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PROtect traditional built HERITAGE Skills – PRO-Heritage

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PRO-Heritage (PROtect traditional built HERITAGE Skills – PRO-Heritage)

Période du rapport: 2020-08-01 au 2022-07-31

Duration: Feb 2019 – Jul 2022

1. Capacity and structural overview and evaluation of traditional competences and skills for energy efficient, built cultural heritage sites
2. Quality analysis of selected training provider for traditional built cultural heritage competences and skills for energy efficient, built cultural heritage sites
3. Harmonised training of traditional competences and skills for energy efficient, built cultural heritage sites
4. Best practices advices on traditional competences and skills for energy efficient cultural heritage sites

Key Outputs:
• Best Practice reports “Energy efficient historic buildings (HB)”
• Report on study visits of training provider for energy efficiency and renewable energy for HB
• Training concept and training material for craftsmen to get a certificate as Energy Expert
• Certification and validation process for craftsmen as Energy Expert
• Operational Readiness of PRO-Heritage Online Portal
• PRO-Heritage Energy Expert Validation and Recognition Report and Certificate Report
• Report on produced video of “right” procedures
• Report on created guidelines of “right” procedures

According to climate change and energy policy of the EU, each member state needed to identify and develop a series of energy efficient goals and regulations, of which buildings are key element, in order to reach the set goals. However, Europe has numerous historic buildings, which need permanent maintenance and refurbishment in order to fulfil the requirements of sustainability and use.
When responsible bodies do spend money anyway, it seems logical and ecologically worthwhile to apply “soft” maintenance procedures, which save costs and also reduce energy consumption of historic buildings. Integrating these buildings into national climate change and energy policies seems therefore quite necessary and a challenge, as far as appropriate techniques and procedures are concerned, which can only be met through excellently trained craftsmen and apprentices of the crafts concerned.
PRO-Heritage partners aim to offer initial and permanent education for professionals and craftsmen providing traditional competences and skills for built heritage, based on Best Practice of partner organisations.
Achieving better energy performance in historic buildings is a WIN-WIN situation for all – owners facing less energy costs, residents enjoying modern comfort at reasonable prices and society reducing energy consumption and CO2 emission.
PRO-Heritage created following deliverables:
• D1.1 Synopsis-overview of available training offers
• D1.2 Country report on certified and non-certified education
• D1.3 Best Practice report Energy efficient historic buildings
• Alignment workshop on Energy efficiency measures for traditional buildings
• D1.5 Energy efficiency data.base for historic buildings
• D1.4 First draft PRO-Heritage curriculum
• D2.1 Report on study visits of training provider for energy efficiency and renewable energy for historic buildings
• D2.3 2nd Report on study visits of training provider for energy efficiency and renewable energy for historic buildings
• D2.2 Second draft PRO-Heritage curriculum
• D3.1 Certification, validation and recognition process for PRO-Heritage Energy Experts
• D3.2 PRO-Heritage Energy Expert draft training kit
• D3.3 PRO-heritage Energy Expert training course description and training materials
• D3.4 PRO-Heritage Energy courses
• D3.5 PRO-Heritage Energy Expert draft TTT training kit
• D3.6 PRO-Heritage Energy Expert TTT course description and training materials
• D3.7 PRO-Heritage Energy Expert TTT course
• D3.8 First draft PRO-Heritage Online Portal
• D3.9 Operational Readlines of PRO-Heritage Online Portal
• D3.10 PRO-Heritage Energy Expert Validation and Recognition Report
• D3.11 PRO-Heritage Energy Expert Certificate Report
• D4.1 SWOT-Analysis for PRO-Heritage
• D4.2 Feasibility study for PRO-Heritage staff exchange
• D4.3 Business plan for PRO-Heritage staff exchange
• D4.4 Marketing concept for PRO-Heritage staff exchange
• D4.5 Report on produced video or other visual aids of right procedures
• D4.6 Report on created guidelines_instruction of right procedures
• D5.1 1. Dissemination & communication plan
• D5.2 2. Dissemination & communication plan
• D5.3 3. Dissemination & communication plan
• D5.4 4. Dissemination & communication plan
• D5.8 Data Management Plan Version 1
• D5.9 Data Management Plan Version 2
• D5.10 Data Management Plan Version 3
• D5.15 Dissemination & communication plan
• D5.5 Annual dissemination & communication activities report period 1-12
• D5.6 Annual dissemination & communication activities report period 13-24
• D5.7 Annual dissemination & communication activities report period 25-36
• D5.14 PRO-Heritage project website
• D5.16 Annual Dissemination & communication activities report period M37-M42
• Collaboration with sister project
• D6.1 Project Management Plan including Quality Assurance and Control Plan
• D6.2 Risk Management and Contingency Plan
• D7.1 POPD - Requirement No. 1
• Current project management

Following main results are achieved:
• An overview of available training offers in the partner countries and several other EU countries delivered
• Existing certified and non-certified education per partner country reported
• Best Practice report for energy efficient historic buildings described
• Consortium aligned on Energy efficiency measures for traditional buildings
• PRO-Heritage curriculum completed
• Potential training provider visited and their ability for PRO-Heritage training evaluated
• Certification, validation and recognition process for PRO-Heritage Energy Experts described
• 8 PRO-Heritage Energy Expert pilot training courses delivered
• 454 certificates issued
• 17 conferences with project presentations participated and 7 of them also organized
• 35 demonstration/explanation videos created
• Data Management and Ethics requirements described, defined and revised
• PRO-Heritage project website launched
• Collaboration with sister project successfully started and progressed, even after the project end
• Project Management including Quality Assurance and Control Plan defined
• Risk Management and Contingency defined
The main impact of PRO-Heritage trainings is estimated with:

• Reduction of final energy consumption within project by 8.59 TJ
• Reduction of final energy consumption Project duration + 5 years by 318.73 TJ

• Reduction of GHG emissions within project by 0.44 kto CO2e
• Reduction of GHG emissions Project duration + 5 years by 23.27 kto CO2e

• Derived economic impact (value added) 6 times of investment

The steady communication in Austria leads to two major achievements:
• Burghauptmann Sahl was (together with a representative of the associated partner Austrian Federal Monument Protection Office) invited to a parliament symposium on energy efficiency in traditional buildings
• In 2021, it was the first time that the Austrian Green Party has spoken about promoting energy efficiency improvement appropriate for traditional buildings and not only about insulation as the only measure
• In the new Energy Efficiency guideline historic building are still excluded. However, the discussion to convince the stakeholder to follow a repair, refurbishment and restoration philosophy which do not hamper the historic substance needs to go on!