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Pump Architecture Linked to Aircraft Cooling Expectations

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - PALACE (Pump Architecture Linked to Aircraft Cooling Expectations)

Reporting period: 2020-12-01 to 2022-07-31

The PALACE project aims at designing and manufacturing a high performing oil cooling system for airplane's high power machines. This project belongs to the Clean Sky 2 programme.
With regards to new high power VFSG developments, innovative pump prototype has been developed within following objectives:
- Enhanced pump integration and scale reduction for easier installation inside the machine, lower impact on overall machine envelope, and on design complexity,
- Reduction of maximum number of moving parts for higher durability and availability, by a direct drive architecture,
- Optimization of pump performances to reduce environmental impact,
- Availability for the European aircraft manufacturers: free of ITAR sourcing.

Some TRL5 prototypes were delivered at the end of the project, after a qualification test program.
Derisking activities were conducted during the whole project to adress cavitation issue, lubrication issue, vibration issue, pressure pulsation issue and wear over the total range of speed.
The range of speed up to 30 000 rpm was the greatest challenge of the project and has been achieved .

Why is it important? Because a compact, robust, efficient pump integration into the future high power VFSG system will reduce environmental impacts : reduction of mass of the pump but also of the VFSG system, extended performances over the range of speed
The first part of PALACE project Innovation included State of the art activities (technologies of pump linked to the topic, main involved industrials, scientific publications, which actors file patents), Innovation activities to define one or several architectures that could answer the topic.
In parallel, some additional activities were conducted to prepare the second part of project i.e. designing the new pump. For example, some tests were performed on previous pump design to describe the limits of performances, and to extend the known domain. A set up of an 1D numerical model of the pump has also been used.

The second part (Preliminary Design) included test bench design, pump design for demonstrators’ samples.
CETIM supported SERV into the design by managing the calculations (mechanical, thermal, hydraulic, materials)and the peer reviews. CETIM introduced some methodologies (Eco-design approach, DFMA) and evaluated the benefits of some technologies (Additive Manufacturing)

Despite difficulties due to Covid-19, SERV managed test bench manufacturing and set up. Test bench holds many functionalities (pump outlet pressure automatic control, tank pressure automatic control, oil temperature automatic control, automatic reports, ...).
10 samples of pump have been manufactured by SERV.
8 of them have been tested during a large test development program, that permit to confirm some technical points.
PALACE pump architecture is the right way to perform the minimum flow rate under such a large range of operational conditions (rotational speed within 12000 rpm to 30000 rpm, oil absolute pressure from 1 bar to 0,2 bar, oil temperature from -40°C to +160°C )

Last tests demonstrated the need of few adjustments. These adjustments were calculated with CFD simulation software. A last pump version has been manufactured in few units. This last version proved the ability of the pump to achieves the performances targeted.
The qualification test plan has been achieved.
2 prototypes have been delivered to the Topic Manager.

During the project, 2 communication videos were published and promoted PALACE project with the great collaboration between CleanSky agency, Topic Manager's company and the PALACE consortium (CETIM French Technical Centre and SERV french Pump manufacturer).
A dedicated website for the PALACE project is available with the following link :
The consortium participated in two conferences to present papaers on the project results :
-International conference on Turbomachinary and fluid dynamics - ICTFD on February 2020 in Paris
- NAFEMS France in November 2020 - NAMEFMS is the International Association for the Engineering Modelling, Analysis & Simulation.
It is planned to participate in the trade fair "Saloninternational de l'aéronautique et de l'espace" in June 2023 in Paris.
An article has also been published in CETIM own news letter CETIM Info distributed to more than 6000 mechanical industrials in France.
The State of the Art activities at the beginning of project highlighted and confirmed the interest to develop a new pump technology linked to the topic. No scientific publications deal with an oïl pump that rotates to such an high speed (30000 rpm) in Aircraft conditions.
Depending on the performances results, some IP aspects will be granted; to be updated after CDR milestone.
TRL5 prototypes were achieved at the end of the PALACE Project. The pump is able to perform more than 23L/min under the whole range of speed up to 30000 rpm, regardless of the temperature and the altitude pressure.

Neither socio-economic nor societal impacts are expected in the project.
Palace Test Bench
-40°C cold Start test 1
-40°C Cold STart Test2
Palace Test Bench
Palace Test Bench