Periodic Reporting for period 2 - INDUCE (Towards a sustainable agro-food INDUstry: Capacity building programmes in Energy efficiency)
Reporting period: 2019-06-01 to 2020-07-31
The food and beverage sector is the largest EU manufacturing sector in terms of turnover, value added and employment. Besides, it is a major consumer of energy, i.e. the amount of energy necessary to cultivate, process, pack and bring the food to European citizens in 2013 represented about 26% of the EU’s final energy consumption. However, while the EU has made important progress in incorporating renewable energy and improving energy efficiency in other sectors, the share of renewables as well as energy efficiency in the food sector remains relatively small. For this reason, this sector has the highest expected reduction in energy intensity ratio towards 2050 (from 0,023 ktoe/M€ in 2015 to 0,007 ktoe/M€ in 2050). At the same time, with a world population expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, many challenges will arise, including the need for a global increment in food supplies of 60% and a 45% increase in global energy demand.
In this sense, INDUCE tries to empower companies to achieve an organizational change and create a community of trainers with the support of the National Associations.
The agro-food sector is characterized by being conservative to the changes and implementation of new solutions. However, it should be noted as well that, at the end, people are the ones making decisions in companies, so their awareness of sustainability affects directly. Economic feasibility is usually the main influencing factor in decision making. Nevertheless, it should be noticed that civil society plays an important role in resolving the climate change challenge. Individual behaviour is what shapes the economy, and it seems that it will become greener throughout time. Therefore, sustainability awareness is key to keep fostering a global change of mind that will influence the forthcoming scenarios, something that INDUCE has been investigated.
The INDUCE project to support and facilitate the implementation of the methodology has developed an open access platform where training material, online lessons, guidelines, and tools are available for companies and experts aiming to increase their energy efficiency.
All in all, the goals of the project include:
1. To develop an adaptable methodology through Human-Centered design approach to design of capacity building programmes.
2. To identify general needs, requirements and motivations in the food and beverage sector.
3. To define interventions, tools, and guidelines to increase the capabilities in implementing energy efficiency.
4. To unlock the implementation of more than 400 measures on energy efficiency.
5. To establish changes in the mind-set of all actors in the companies for the inclusion of energy efficiency.
6. To create the INDUCE community.
7. To make available capacity building programmes.
8. To influence national programmes and correct existing barriers for the implementation of INDUCE interventions and training for the food and beverage sector.