also in the future and to carry out further follow-up projects.