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ANTICSS - ANTI-Circumvention of Standards for better market Surveillance

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Guidelines and tools for MSAs

Guidelines and tools for MSAsD51a D21a for product categories OVEN DRIER DISH TV COLD M33D51b D21b for product categories WASH RAC HEATERS M36

Final Publishable Report
Feasibility concept (“terms of reference”) for establishing a “permanent communication/cooperation platform”

Feasibility concept terms of reference for establishing a permanent communicationcooperation platform

List of product groups to be tested
Alternative test methods and approaches
Working paper with definition of circumvention (updated)
Recommendations for avoiding circumvention for standardisation bodies (final version)

Recommendations for avoiding circumvention for standardisation bodies final version

"Basis report summarizing in an anonymous form the identified circumvention ""habits"" in energy related products under EU Ecodesign and Energy labelling"

Basis report summarizing in an anonymous form the identified circumvention habits in energy related products under EU Ecodesign and Energy labellingD47aD20a for product categories OVEN DRIER DISH TV COLD M31D47bD20b for product categories WASH RAC HEATERS M34

List of products in scope (final list)
Published articles

Published artices

Assessment of the potential circumvention impacts

Assessment of the potential circumvention impactsD46aD19a for product categories OVEN DRIER DISH TV COLD M31D46bD19b for product categories WASH RAC HEATERS M34

List of products in scope (decision matrix)
Guidelines and tools for laboratories

Guidelines and tools for laboratories D52a D22a for product categories OVEN DRIER DISH TV COLD M33D52b D22b for product categories WASH RAC HEATERS M36

Selection procedure and list of the selected models and where they were purchased (anonymous version)

Selection procedure and list of the selected models and where they were purchased anonymous version

Recommendations for avoiding circumvention for policy makers (final version)

Recommendations for avoiding circumvention for policy makers final version

Test reports (anonymous version)

Test reports anonymous version D44aD17a for product categories OVEN DRIER DISH TV COLD M28D44bD17b for product categories WASH RAC HEATERS M31


ARTICLES: about 140 articles published within overall ANTICSS project periodincluding 2 peer-reviewed papers submitted and accepted for conference proceedings of Electronic Goes Green conference 2020 and eceee Summer Studies 2021 (conference proceedings unfortunately without Open-Access)

Author(s): Project partners in Italy, Germany, Portugal, Austria, Czech Republic, Belgium/EU, Spain and Netherlands
Published in: 2021
Publisher: various

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