Periodic Reporting for period 1 - VSC_CAT (Vibrational Strong Coupling for Organic Chemistry and Catalysis)
Reporting period: 2018-06-01 to 2020-05-31
The reactivity of organic molecules is intimately intertwined with their molecular vibrations. The ability to selectively alter the energies of specific molecular vibrations therefore has enormous consequences for chemical reactivity. The main goal of this proposal was to explore how VSC can be used to modulate the selectivity of simple organic reactions, to understand which functional groups and reaction mechanisms are most susceptible to VSC, as well as to explore the effect of VSC on catalytic reactions.
Overall, the project has developed VSC as a powerful and versatile tool for molecular sciences. VSC was found to not only change the rate of reactions, but to influence their site selectivity. In particular, it has a significant effect on the stereoselectivity of electrocyclic ring opening reactions. VSC plays a critical role in molecular symmetry, which leads to a larger change in chemical reactivity than would be expected from the energy difference between the two resulting hybrid states, known as the Rabi splitting. These results encourage further study on the chemical reactions in cavities to understand how VSC alters their mechanism and chemical reactivity. During the course of this project, we started a collaboration with a large European chemical company to investigate the industrial applications of this technology.
The key results of the project have been disseminated using different channels depending on the target audience. For the scientific audience, one manuscript is under preparation and will be published soon in a leading international journal.