Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HACKIT (Hacking your way to IT expertise: What digital societies can (and need to) learn from informal learning in hackerspaces)
Reporting period: 2019-09-01 to 2021-08-31
1. Hacker- and makerspaces (HMS) are influential environments for experiential, informal and communally embedded learning concerning IT expertise and craft skills
Hacker and maker communities engage in informal ‘learning-by-doing’: skills are acquired by pursuing projects and/or (innovation) activities, usually benefiting from communal peer-to-peer support. HMS merge a broad range of technical skills with DIY craft expertise, ranging from coding and programming, digital art, electronics, e-textiles, and robotics to woodwork and welding. Members are curiosity-driven in their exploration of technology and related projects, which makes their learning at the same time more effective and more enjoyable. More generally, creativity and ingenuity, self-initiative and proactive learning are encouraged and cultivated.
2. While learning and IT expertise are potentially facilitated in HMS, this is not equally the case for all members.
Hackerspaces offer opportunities for self-driven learning and an explorative, curiosity-driven engagement with technology. They are knowledge and skills hubs that can facilitate experiential modes of learning, in turn fostering civic creativity and innovation. Yet, in some communities not everyone equally and automatically benefits from potential learning opportunities. Some hackerspaces struggle with issues related to communal homogeneity, being dominantly frequented by white, male members. Skilled women technologists, among others, sometimes consciously avoid hacker communities and frequent or found alternative communities (see Hacker and maker communities are largely aware of these issues, but they tackle them to different extents and in different ways. In response, for example, explicitly feminist hackerspaces and more inclusively oriented communities have emerged. Such communities provide the learning opportunities associated with ‘conventional’ hacker/maker communities, while being more considerate towards the need to facilitate an inclusion of people who are otherwise marginalised in tech and science contexts.
3. Learning and innovation are interdependent in hacker- and makerspaces
While the project set out to study learning, it was impossible to take no account of innovation in HMS. This was especially pertinent during the COVID-19 crisis. As members of hacker and makerspaces tend to be curious and problem-oriented, they often explore technological trends and possibilities in creative ways. This also means that they innovate in their learning, and they learn when they innovate.
4. Investing in and funding hacker-/makerspaces pays off in ways that are hard to predict − though have shown to be beneficial to broader societal interests.
Investing in hacker and makerspaces pays off in ways that are difficult to predict. However, much-needed long-term investments would support a local infrastructure that not only nurtures innovation and learning practices with economic benefits, but also maintains small-scale manufacturing settings and expertise hubs that can quickly respond to emergencies on a local and regional as well as, in collaboration, on an (inter-)national level (see
These points are detailed further in the PI’s policy report (see