Periodic Reporting for period 1 - 4D STENT (4D shape memory polymers via microstereolithography for production of thermally responsive stents)
Reporting period: 2018-04-01 to 2020-03-31
Our novel approach will yield 4D functional materials for CVD stenting. To accomplish this, the project is comprised of three specific aims:
• Synthesis of functional polymer resins: Utilizing ring opening polymerization (ROP), reproducible, controlled printing resins, with tailorable material properties, were be synthesized; COMPLETED and published as a UK patent application (Patent Application - GB1906987.1 “Bio-orthogonal functionalization of polymer systems)
• Materials characterization: Thermomechanical properties, degradation, and biocompatibility will be assessed as a function of composition; COMPLETED and published as a UK patent application (see above)
• Printing of medical device protoytpes: A porous tissue scaffold was printed and tested, including cellular proliferation with spatiotemporal surface composition control. Partially completed. Biological analysis of the prototypes was completed, as well printing of stent models and other 3D objects that display 4D behavior.
This funding was also used as part of the following publications: Terpene- and terpenoid-based polymeric resins for stereolithography 3D printing† Andrew C. Weems, Kayla R. Delle Chiaie, Joshua C. Worch, Connor J. Stubbs and Andrew P. Dove. Polym. Chem., 2019, 10, 5959 (Open Access); Selective Reactivity of Myrcene for Vat Photopolymerization 3D Printing and Postfabrication Surface Modification Andrew C. Weems,† Kayla R. Delle Chiaie,† Rachel Yee,†,‡ and Andrew P. Dove. Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 163−170
Regarding the results of this work upon the conclusion of the project, a final series of open access manuscripts is anticipated, focusing further on the biocompatibility and utility of these 4D materials in biological applications. This will further demonstrate the translational potential of this work.