From the start of the project, work has been performed on several of the research themes outlined in the original proposal, including experimental exploration of topological magnetic quasiparticles, magnetic excitations in quantum magnets on strongly frustrated lattice geometries, exploration of new structural families of spin-orbit Mott insulators, experimental manifestation of quantum criticality, synthesis of new classes of rare-earth magnets with strong spin-orbit coupling as candidates to display novel correlated quantum behaviour. Main results obtained so far include direct visualization of the isospin texture of the quantum wavefunction of topological magnetic quasiparticles, experimental identification of a novel mechanism for ground state selection by quantum fluctuations in the strong spin orbit regime, new experimental and theoretical results on the role of glide symmetry breaking near quantum phase transitions, direct experimental observation of avoided quasiparticle decay due to strong quantum interactions and experimental observation of the complete momentum- and energy-dependent spectrum of coherent quantum fluctuations in a frustrated triangular quantum antiferromagnet, discovery of a new crystallographic superstructure in a doped spin-orbit Mott insulator that interpolates between honeycomb and triangular structures, first characterization of spin excitations in a Kitaev magnet with counter-rotating spin spirals, experimental characterization of spin dynamics in the proximity of quantum criticality for coupled spin-1/2 ladders, direct observation of electron-phonon couplings in a spin-orbit Mott insulator, experimental characterization of quantum entanglement in a quasi-one-dimensional magnet using inelastic neutron scattering, experimental observation of a transition from a spin-orbit entangled ground state to a spin-only state with quenched orbital moment, induced by applied pressure. Work has also started and is ongoing on the synthesis and experimental exploration of other candidate materials to display novel topological and/or correlated quantum behaviour in frustrated geometries for magnetic ions in the strong spin orbit regime.