Periodic Reporting for period 1 - IntelHeat (Intelligent control system for railway points heating with supreme saving of electicity)
Reporting period: 2017-12-01 to 2018-05-31
The innovative product IntelHeat, a highly specialized SCADA system for points heating control with supreme saving of electricity is based on real-time monitoring of factors causing icing and clogging points by snow. Its uniqueness is measurement of atmospheric precipitation in short-range and ground blizzards remotely by a proprietary optical method. The project’s objective is to reach TRL9 and expand products line.
-Unified design of sensors of atmospheric precipitation (short-range) and snow blizzards on the ground level (remote), definition of system models and components;
-Continued trial exploitation at Latvian Railways, proof of adequacy and reliability of work;
-Bench and in-field tests of remote sensor simulating blizzard.
2. Market studies:
-Estimations of total addressable market, regional and global: >140 thousand systems;
-Choice of business model: direct sales contacting customers and using digital business ecosystem platform;
-Identification of market drivers and potential partners/customers - 14 European railway infrastructure companies in the relevant business;
-IntelHeat value chain: main suppliers and activities;
-Estimations of market values for IntelHeat models based the market approach, sales and revenues by years and break-even points;
-Drafting the technology roadmap and business consortium: KTN Ltd. ( - R&D and manufacturing; Encata Ltd. ( - industrial design and marketing.
3. Dissemination: publication in Open Access journal Energy Procedia (Elsevier); presentation at scientific conference CONECT (Riga, 18 May, 2018), dissemination of IntelHeat info page, project website multiple contacts at exhibition Infrarail (London, Excel, 1-3 May 2018)
-Technical feasibility of remote sensing of snow and dust blizzards proven in bench and in-field studies.
-Proposition of products line: 4 IntelHeat models.
-Analysis of updated technical information and freedom-to-operate.
-Business estimates, market study and consulting with railway customers: better understanding of TAM, partners and customers needs.