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Housing Association’s Energy Efficiency Process Planning and Investments

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - HAPPI (Housing Association’s Energy Efficiency Process Planning and Investments)

Reporting period: 2021-03-01 to 2022-02-28

For the energy savings potential in the building sector, the H2020 Work Programme 2016 - 2017 “Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy” pinpoints the gap between the financial sector and energy efficiency projects.

HAPPI has taken on these challenges and highlights, how bundling and aggregation of sustainable energy projects, deployment of third party investment and the implementation of joint capacity building actions on a local level can improve sustainable energy investments in the the social housing sector.

The purpose of HAPPI -“Housing Association’s Energy Efficiency Process Planning and Investments” was to increase the energy renovation rate within the social housing sector using an exemplary action bringing together six social housing associations in the Danish municipality of Sonderborg. It would challenge the complex interplay of non-technological barriers (organizational, legal, financial) through a well-defined process and capacity building, leading ultimately to an aggregated 15,2 million Euro investment program for sustainable energy measures in the associated buildings.

The total investment in energy efficiency was planned to include minimum 60 different departments of the six housing associations involving a total of minimum 6.000 tenants in 3.300 homes.
The investment launched by HAPPI was anticipated to lead to energy savings of 11,5 GWh/year, annual reductions of 1,640 tons CO2 and the generation of 1,6 GWh/year of renewable energy.
During the project period there were 14 Steering Committee meetings and 8 Advisory Committee meetings.
The project has produced a catalogue of energy measures to be conducted in the building stock of the housing associations.
Furthermore a catalogue of new innovative energy measures has been published to inspire to even more initiatives.
160 identified energy projects have been evaluated to see, which projects could be suitable to participate in a bundling tendering process.
More housing associations and departments were interested in solar photovoltaic projects and in transformation of heating source from natural gas
to heat pumps or to green district heating.
There are developed documents for bundling of solar cells projects for 15 different departments in 3 different housing associations.
A common tendering process was executed, and 12 of the 15 projects were approved by the tenants and have been implemented.
The bundling process and the specified example are described in D2.3 and D2.6.

Planning and implementation tools have been developed and described in D2.5. The description includes a big number of energy retrofitting measures and all phases for planning and executing energy retrofitting measures in the buildings.

New financial models, business development models and business development units have been described in D3.1 and D3.2. These models can reduce the barriers for continuing the development of energy saving projects, also in vulnerable housing areas.

To follow the consumption of electricity, heating and water it is necessary to register data in the apartments.
D4.5 describes different possibilities implementing systems for distributing costs for apartments in housing associations. Data processing systems can also be used for other purposes than distributing costs. They can assist with automatic energy management of buildings and assist with security alarms in the apartments.
The socalled "Dynamic Heating Accounts" is explained. It is a system for distribution of heating costs based on the individual level of comfort and indoor climate in the apartments instead of distributing costs only based on energy figures.

Energy & Sustainability Strategies have been developed, approved and printed for each of the six housing associations in the project. The task developing energy strategies started with accessing each housing association an energy management profile. Managers and personnel were interviewed, and tenants answered questioners to gather information creating the profile. The result was used in the work creating energy policies.

An education program for the personnel from the housing associations concerning communications skills have been developed.
A corps of Green Ambassadors has been organized for the housing associations. Courses have been conducted. Certificates and badges have been developed to the Green Ambassadors.
The Corps of Green Ambassadors have representatives from both tenants and personnel groups within the housing associations.
These events attracted great interest from the local press.

Training programme for the employees in the housing associations has been developed and implemented.
There have been ongoing activities regarding information, teaching and motivation of the tenants.

The main communication tool is the website
A number of press releases have been published in the local newspapers and on the webpage,
and the project has been mentioned in a number of local and regional media with a very positive approach.
Information and exploitation activities towards other housing associations in Denmark have been organized.
The project has been invited to give lectures and workshops for the housing associations in the municipalities
of Vejle, Haderslev and Tønder in Southern Denmark Region and also for 2 housing associations in Herlev and Furesø in Copenhagen Region.
Final investment results obtained:
The result of the investment actions was 160 energy saving projects in 116 housing departments in the 6 involved housing associations in Sonderborg.
The total investment sum reached 16,3 million Euro compared to the main goal of 15,2 million Euro.
The final investments lead to energy savings of 8,9 GWh per year, annual reduction of 1858 tons CO2 and a generation of 1,9 GWh of renewable energy per year.