Periodic Reporting for period 3 - COCAN (Complexity and Condition in Algebra and Numerics)
Reporting period: 2022-01-01 to 2023-06-30
In the last decade, it became clear that the fundamental questions of computational complexity (P vs NP) are should be studied in algebraic settings, linking them to classic problems in algebraic geometry. Recent progress on this very challenging questions led to surprising progress in computational invariant theory, which also related to quantum information theory. The project's goals is to explore these connections. An essential new ingredient to this is to tackle the arising algebraic computational problems by means of approximate numeric computations, taking into account the concept of numerical condition.
A related goal of the proposal is to develop a theory of efficient and numerically stable algorithms in algebraic geometry that reflects the properties of structured systems of polynomial equations, possibly with singularities. While there are various heuristics, a satisfactory theory so far only exists for unstructured systems over the complex numbers (recent solution of Smale's 17th problem), which seriously limits its range of applications. In this framework, the quality of numerical algorithms is gauged by a probabilistic analysis that shows small average (or smoothed) running time. One of the main challenges here consists of a probabilistic study of random structured polynomial systems. We will also develop and analyze numerical algorithms for finding or describing the shape of the set of real solutions, e.g. in terms of their homology.
Surprisingly, during these investigations, a connection to to statistics popped up and is investigated as part of the project. This is concerned with maximum likelihood estimations in algebraic statistical models.
In another direction, we obtained a general result indicating that typically, solutions of structured polynomial systems, can be computed in polynomial time. This was achieved by the new method of rigid homotopy continuation. The model of structured systems we use, algebraic branching programs, is inspired by algebraic complexity theory. Moreover, the software „Homotopy Continuation.jl'' was further developed and represents the state of the art in numerical algebraic geometry.
In a third direction, we established provably efficient and numerically stable algorithms for computing the topology of semialgebraic sets. These algorithms run in weak exponential time, while all previously known algorithms have doubly exponential complexity. The techniques and results are of relevance in high-dimensional data analysis.
In the area of random real algebraic geometry, we completed two papers on the number of reals zeros of random polynomials. The first one connects to complexity theory by showing that the claimed estimate of the real tau conjecture is typically true for random polynomials. The second contribution, for the first time, proves good upper bounds on the expected number of real zeros of random fewnomial system We work towards improving the approach and bounds here. In addition, we are developing an approach towards a probabilistic intersection theory in which zonoids, which are certain convex bodies, play a crucial role.
A next step is to investigate the related orbit closure intersection problem. We obtained a satisfactory general result for the actions of commutative groups (tori), but the noncommutative case is wide open. Apparently, it is very challenging to bring in here numerical algorithms.
Another challenge is to investigate whether our homotopy methods can be modified to show that solutions of sparse polynomial systems, can be computed in polynomial time. Achieving such result would represent a breakthough. We believe that the idea of following along group orbits will be helpful for this.
We also seek to improve our results on the number of reals zeros of random polynomials. This is related to our work on probabilistic intersection theory that builds a new bridge from real algebraic geometry to convex geometry via zonoids.