Periodic Reporting for period 1 - RESPONSE 5G (Resilient and Secure Multi-controller Communication Platform for 5G Networks)
Période du rapport: 2018-11-01 au 2020-10-31
Since the existing SDN security systems cannot provide a sufficient level of security for 5G ICC against both cyber and physical threats, the RESPONSE-5G project focused on the implementation and validation of a robust and secure Multi-Controller Communication Platform for 5G Networks which includes prevention and mitigation against both cyber and physical attacks. The project investigated the State-of-the-Art (SotA) of secure Inter-Controller Communication, to identify the strengths, weaknesses, and possible attacks. Moreover, it has analyzed the correlation between the gathered security requirements of different 5G use cases and defines the security requirement for a practical 5G communication Channel. Then, the project has focused on gathering information on existing security solutions and their applicability to east/west-bound communication. Also, the project has focused on how SDN and NFV can be used to design new security mechanisms and protocols. Thus, RESPONSE-5G had far-reaching impacts in the domains of 5G security. Through this fellowship, the fellow has obtained advanced research skills and developed abilities in technology transfer and industry engagement, in order to fully exploit these impacts.
In addition to the scientific achievements, the fellowship has also focused on the interpersonal and research skill development of the fellow. To improve fellow's research networking skills, the Fellow has contributed to organizing six international conferences by serving different chair positions (I.e. Demo Chair, Publicity Chair, Local Arrangement Chair, Ph.D. Student Forum Co-Chair, Poster Chair, Publicity Chair). During the fellow have supervised/co-supervised 4 PhD students, 6 master students, and 4 final year projects. In addition, he has co-lectured and/or designed 4 modules in 3 different universities.
Also, the research work carried out during the fellowship has helped the fellow to received two awards i.e. IEEEr8 ComSoc Outstanding Young Researcher Award (2020) and Outstanding Research Award 2020 at School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Ireland. Moreover, fellowship has also helped the fellow to elevated as a senior member of IEEE in May 2020
The research outcome of the projects are highly cited.
For Instance
• Rabia Khan, Pardeep Kumar, Dush Nalin. Jayakody, Madhusanka Liyanage, ”A Survey on Security and Privacy of 5G Technologies: Potential Solutions, Recent Advancements and Future Directions”, in IEEE Communications Survey and Tutorials, 2020 (Impact Factor : 23.700 Q1) – 84 Citations
• An Braeken, Madhusanka Liyanage, Pardeep Kumar, John Murphy, “Novel 5G Authentication Protocol to Improve the Resistance against Active Attacks and Malicious Serving Networks”, in IEEE Access Journal 2019 (Impact Factor: 4.098 Q1) – 20 Citations
Moreover, The journal paper “A Survey on Security and Privacy of 5G Technologies: Potential Solutions, Recent Advancements and Future Directions” remains the Top50 Accessed papers of IEEE Communications Survey and Tutorials journal for the last 15 months (since 2020 January).